1200字范文 > 海外 overseas英语短句 例句大全

海外 overseas英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-16 22:10:11


海外 overseas英语短句 例句大全



1.Thinking of developingoverseas non-ferrous resources development strategy;开发海外有色资源策略的思考

2.Development and Characteristics of Overseas Chinese Literature:And Talking about Some of the Ideas in the Chinese Literary History and Chinesisch Literature History海外华文文学的发展与特色——兼谈有关新编中国文学史、汉语文学史的一些想法


1.Department of Overseas Trade海外贸易部海外贸易部

2.Council for Organization of Relief Services Overseas海外救济服务组织理事会(海外救济会)

3.financing overseas investment and overseas enterprise海外投资和海外企业的资金筹措

4.On the interaction between overseas Muslim merchants and overseas policies of the Ming dynasty;海外穆斯林商人与明朝海外交通政策

5.Explore Overseas Economic and Trade MarketThrough Overseas Chinese Merchants Web;利用海外华商网络 拓展海外经贸市场

6.COST (Committee for Overseas Science and Technology)海外科学技术委员会

7.Mediterranean Academy for Diplomatic Studies地中海外交研究学院

8.French Overseas Post and Telecommunication Agency法国海外邮政电信局

9.Black Sea Foreign Trade and Investment Bank黑海外贸与投资银行

10.Agip (Overseas) Ltd.阿吉普(海外)有限公司

11.Daiwa Overseas Finance Limited大和海外财务有限公司

12.United States Overseas Private Investment Corporation美国海外私人投资公司

13.overseas annual leave with passages附连旅费的海外年假

14.Association of Expatriate Civil Servants of Hong Kong香港海外公务员协会

15.Indover Asia Limited印尼海外亚洲有限公司

16.Overseas Container Line海外集装箱运输公司

17.Do you mail parcels overseas?你们寄包裹到海外吗?

18.Banko Nacional Portugal Ultramarino葡萄牙国家海外银行



1.Research on Independent Supervisor Institution in CNPC Oversea Projects HSE Management;中国石油海外项目实行HSE独立总监制度的研究

2.Research on Building Enterprise of China Co-opetition Strategy in Overseas Based on Game Theory;基于博弈论的中国建筑企业海外竞合战略研究

3.The paper deals with the necessity of developing directoversea investment, analyzes the present situation for the investment in foreign countriesand the existing problems about it, and finally puts forward some tactics forstrengthening it.论述了发展对海外直接投资的必要性,分析了我国海外投资的现状和存在的问题,提出了加强我国海外投资的若干策略。


1.More than a million pieces of the books and documents of China with the ancient civilized information were lostabroad at the middle and the end of the 19th century,which caused enormous invaluable damages to the academic research.建立流失海外中国图书文献资料中心成为学术界企盼已久的一项重要文化工程。

2.It is urgent for Chinese commercial banks to develop off-balance sheet activities,but most of the articles lay emphasis on how to develop the off-balance sheet activities in China and ignoreabroad.商业银行在国内开拓中间业务的同时还应在海外开拓中间业务。


1.Hydrologic and hydrodynamic items aboutoffshore deepwater wharves construction;浅议外海深水码头建设的水动力问题

2.Construction of the large-scale artificial island project on the 13 kmoffshore radiating sandbar in Yangkou,Jiangsu is characterized by shallow water,shelterlessness,heavy sea,great tide range,large project quantity,tight construction period,bad construction dependence condition,etc.江苏洋口离岸13 km外海辐射沙洲上建设大型人工岛,具有浅海、无遮掩、风浪大、潮差大、工程量大、工期急迫、施工依托条件差等特点。

5)open sea外海

1.Taking theopen sea floating of large-diameter thin-wall cylinder in Beihai City′s Weizhou Island as an example, this paper introduces the whole process of cylinder floating from theoretical calculation, feasibility study to project implementation.以北海市涠洲岛码头工程大直径薄壁圆筒的外海浮运为例,介绍大圆筒浮运施工从理论计算、可行性分析、方案实施的全过程,针对工程所处海域自然环境的特殊性以及远离大陆进行拖运施工的特点所采用的具体作法,为今后类似工程提供借鉴与参考。

6)overseas investment海外投资

1.The role orientation of the Chinese government in theoverseas investment by the enterprises;中国企业海外投资中政府角色定位

2.Discussing on establishing the insurance system ofoverseas investment in China;论我国海外投资保险制度的建立


