1200字范文 > 节能减排基金 energy conservation and emission reduction fund英语短句 例句大全

节能减排基金 energy conservation and emission reduction fund英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-12 02:32:19


节能减排基金 energy conservation and emission reduction fund英语短句 例句大全

节能减排基金,energy conservation and emission reduction fund

1)energy conservation and emission reduction fund节能减排基金

2)energy saving and emission reducing节能减排

1.Theenergy saving and emission reducing techniques for lead-acid battery manufacturing industry in china;中国铅酸蓄电池行业节能减排技术分析(一)

2.Theenergy saving and emission reducing techniques for lead-acid battery manufacturing industry in China;中国铅酸蓄电池行业节能减排技术分析(二)

3.Study on the Policies of Energy Saving and Emission Reducing of Chinese Foundry Industry中国铸造行业节能减排政策研究


1.Bring Forth New Ideas and Take Effective Measures in Energy Saving and Emission Reduction创新节能减排观念 推进节能减排工作

2.Energy-saving and Emission Reduction in the Generation Sector in Power Market;电力市场环境下发电环节的节能减排

3.“The Double-edged Sword”Creating a New World of Saving Energy and Reducing Discharge--The Report on Carrying out Saving Energy and Reducing Discharge in Haohua Astronavigation Chemical Company“双刃剑”劈出节能减排新天地——华宇航节能减排报道

4.Carrying Out Energy-saving and Pollution Emission Reduction for Developing Circular Economy推行节能减排发展循环经济——节能减排模范企业华峰集团启示录

5.Technology for Energy Saving and Emission Reduction in DAP Plant磷酸二铵装置的节能减排技术——磷复肥装置节能减排技术之二

6.Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Technology for MAP Plant磷酸一铵装置的节能减排技术——磷复肥装置节能减排技术之三

7.Conserving energy and lowering emissions: energy economics theory and its application in policy;节能减排:能源经济学理论和政策实践

8.Vigorously Development of Clean Energy Full Implementation of Energy-saving Emissions Reduction;大力发展清洁能源 全面实施节能减排

9.Enhance management of energy metering to promote energy saving and emission control;抓能源计量管理 促节能减排工作

10.Improving Energy Allocation Efficiency to Realize Energy-saving and Emission-reduction Targets;提高能源配置效率 实现节能减排目标

11.Situation of energy development and energy conservation and emission reduction in Jincheng City晋城市能源开发利用及节能减排情况

12.Energy Economizing Diagnosis and Energy Consumption Rationalizing Management试论节能减排的节能诊断和耗能合理化管理

13.A New Energy Saving and Emission Reducing Dispatching Mode Considering Energy Consumption and Emissions for Generation Market兼顾能耗与排放的发电侧节能减排调度新模式

14.Improving Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction in Steel Industry by Voluntary Agreement;利用节能自愿协议推动钢铁行业节能减排

15.Roles of Monitoring in Energy Saving and Emission Reduction节能监察在节能减排中的技术支撑作用

16.Prospects of Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction Technology for Shanghai Water Supply Industry;上海水务行业节能减排技术发展展望

17.Put on the saved energy and reduced waste to constructing the harmony and green Baishan city;推进矿山节能减排 打造和谐绿色白山

18.The New Way of Power-Saving and Consumption-Reducing for the Rubber Tired Gantry(RTG) in the Port;港口集装箱轮胎吊节能减排的新途径


energy saving and emission reducing节能减排

1.Theenergy saving and emission reducing techniques for lead-acid battery manufacturing industry in china;中国铅酸蓄电池行业节能减排技术分析(一)

2.Theenergy saving and emission reducing techniques for lead-acid battery manufacturing industry in China;中国铅酸蓄电池行业节能减排技术分析(二)

3.Study on the Policies of Energy Saving and Emission Reducing of Chinese Foundry Industry中国铸造行业节能减排政策研究

3)energy saving and emission reduction节能减排

prehensive utilization of zinc tailings and process exploration forenergy saving and emission reduction;锌冶炼渣综合利用与节能减排的工艺探讨

2.The new model of power generation transaction dispatch with Chinese characteristics constructed by patent technology ofenergy saving and emission reduction;利用节能减排专利技术构筑具有中国特色的发电交易调度新模式

3.Application of hydroviscous variable speed drives inenergy saving and emission reduction;液粘调速装置在节能减排中的应用

4)energy saving and pollution reduction节能减排

1.Research on Policy-Making for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction based on Green GDP Accounting System基于绿色GDP核算体系的节能减排政策制定研究

2.This paper discussed the significance,status and measures ofenergy saving and pollution reduction in China.本文论述了我国节能减排的意义、现状及措施,可供各类管理人员参考。

5)Energy conservation and Emission reduction节能减排

1.Devote major efforts to practise EPP to support national goal of energy conservation and emission reduction;大力推行能效电厂,支持实现国家节能减排目标

2.Game analysis on control policies of energy conservation and emission reduction;节能减排管制政策的博弈分析

3.Application of energy conservation and emission reduction measures in acetylene production process节能减排措施在乙炔工序中的应用

6)energy-saving and emission reduction节能减排

1.Analysis of effect forenergy-saving and emission reduction after No.5 boiler preheater be reconstructed;淮北电厂5号炉预热器换型改造后的节能减排效果分析

2.The status and approach ofenergy-saving and emission reduction in iron & steel industry;钢铁行业节能减排的现状与途径

3.Discussion and Suggestion on Sewage Treatment and Energy-saving and emission reduction in LuoYang City;洛阳市污水处理与节能减排的思考和建议


CO_2减排技术CO_2减排技术technology for reduction of CO_2 emissionCOZJ一onPo一J一shuCO:减排技术(teehnology for reduetion ofCOZ emission)用化学、物理、生态等方法从烟气或煤气中分离、回收利用或处理CO:,以减少或分离化石燃料燃烧生成的C02或分离煤气或天然气中C02的技术。也称碳整合技术(earbon sequestration)。此项技术当前尚处于可行性研究或试验阶段,主要有:①分离回收技术:以氛系为吸收液的化学吸收法,用类似于沸石等固体吸附剂的物理吸收法和利用高分子膜对不同气体的不同渗透速度将C02从烟气中分离出来的膜分离法等。②利用技术:液化COZ已广泛地用于焊接、冷却、生产碳酸盐和尿素及饮料等领域,但大t地利用C02的技术,如C02与HZ在高温高压和催化剂条件下合成甲醇、甲烷,与乙醇、环氧化物及不饱和碳化氢合成各种含氧有机化合物等则正在研究之中。③储存技术:将分离出来的C02液化后存放在地下蓄水层或废弃的油井、气井中,或储存于深海等。④加强自然界的补偿:大气与海洋、森林生物圈之间的COZ交换,与人为的CO:排放相比是非常巨大的,只要稍徽增加全球碳循环中CO:的吸收量,就会对大气中温室气体浓度的降低起显著作用,为此要禁止砍伐森林,扩大森林种植和复种面积,增加CO:在现有森林中的存储t。庞大的回收、处理设备需要大量的建设资金和运行费用。据估算,对于一座500 MW的火电厂,如采用化学吸收法从烟气中吸收CO:,液化后储存在soom深的海底,燃用天然气时发电成本要增加50写~7。%,嫩用煤炭时发电成本要增加130%~190%。目前实施这些减排技术,困难很大,尚需进一步研究。
