1200字范文 > 冲突法 conflict of laws英语短句 例句大全

冲突法 conflict of laws英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-21 04:18:52


冲突法 conflict of laws英语短句 例句大全

冲突法,conflict of laws

1)conflict of laws冲突法

ment on the Research Paradigm of Conflict of laws——Establishment of Law and Economics Paradigm;论冲突法的研究范式——法经济学范式的确立

2.The term of the most closed contact principle,extensively adopted in theconflict of laws,is initially used in the violation of the overseas laws.最密切联系说是当代冲突法中解决法律适用问题时广为采用的一种学说,它最早发源于涉外侵权的法律适用领域。


1.On the Theories of Mandatory and Facultative Conflicts of Laws;强制性冲突法和任意性冲突法理论初探

2.The Conversion from the Traditional Conflict Rules to the Modern Conflict Rules;传统冲突法向现代冲突法的转变及其特点

3.On Settlement of China s Interstate Conflict of Laws by the Law of Interstate conflict of Laws;区际冲突法与我国区际法律冲突的解决

4.Look at the Tort Choice-of-Law Rules of China from the Perspective of the Restatement of Conflicts(Second) of USA;从美国《第二次冲突法重述》看我国侵权冲突规则

5.The Conflict of Standard Terms and Their Application--The“Battle of the Forms”and the Conflict of Laws;标准条款之冲突及其适用——“格式之争”与冲突法

6.An Exploration into the Law of Interstate Conflict and the Interstate Conflict of Laws;区际冲突法与中国区际法律冲突解决的法学价值探析

7.Analysis of the conflict and the application of the trust system;信托法律制度的冲突法分析及其适用

8.American conflict of laws at the end of 20th century:from a legal philosophy perspective;20世纪末美国冲突法之法哲学探析

9.Research of an Anti-Collision Algorithm Based on Collision Tracking Of RFID System一种基于冲突跟踪的RFID防冲突算法

10.not parted by conflict of opinion.不因看法冲突而分开。

11.non-judicial conflict resolution procedures非司法的冲突解决程序

12.An Inquiry for Inter-district Administrative Conflict of Laws and Conflict between Administrative laws of Different Divisions区际行政法律冲突和区域行政法律冲突探究

13.Legal Conflict Inflicted by Ultra Vires Contracts and Counter - measures;论越权合同效力之法律冲突及消除冲突之途径

14.The Relationship between the Conflict of Laws and Private International Law in the Perspective of Jurisprudence;法理学视野中的法律冲突与国际私法

15.European Union s Settlement for Interregional Conflict of Laws and Its Significance of Reference to China;欧盟区际法律冲突解决对我国区际法律冲突的借鉴意义

16.On Several Problems of Interregional Conflict of Laws in China--Contrasting with Interstate Conflict of Laws in the U.S.A;论中国区际法律冲突的几个问题——与美国州际法律冲突之比较

17.On Conflicts and Settlements of Legal Act论涉外法律行为的法律冲突及其解决

18.The Conflict of Criminal Law and Mongolians Customary Law and Coadaption;论蒙古族习惯法与刑法的冲突与调适


conflict law冲突法

1.The Most Consanguineous Principle in Conflict Law;浅论冲突法中的最密切联系原则

2.Similarly,conflict law as a part of legal system can not be separated from justice.法律旨在创设一种正义的秩序,法律与正义相伴随,同样,作为法律体系组成部分的冲突法与正义也是一种须臾不可分离的关系。

3."The rule of the closest relations" is an importantconflict law to affirming criterion law."最密切联系原则"是确认准据法的重要冲突法规则,最早运用该学说确定涉外合同之债和涉外侵权行为之债准据法的,均为美国纽约州最高法院首席法官富德(Fuld)。

3)conflicts law冲突法

1.Although theconflicts law in China is transplanted from abroad in the modern sense,it had a history as long as Chinese civilization by comparing with the source of theconflicts law in ancient Greek and ancient Roman law.虽然现代意义上的中国冲突法是舶来品,但通过与古希腊、古罗马冲突法思想起源的比较,可以发现中国的冲突法思想和中华文明一样源远流长,最早能够追溯到夏滴、周三代时期,并且经过历代的积淀逐渐成熟和完善。

2.At the end of 20~th century, a discussion on a third restatement ofconflicts law in America was held between the practical and academic level which seems like another conflicts revolution.在20世纪末,美国冲突法理论及实务界展开了一场关于第三次冲突法重述的大讨论,它似乎预示着一场新的冲突法革命的开始。

3.Since Macao returned mainland, itsconflicts law has met the new realistic situation and has been changed in many aspects such as the principle of the personal law has been replaced by the principle of the law of domicile, the international practices about the systems of the interregional conflicts have been adopted, the using of the principle of closest connection is so widespread and so on.澳门回归后的冲突法借鉴了现代西方国家的一些新的立法思想 ,同时又考虑到澳门作为一个特别行政区的地位以及解决中国区际法律冲突的实际状况 ,对有关内容作了较大的改变 ,主要体现在 :有关规定体现回归后的现实状况、属人法改为住所地法原则、解决多法域之间法律冲突的制度更符合国际上的通常做法、更为广泛地应用最密切联系原则等。

4)law of conflict冲突法

1.With the revolution oflaw of conflict, the closest ties theory arises at the historic moment in the fifties and the sixties of the 20th century .伴随着冲突法革命,最密切联系原则于20世纪五六十年代应运而生。

2.Scholars oflaw of conflict define conflict of law as conflict of civil and business law and consequently conclude it as conflict of application of civil and business law.冲突法学者将法律冲突界定为民商事法律冲突 ,继而又把民商事法律冲突归结为民商事法律适用冲突。

5)conflict point method冲突点法

1.Results show that the simulation result byconflict point method and the field data is basically consistent.运用冲突点法分析了自行车对机动车驾驶员行为的影响,将冲突模型转化为一种特殊的车辆跟驰或车道变换来研究,并进行了机非混行复杂环境下驾驶员行为的仿真建模和试验验证。

6)law conflict法律冲突

1.Analyzing thelaw conflicts of mortgage on ship under construction and its resolution;建造中船舶抵押权的法律冲突及其解决

2.On Jurisdiction System and Law Conflict of Transnational Intellectual Property;知识产权涉外管辖权制度及其涉外领域法律冲突的研究

3.This paper analyzes the theoretical roots oflaw conflict in agricutural auditing,and expands on its different forms of thelaw conflict.本文剖析农业审计法律冲突产生的根源,阐述当前各种冲突的表现形式,并有针对性地提出解决法律冲突的对策。


