1200字范文 > 张士灌区 Zhangshi irrigation area英语短句 例句大全

张士灌区 Zhangshi irrigation area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-26 11:57:43


张士灌区 Zhangshi irrigation area英语短句 例句大全

张士灌区,Zhangshi irrigation area

1)Zhangshi irrigation area张士灌区

1.[Objective] The purpose was to study the accumulation characteristic of cadmium(Cd) in some major woody plants inZhangshi irrigation area.[目的]研究沈阳张士灌区几种常见木本植物对镉的积累特征。


1.Phytoremediation of Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contaminated farmland soil in Zhangshi Wastewater Irrigation Area张士灌区多环芳烃污染土壤的植物修复

2.Accumulation Characteristic of Cadmium in Major Woody Plants in Zhangshi Irrigation Area in Shenyang City沈阳张士灌区常见木本植物镉积累特征

3.Isolation and Degradation Characteristics of Phenanthrene Degrading Bacteria from the Groundwater of Zhangshi Irrigated Place in Shenyang;沈阳张士灌区地下水中PAHs(菲)生物降解菌的筛选及降解特性的试验研究

4.The Beatles cut their first disc in 1962.披头士乐队於1962年灌了第一张唱片.

5.Moo-cow Property Development Pattern in Zhangye s Irrigated Farming Belt;张掖市灌溉农业区肉牛产业发展模式研究

6.Spatial Variability of Soil Water in Zhangye Oasis Irrigation Areas;张掖绿洲灌区土壤水分的空间变异性研究

7.Study on Institutional Innovation of Water-Saving Agriculture in the Irrigation Area of the Heihe River (Zhangye City);黑河灌区(张掖市)节水农业制度创新研究

8.A study on three-dimension planting structure in Irrigated area in Hexi Area;河西灌区三元种植结构研究——以张掖市为例

9.Current situation and optimize tactics of population-arable land-grain system in oasis irrigation area --Taking Ganzhou district of Zhangye as an example;绿洲灌区人地粮系统的现状评价与优化策略——以张掖市甘州区为例

10.irrigating dilator①灌注扩张器②尿道冲洗扩张器

11.4 Knights = serious matters; 3 Knights = lively debate; 2 Knights = intimacy.4张骑士=严重问题;3张骑士=轻快的辩论;2张骑士=亲密。

12.ditch rider; waterman: Person responsible for supervising an irrigation area.灌区管理员:负责监管灌区的人员。

13.Research on Slight Saline Water Irrigation Modes in Hetao Irrigation Area河套灌区区域微咸水灌溉模式的研究

14.A Review of Zhang Yuzhao s Impact on Zhang Jian;激扬士类——浅谈张裕钊对张謇的影响

15.Optimal Irrigation Schedule of Furrow Irrigation with Plastic Film Mulch Ridge for Processing Tomato in Zhangye;张掖市加工番茄膜垄沟灌的优化灌溉制度研究

16.Irrigation Schedule of Indigowoad Root for Border Irrigation in Yimin Irrigation District;益民灌区板蓝根畦灌灌溉制度试验研究

17.In addition, 5,608 irrigation areas were completed, with the coverage of effectively irrigated farmland totaling 22.06 million hectares.建成灌区5608处,有效灌溉面积2206万公顷。

18.Study on the Mechanism of Consumption in Yichang Irrigation Sub-district of Irrigation District of Inner Mongolia along the Yellow River;内蒙河套灌区义长灌域耗水机制研究


Zhang Shiqing张士卿

1.ProfessorZhang Shiqing s experience on treating purpura nephritis in children;张士卿教授治疗小儿紫癜性肾炎经验

2.ProfessorZhang Shiqing s experience on treating Tourette s syndrome in children;张士卿教授治疗小儿多发性抽动症的经验

3.Zhang Shiqing Experience in the Treatment of Children s Anorexia;张士卿教授辨治小儿厌食症经验举要

3)Zhang Bishi张弼士

1.OnZhang Bishi s Method of Management and New Ideas in Science and Technology;论张弼士的经营哲学与科技创新

2.Zhang Bishi,ther modern Chinese industrial forerunner,was one of the pioneers of the Hakka businessman culture.近代民族工业的先驱者张弼士是“客商”文化的开拓者。

4)Zhang Shicheng张士诚

1.According to the historical material,we can infer that the story about "Song Jiang s punitive expedition against Fang La" is fictitious,but we cannot exclude the fact that the author referred to certain historical facts in Zhu Yuanzhang s battles againstZhang Shicheng when he made up the details about the punitive expedition against Fang La in The Heroes of the Mars.但不排除《水浒传》作者在编撰"征方腊"细节之时,以历史事件为框架,参照了朱元璋征张士诚的某些历史史实。

5)ZHANG Shi xun张士逊

1.ZHANG Shi xun was a poet in the Northern Song Dynasty with a prominent position in the political circle.张士逊是我国北宋时期诗人 ,政坛上地位显赫人物。

6)irrigation area灌区

1.Several experiences in supervision of water-saving improvement engineering in Fenheirrigation area;山西省汾河灌区节水改造工程监理的几点体会

2.Research on quantitative model of water resources carrying capacity inirrigation area;灌区农业水资源承载力模型研究


