1200字范文 > 政治思潮 political trend of thought英语短句 例句大全

政治思潮 political trend of thought英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-26 03:12:11


政治思潮 political trend of thought英语短句 例句大全

政治思潮,political trend of thought

1)political trend of thought政治思潮

1.Analysis of Political Trend of Thought on Islamic Fundamentalism;伊斯兰原教旨主义政治思潮分析


1.Study of Entrepreneurs and Evolutions of Political Thought in Modern China;近代企业家群体与政治思潮嬗变研究

2.Traditional Structure of Western Political Thoughts and Its Era Transformations;西方政治思潮的传统结构与时代嬗变

3.Perspectives and Methods to Analyse Current Political Thoughts in the West;认识当前西方政治思潮的视角与方法

4.Cultural and Philosophical Explanation of 20th Century Chinese Political Trend of Thought;20世纪中国政治思潮的文化哲学解读

5.Interaction between Political Thoughts and Social Development in the Middle East;中东政治思潮与社会发展的互动关系

6.Analysis of Several Problems in the Study of Western Political Ideology;关于西方政治思潮研究中的若干问题辨析

7.Impingement of Current Political Thoughts in the West upon China and Its Countermeasures;当前西方政治思潮对我国的冲击及应对策略

8.On the Democracy Political Trend of Thought in the KMT Ruled Area Around the Victory of the War of Fighting Against Japan;论抗战胜利前后国统区的民主政治思潮

9.Evolution of Modem Chinese political Ideological Trend and Its Historical Initablity;中国近代政治思潮的演变过程及其历史必然性

10.An Analysis of the Russian Political Trends of Thought in the Process of Social Transformation;社会转型过程中的俄罗斯政治思潮分析

11.Origin of three main trends of western political thought from perspective of history of science and technology从科技发展史看西方三大政治思潮的产生

12.On Trends of Consumption and Ideological and Political Education of College Students;消费主义思潮与大学生思想政治教育

13.Impossibility: The Political Position of the Post-Marxist Ideological Trend;不可能性:后马克思思潮的政治立场

14.The Great Chung Hwa Magazine and Thought Trends of Politics and Culture in the Early Years of Republic of China;《大中华》杂志与民初的政治文化思潮

15.Trends of Literature Thoughts on Contemporary Chinese Literature in Malaysia and "Accepted Politics";当代马华文学思潮与“承认的政治”

16.During the Song Dynasty,reforming became the main current in the intellectual and political circle.两宋时期,求变思潮成为思想界与政治界的主流。

17.The Contemporary Ideological Trend of Social Culture and Political Education of Young Students;西方社会文化思潮与青年学生思想政治教育

18.On the Contemporary Western Thought and Innovation of the Ideological and Political Education当代西方思潮研究与思想政治教育工作创新


political thoughts政治思潮

1.Political Thoughts in Modern China:the Source and Progress当代中国政治思潮:根源与演进

2.In the late Qing Dynasty, there had been a boom ofpolitical thoughts and translation practice.本文从历史的角度解析了这一时期具有代表性的经世致用、洋务运动、变法维新等政治思潮与西学翻译之间的关系,指出翻译的选材和数量受到主流政治思潮的控制和影响,而翻译的发展又反过来促进了主流政治思潮向更高阶段演进。

3.The author claims that being well informed of thepolitical thoughts in the West may enable us to understand what the Western scholars and politicians are thinking of so as to arrive at a more profound awareness of the political reality in the West.通过对当代西方政治思潮的了解 ,能够使我们认识到西方学者、西方政治家所思考的问题 ,增进我们对西方政治现实的认识 ;使我们更加清楚 ,当代西方政治思潮中哪些东西是我们必须批判的 ,哪些东西是与我们的国情格格不入的 ,哪些东西是可供我们借鉴的。

3)political ideology政治思潮

1.Westernpolitical ideology has a deep influence on the western world and even on international political system and social life from latter-day.西方政治思潮在近代以来对西方以至于世界的制度安排和社会生活产生了深远的影响。

4)political trend政治思潮

1.This paper attempts to extract cultural blind spots in the local novels written at the turn of 70s and 80s,in which the criticism of the leftism and radicalpolitical trend of thoughts are widely manifested.20世纪七八十年代之交乡村小说的文化盲点主要存在于对极左专制路线的批判和对延续一个时代的激进政治思潮的反思方面。

2.Early liberalism is a kind ofpolitical trend,at the same time it developed into a political movement.早期自由主义是一种政治思潮,同时它又发展成了一种政治运动。

5)Politics Time政治化思潮

6)political thoughts in the West西方政治思潮

1.Currentpolitical thoughts in the West shown several new characteristics,including that they all came into being in the Post-Cold War era,arosing and driving by political theories,swift spreading by advanced mass media,impacting and reconstructing trad.文章总结了西方政治思潮内在的传统结构,即由经济政治基础决定和制约,思潮流派上存在左中右的分野和交叉,较为简单自发地进行人类传播等等。

2.Current political thoughts in the west is transmitting fleetly in the world.当前西方政治思潮在世界范围内快速传播,对我国主流意识形态构成一定程度的挑战和冲击。


政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political divisionzhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。
