1200字范文 > 森林保护 forest protection英语短句 例句大全

森林保护 forest protection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-11 17:04:25


森林保护 forest protection英语短句 例句大全

森林保护,forest protection

1)forest protection森林保护

1.According to the introduces of forestry speciality subject of Contemporary World Forestry,combined with forestry construction and development of Shanxi province,the paper introduces the development and trend of forestry subjects,including forest tree genetics and breeding,tree seedling cultivation,afforestation technology,forest protection,forest management.根据有关资料对世界林业专业学科研究介绍,结合山西省林业建设与发展,对林木遗传育种、苗木培育与造林技术、森林保护、森林经理等专业学科研究作了简要概述。

2.Based on the retrospect of historical development offorest protection discipline in China,the authors expatiated the relationship betweenforest protection and forest medicine.在论述我国森林保护专业建设历史的基础上,探讨了森林保护与森林医学的关系,还就有关概念和观念进行了澄清。


1.Chapter Three Forest Protection第三章森林保护

2.NFRC = National Forest Reservation Commission国家森林保护委员会

3.Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves迪斯卡弗里海岸的大西洋森林保护区

4.official conservation(of forests,etc)政府(对森林等)的保护.

5.We need to preserve the forest.我们需要保护这片森林。

6.forest cover and watershed protection;森林覆盖和流域保护;

7.Tree planting and forest protection shall be the duties performed by every and each citizen.植树造林、保护森林,是公民应尽的义务

8.A warden employed to maintain and protect a forest or other natural area.国有森林员保护和维持森林等自然地貌的雇佣的看护人

9.the conservation of forests, water resources, old buildings, etc对森林、 水源、 古老建筑等的保护

10.Wild wood should be well protect from excessive hag.野生森林应该被保护以免过量砍伐。

11.Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe保护欧洲森林部长级会议

12.Strasbourg Ministerial Conference on Forest Protection in Europe斯特拉斯堡保护欧洲森林部长级会议

13.Helsinki Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe保护欧洲森林赫尔辛基部长级会议

14.The State adopts the following protective measures on the forest resources:国家对森林资源实行以下保护性措施:

15.We must conserve our forests and woodlands for future generations.我们必须为子孙后代保护森林资源。

16.an official who is responsible for managing and protecting an area of forest.负责照管和保护一方森林区域的职员。

17.It is an envoy of green forest and a patron saint of the human health.绿色森林的使者,人类健康的保护神。

18.Study on Identification of High Conservation Value Forest in Beijing Mountainous Region;北京山区高保护价值森林的判定研究


forest conservation森林保护

1.Based on the definition and types of leakage and on the investigation of case studies on CDM forestry project activities, we analyzed the potential leakages offorest conservation and afforestation project activities from the points of causes, mechanism and ranges that leakage occurs.在对CDM林业碳汇项目泄漏的定义、类型以及目前各国的林业碳汇试点项目进行研究的基础上,从泄漏的原因、机理、影响范围等方面对造林或再造林项目以及森林保护项目中潜在的泄漏进行分析,提出用决策树方法来确定项目所产生的潜在泄漏,用项目所涉及的范围或泄漏的指示特征来监测项目所产生的泄漏,从政策和项目发展的角度来理解和管理林业项目中的泄漏等几点建议,以期对评估和监测我国林业碳汇项目潜在的泄漏以及如何在CDM林业碳汇项目设计中最大限度地减少潜在泄漏提供帮助。

2.Base on that,the strategies of development in coordination offorest conservation and forest region economic are also suggested according to the special.黄土高原森林植被及灾害现状与1998 年发生在中国的特大洪水再次向人们警示:保护森林植被就是保护人类,森林保护势在必行。

3)protection of forest保护森林


5)forest protection aera森林保护区

6)forest protection science森林保护学


