1200字范文 > 福建沿海地区 coastal area of Fujian英语短句 例句大全

福建沿海地区 coastal area of Fujian英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-21 19:54:36


福建沿海地区 coastal area of Fujian英语短句 例句大全

福建沿海地区,coastal area of Fujian

1)coastal area of Fujian福建沿海地区

1.Chorisia speciosa, Pterocarpus indicus and Terminalia mantaly, are the trees for landscaping, introduced incoastal area of Fujian in recent years.美人树、紫檀和小叶榄仁是福建沿海地区近年来新引进的园林绿化树种,本文介绍其形态特征、生物学特性及引种栽培状况。

2.The tourism resources in thecoastal area of Fujian is more abundant and excellent not only in Fujian province but also in China.福建沿海地区不仅是福建省旅游资源的荟萃之地,也是我国沿海旅游资源的集中地区之一。


1.The Sociological Study of Underground Economy about Fujian Province s Coastal Areas;福建沿海地区地下经济的社会学研究

2.The Main Marine Disasters and Its PreventionSuggestions in Fujian Coast福建沿海地区主要海洋灾害类型及其防灾建议

3.A Analysis of Hydrological Geology Conditions of Rock Groups with Water Content in Coastal Regions of Fujian;福建沿海地区含水岩组水文地质条件分析

4.A Study on Urban System Planning of Fujian Coastal Zone Based on GIS;基于GIS的福建沿海地区城镇体系规划研究

5.Innovating method of rural infrastructural facilities supply in Fujian costal areas;福建沿海地区农村基础设施供给方式创新研究

6.Preliminary Discussion on the Development Reason of Littoral Agricultural Economy in Fujian Province in Song Dynasty;浅谈宋代福建沿海地区农业经济发展的原因

7.A Study of the Technological Exchanges in Shipbuilding and Navigation Between the Coastal Areas in Fujian and Ryukyu During the Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清时期福建沿海地区与琉球造船航海技术交流考述

8.Analysis of the Private Enterprise′s Financing Question and Finance Service in Fujian Foreland构建福建沿海地区民营企业融资的金融服务体系研究

9.Study on the Characteristics of Soil Element Contents and the Geologic Background in the Coastal Area of Fujian Province福建沿海地区土壤元素含量特征与地质背景研究

10.Distribution of Top-layer Soil Minerals in the Coastal Area of Fujian Province and Their Geological and Environmental Significance福建沿海地区表层土壤矿物分布特征及地质和环境意义

11.Features of the Modern Illegal Emigration Movement in China --An analysis exemplified by the illegal emigration along the coast in Fujian;当代中国非法移民活动的特征——以福建沿海地区非法移民为例

12.Study on Entrepreneurship Background of Technological Entrepreneur:The Example of Coastal Area in Fujian Province科技型创业者的创业背景研究——以福建沿海地区为例


14.Investigation and Analysis on the Character of Consumptive Behaviors of Farmers in Littoral of Fujian Province;福建省沿海地区农民体育消费调查与分析

15.The status and strategy research about staff training in private enterprises of coastal areas of Fujian province;福建省沿海地区民营企业员工培训现状及对策

16.Estimation of potential productivities of main crops in the coastal area of Fujian Province;福建省沿海地区主要农作物生产潜力的估算

17.On the Construction of Developmental Zones in the Economic Growth of Underdeveloped Coastal Regions of Fujian Province;试论福建省沿海欠发达地区经济发展中的开发区建设

18.Fujian is one of the areas that is accelerating the fastest in foreign economy and trade development of China"s coastal areas.福建是中国沿海地区对外经贸发展最为迅速的地区之一。


coastal areas of Fujian福建沿海地区

1.With the aid of GIS platform as well as CH1 and CH2 data of NOAA-AVHRR, the surface albedo incoastal areas of Fujian can be derived by inversion.借助GIS平台和NOAA AVHRR的CH1和CH2资料 ,反演得到福建沿海地区地表反照率 。

3)Fujian coastal area福建沿海地区

1.Shortage of water resources inFujian coastal area and its solutions;福建沿海地区水资源紧缺问题及其解决途径

4)Fujian Coastal Zone福建沿海地

1.A Study on Urban System Planning ofFujian Coastal Zone Based on GIS;基于GIS的福建沿海地区城镇体系规划研究

5)Fujian and its coastal area福建及其沿海地区

1.Through synthetical analysis of solutions of focal mechanism and the study of crustal deformation observation data,the recent stress field of hypocenters inFujian and its coastal area has been obtained,which is considered to links up the stress field in Taiwan and Taiwan Strait,and the dominant direction of axis of principal compressive stress is NW-SE.综合地震震源机制解和地壳形变观测资料的研究,求得福建及其沿海地区现代震源应力场,认为这与台湾地区、台湾海峡应力场相互衔接,主压应力轴优势方位为NW-SE向,力轴仰角较小,应力场近于水平挤压,形变场反映近期福建沿海亦受北西方向,接近与海岸垂直的挤压力。

6)southeast coastal area of Fujian province福建东南沿海地区


沿海地区经济发展战略沿海地区经济发展战略 充分发展沿海地区广大劳动力的优势,有领导、有计划、有步骤地走向国际市场,进一步参与国际交换和国际竞争,大力发展开放型经济。
