1200字范文 > 翻译操作过程 operating process in translation英语短句 例句大全

翻译操作过程 operating process in translation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-09 12:28:06


翻译操作过程 operating process in translation英语短句 例句大全

翻译操作过程,operating process in translation

1)operating process in translation翻译操作过程

2)translating process翻译过程

1.Student-oriented translation instruction- A taps study oftranslating process以学生为中心的翻译教学改革——有声思维翻译过程研究

2.This paper probes into the comprehension of thetranslating process through psychology,which studies the subjects activity and interprets how psychological factors interfere with the translator s comprehension of the source text,to set up the translator s subjective role in t.本文试图通过心理学这门研究主体活动的学科的某些范畸来审视翻译过程的理解,并通过描述整个翻译认知心理过程来阐释心理因素是如何介入原作的理解,重新确认译者在整个翻译过程中的主导地位。

3.Because translation theory and translation technique play different role intranslating process,translation teaching,and translation product review.翻译理论与翻译技巧在翻译过程、翻译教学、翻译作品的评价三个方面各自发挥着不同层次的作用,在实践中应注意把握两者之间的关系。


1.Translasting as Process;翻译过程论——论翻译的过程与过程的翻译

2.The Subject s──The Translator s Thinking Processin the Process of Translation;翻译过程中翻译主体的思维活动过程

3.Investigating Translation Strategies and Units in the Translation Process: A Think-aloud Protocol Study;翻译过程中翻译策略和翻译单位的TAPs语料研究

4.The Contrast Translation Between English and Chinese Vocabulary;英汉翻译过程中相关词汇的对比翻译

5.The Process of Translation is a View through the Window--An Analysis on the Process of Translation;人在译途 视域之窗——浅析翻译过程

6.On Translator s Recreation in the Translation Process;关于翻译过程中译者的“再创造”问题

7.Translator"s Adaptation and Selection: Translation Process Research for China"s Global Communication译者的适应与选择:外宣翻译过程研究

8.German Functionalist Approach to Translation Studies-A New Light Shed on Translation Process;试析德国功能翻译理论对翻译过程研究的启示

9.Domestication and Foreignization in the Course of Translation Under the Direction of Skopstheorie;翻译目的论指导下的翻译过程中的“归化”与“异化”

10.A Relevance-Theoretic Approach to Features of the Translating Process;从关联翻译理论视角管窥翻译过程的特点

11.On the Essence of Translation and the Two-way Thought System Mode in the Translation Process;论翻译的本质和翻译过程的“双轨思维制”

12.On Constraints of Advertisement Translation Process from the Perspective of the Theory of Functional Translation功能翻译理论视阈下广告翻译过程制约因素

13.During the translation the translator fully exerts his thinking so as to achieve a creative translation.译者在翻译过程中充分调动翻译思维,从而得出具有创造性的译作。

14.A Comparative Empirical Study on the Translation Process of Student and Expert Translators;学生译者与职业译者翻译过程对比实证研究

15.A Study on Manifestations of Translators" Subjectivity in Translation论译者主体性在翻译过程中的体现——译者的现象

16.A Psychological Description of the Translation Process:An Introduction to and Comment on Bell s Information Processing Model of Translation;翻译过程的认知心理描述——Bell翻译过程的信息加工模式评介

17.Translog:A Computer-Aided Program for Process-oriented Translation Studies;洞悉翻译过程的辅助工具—Translog程序介评

18.Translation Strategies and "A Holistic Model of Translation Process": A Case Study of Lin Shu s Version of Uncle Tom s Cabin;翻译策略与“翻译过程总括模式”——译著《黑奴吁天录》的个案分析


translating process翻译过程

1.Student-oriented translation instruction- A taps study oftranslating process以学生为中心的翻译教学改革——有声思维翻译过程研究

2.This paper probes into the comprehension of thetranslating process through psychology,which studies the subjects activity and interprets how psychological factors interfere with the translator s comprehension of the source text,to set up the translator s subjective role in t.本文试图通过心理学这门研究主体活动的学科的某些范畸来审视翻译过程的理解,并通过描述整个翻译认知心理过程来阐释心理因素是如何介入原作的理解,重新确认译者在整个翻译过程中的主导地位。

3.Because translation theory and translation technique play different role intranslating process,translation teaching,and translation product review.翻译理论与翻译技巧在翻译过程、翻译教学、翻译作品的评价三个方面各自发挥着不同层次的作用,在实践中应注意把握两者之间的关系。

3)Translation Process翻译过程

1.Description of Skopos Theory onTranslation Process and Its Value;目的论对翻译过程的描述及其意义

2.German Functionalist Approach to Translation Studies-A New Light Shed onTranslation Process;试析德国功能翻译理论对翻译过程研究的启示

3.Meaning Transformation inTranslation Process from the Perspective of Schema Theory;基于图式理论的翻译过程中意义转换的研究

4)the process of translation翻译过程

1.Translators should combine the script static nature with the script dynamic nature inthe process of translation, which is the activated process by the cognitive script with the aim of making versions become easier, and should comply with several principles.在认知脚本的指导下,翻译过程中,脚本理论具有动态性和静态性。


1.This essay makes, from the point of hermeneutics view under the study of medio-translatology, an analysis ontranslating and, among the rest, a philosophical or rational understanding and acceptance of such translational phenomena as misreading, re-translation and "faithful" standard.译介学研究下的解释学视角对翻译过程进行阐释性地剖析与观照,并对其间的误读、复译和“忠实”标准等翻译现象加以理性化的认识与接受,不失为我们的翻译研究提供了深远的研究空间和实践平台。

2.The relationship between language and thought is extremely complicated; however, the psycho- logical and cognitive process oftranslating cannot be fully illuminated without an explanation of the rela- tionship as a prerequisite.通过评介语言和思维的不同涵义,分析创作和翻译过程,进而提出翻译的基本模式并对某些翻译认识问题作出理论解释。

3.This thesis discusses cultural translation from the perspective of Relevance Theory, based on which, the author proposes a Relevance-Theoretic Approach to the culturaltranslating process.翻译过程是一个明示—推理的动态适应过程。

6)process of translation翻译过程

1.Theprocess of translation can be taken as a process of incooperative game,in which the participants does not reach an agreement to decide their strategies in the game and the translator must choose his/her translation stra.在分析了文学的翻译过程后,指出文学翻译本质上就是一个非合作的博弈过程,参与翻译活动的博弈各方并没有在活动开始前就预先确定一个相互可以接受的协议,译者必须根据参与博弈各方的策略选择来确定自己的翻译策略。

2.The paper also makes an attempt to input functional element into traditional translation procedures "to comprehend-to express-to revise"; the new three-stepprocess of translation may be summarized as "intention, equivalent and evaluation".本文试图将功能主义学派翻译理论,特别是韩礼德(Halliday)的语篇分析模式应用于翻译实践,并尝试在传统的翻译过程理解、表达、校验输入新的功能成分,将其概括为目的、等值和评估。

3.The paper introduces and makes brief comments upon s everal main modes or descriptions of theprocess of translation at present.对现有的几种主要的翻译过程模式进行了评价或对翻译过程的描述 ,认为这些研究大体可分为把翻译作为能力来考察的翻译过程研究和把翻译作为活动来考察的翻译过程研究。


正规过程和倒逆过程讨论完整晶体中声子-声子散射问题时,由于要求声子波矢为简约波矢(见布里渊区),所得到的总波矢守恒条件会相差一个倒易点阵矢量G)。例如对于三声子过程有下列条件 ,(1)式中q1和q2是散射前的声子简约波矢, q3为散射后声子波矢,式(1)中G)的取值应保证q3也是简约波矢。这时会出现两种过程,其一是当q1+q2在简约区内时,可以取倒易点阵矢量G)=0,式(1)则简化为总波矢守恒条件,称为正规过程或N过程。其二是当q1+q2超出简约区时,所取G)应保证q3仍落于简约区内,由于q3与q1+q2相差G),显然q3位于q1+q2的相反一侧,这时散射使声子传播方向发生了倒转,故称为倒逆过程或U过程。U过程总波矢不守恒,但总能量守恒,因为声子频率是倒易点阵的周期函数,而q3与q1+q2只相差一个倒易点阵矢量。N过程在低温长波声子的散射问题中起主要作用。当温度升高,简约区边界附近的声子有较多激发时,U过程变得十分显著,它对点阵热导有重要贡献。在能带电子与声子散射问题中存在着与式 (1)相仿的总波矢条件k+G=k┡±q,(2)式中k与k┡分别为散射前后电子的简约波矢,±号分别对应于吸收或发射q声子。类似的在热中子-声子散射以及晶体中一切波的相互作用过程中,总波矢变化都相差一个倒易点阵矢量G),因此也都有N与U过程之分。这是晶体和连续媒质不同之处,连续媒质对无穷小平移具有不变性,才能求得总波矢守恒,而晶体只具有对布喇菲点阵的平移不变性,因此总波矢守恒条件会相差一个倒易点阵矢量。
