1200字范文 > 纲领 program英语短句 例句大全

纲领 program英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-20 19:40:45


纲领 program英语短句 例句大全



1.On theprogram of revolution and construction of CPC;论中国共产党革命和建设纲领

2.The party′s probe into the relation between its maximumprogram and its minimumprogram in the period of democratic revolution;民主革命时期中共对最低纲领与最高纲领关系的探索

3.He points out that we should set up a lofty communist ideal,make unremitting efforts in a down to earth manner to realize the Party’s basicprogram for the current stage and put our heart into each single piece of work now.江泽民同志在“七一”讲话中关于党的纲领的论述 ,有力地驳斥了“共产主义渺茫论” ,阐明了共产主义的实现必须经过长期的实践 ,提出要胸怀共产主义远大理想 ,脚踏实地为实现党在现阶段的基本纲领不懈努力 ,扎扎实实地做好现阶段的每一项工作 。


1.(2) The Programme for Peace and National Reconstruction.(二)和平建国纲领。

2.Wang Ming had his own political programme and so did Li Li-san.王明有政治纲领,李立三也有政治纲领。

3.Uphold the Unity of the Minimum and Maximum Programme of the Party;坚持党的最低纲领和最高纲领的统一

4.Force Working Group on Programme Management警队纲领管理工作小组

5.Six-Point Global Programme of Immediate Action全球立即行动六点纲领

6.South East Kowloon Development Statement Study东南九龙发展纲领研究

7.Hong Kong Island West Development Statement Study港岛西发展纲领研究

8.Working Group on an Agenda for Development发展纲领问题工作组

9.West Kowloon Development Statement Study西九龙发展纲领研究

10.Programme of Action on Humanitarian Issues人道主义问题行动纲领

11.Regional Programme of Action on the Environment环境问题区域行动纲领

12.five-point proposal for national unity国家统一的五点纲领

13.What should the common programme be?共同纲领是什么呢?

14.Action Programme for Health and Environment健康与环境行动纲领

15.Inter-American Programme of Action for Environmental Protectio美洲环境保护行动纲领

16.Action Programme for Central and Eastern Europe中欧和东欧行动纲领

17.Declaration and Principles of the Action Programme宣言和行动纲领原则

18.Declaration of Principles and Programme of Actio原则宣言和行动纲领


guiding principle纲领

1.It is both the constructive and theoretical guideline and theguiding principle.“三个代表”重要思想不仅从理论上对党的先进性做出了最具时代特色的理论创新,而且从实践上提出了评判党的先进性的客观标准,是全面加强党的建设的理论指南和行动纲领。

2.It is aguiding principle of the new giant project of Party construction.“三个代表”是江泽民同志在我们党和国家面临机遇与挑战并存的大背景下提出的重要思想 ;“三个代表”的思想是马克思主义党建理论的一脉相承的坚持和新发展 ,是指导党的建设新的伟大工程的纲

3.Marxist theories of the Party s essence and its constructingguiding principle, expound the basic ideas of what kind of party we are building up and how to build it.马克思主义关于党的性质和党的建设纲领的理论阐明了建设一个什么样的党和如何建设党的基本思想。

3)guiding principles纲领

1.The working class Party sguiding principles are Marxist classics highly scientific condensation on Party s ultimate aims and tasks at different social historical period.工人阶级政党的纲领是马克思主义经典作家对党的终极奋斗目标、不同社会历史阶段的任务和行动路线的科学而集中的概括。

2.Briefly speaking,the theoretical features of the “three representations” are actually fectures of practice,of the times,of science,and of valuable creativeness,Such features will undoubledly make the three representations theguiding principles of the party s coustrudion during the new period,and simultaneously provide the par.这种理论特色使“三个代表”当之无愧地成为新时期党的建设之纲领,同时也为我们党不断开拓马克思主义新境界提供了方法论指导。

3.”Influenced by the western bourgeois ideas,Cai Yuanpei maintained that“freedom,equality and universal love”should be theguiding principles for civic ethic education.蔡元培接受了西方资产阶级思想观念 ,主张应以“自由、平等、博爱”的精神作为公民道德教育的纲领 ,具有反封建的进步意义。


1.This paper discusses how the Socialist International attaches importance to reconsidering its principles and policies, puts forward a series of ideas, and thus enhances the development of its basicprogramme and policies.为适应新 形势,开拓新进程,社会党国际及其成员党都把理论反思和政策调整作为主要任务,并且提出了一系列理论观点 和主张,初步实现了社会党国际的基本纲领和政策的演变。

5)the minimum program最低纲领

1.The maximun program andthe minimum program are consistent for the Communist Party of China.中国共产党是最低纲领与最高纲领的统一论者 。

2.The Communist Party of China is the unified theorist of the maximum program andthe minimum program all the time,This is the result that a general principle of Marxism and China s reality combined together,This is also a valuable experience which our party draws in the revolution and construction.中国共产党始终是最高纲领与最低纲领的统一论者。

6)the maximum program最高纲领

1.The Communist Party of China is the unified theorist ofthe maximum program and the minimum program all the time,This is the result that a general principle of Marxism and China s reality combined together,This is also a valuable experience which our party draws in the revolution and construction.中国共产党始终是最高纲领与最低纲领的统一论者。

2.The basic program andthe maximum program of the party form a dialectical unity.党的基本纲领和最高纲领是辩证统一的。


