1200字范文 > 环境容量计算 calculation of water environment capacity英语短句 例句大全

环境容量计算 calculation of water environment capacity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-31 17:06:44


环境容量计算 calculation of water environment capacity英语短句 例句大全

环境容量计算,calculation of water environment capacity

1)calculation of water environment capacity环境容量计算


1.An Aquatic Environment Programming Research Base on Aquatic Environmental Capacity;基于水环境容量计算的高明河水环境规划研究

2.The Calculation and Analysis of Surface Water Environment Capacity of Lhasa City;拉萨市区地表水环境容量计算与分析

3.Calculation on carrying capacity of river water environment using extended blind number基于盲数理论的河流水环境容量计算

4.Study on the Calculation Method of Water Environmental Capacity of the North Area in the Region EIA区域环评中北方河流水环境容量计算方法研究

5.The Study of Water Environmental Capacity and Total Pollutant Discharge-controlling in the Coastal Water;纳污海域水环境容量计算与总量分配方法研究

6.The Calculation of Environmental Capacity in the Tidal Reach Based on the Blind Number Theory;基于盲数理论的感潮河段水环境容量计算方法

7.Unsafe Factors in Methods of River Environmental Capacity Calculation;河流水环境容量计算方法不安全因素分析

8.Calculation Methods and Application on Surface Water Environmental Capacity in Small River Basin;小流域地表水环境容量计算方法与利用研究

9.A tourist environment capacity measure for Benxi National Geo-Park in Liaoning Province;辽宁本溪国家地质公园旅游环境容量计算

10.Application the Linear Programme to Calculate Water Environmental Capacity线性规划法在水环境容量计算中的应用

11.Calculation and Analysis on Water Environmental Capacity in Ziyang Section of Tuojiang River Basin沱江流域资阳段水环境容量计算与分析

12.Sewage Discharge in Coflowing Ambient and Calculation Method Study for Water Environmental Capacity;同流环境中废水排放及水环境容量计算方法研究

13.Numerical Simulation and Calculation of Heat Environmental Capacity about Heated Discharge from Power Plant;电厂温排放的水环境数学模拟及热环境容量计算

14.Calculate the Water Environment Capacity of Surface Water in Hangzhou Base on GIS;基于GIS的杭州市水环境容量计算及总量分配系统研制

15.Improved Mothed and Its Application for Water Quality Assessment and Water Environmental Carrying Capacity Calculation;河流水质评价与环境容量计算方法的改进及应用

16.Application Study of Uncertain Mathematics of for Calculation of Environmental Capacity of Shahe River;未确知数学在沙河水环境容量计算中的应用研究

17.Tourism Carrying Capacity Calculation of Island Tourism Destination;海岛型旅游目的地环境容量计算——以南麂列岛为例

18.Study on Double-flow Model Applied in Computation of Aquatic Environmental Capacity of Tide-affected River;双向流模型在感潮河段水环境容量计算中的应用探讨


Remain water environment capacity calculation剩余水环境容量计算

3)environmental capacity环境容量

1.Study onenvironmental capacity assessment and management strategy of Fuzhou National Forest Park;福州国家森林公园环境容量评估及其管理策略研究

2.Study on theenvironmental capacity of the wetland ecotourism in Minjiang River estuary;闽江河口区湿地生态旅游环境容量研究

3.Study on the relation between urbanenvironmental capacity and vehicle possessing quantity;城市环境容量与机动车保有量关系研究

4)environment capacity环境容量

1.Study of stochasticenvironment capacity of waters in Yellow River by Lanzhou;黄河兰州段随机水环境容量研究

2.Key Technologies on Decision Support System for Pollution Control Based on Environment Capacity in LiaoDong Bay;基于环境容量的辽东湾污染控制决策支持系统的关键技术研究

3.Theenvironment capacity of Xi"er river is calculated by establishing a set of input and response relation system between pollution source and environmental quality based on quality objectives of different environmental functional areas and scientific environmental impact assessment.从环境容量利用与管理的角度出发,在科学评价环境质量现状的基础上,根据环境功能区的质量目标,通过建立污染源-环境质量的输入响应关系,确定大理市西洱河的环境容量。

5)water environmental capacity环境容量

1.Then thewater environmental capacity was calculated using VC++.为了给城市河流水环境管理决策和总量控制规划提供定量化工具,通过四川省绵阳市涪江河段总量控制规划为例,对城市河流总量控制规划进行了研究,包括使用标准指数法进行水质现状评价,功能区划、分河段建立河流水质模型并用VC++编程计算水环境容量,并建立模型对涪江水环境容量价值进行了探讨。

2.Nine functional water areas were partitioned, different models based on the characteristics of each area were constructed, and thewater environmental capacity (WEC) of the river was calculated respectively using one- and two-dimensional models to decrease the error of calculation.将河流划分为9个水域功能区,针对不同河段的特点建立河流水质模型,采用一维和二维模型计算涪江绵阳段河流水环境容量,以减小计算误差,并按照行政区划分配剩余水环境容量。

6)environmental carrying capacity环境容量

1.Its basic theories are that living conditions of human being are restricted by the environment,environmental carrying capacity of reservoir- induced resettlement has a variability depending on the quality and quantity of the affecting factors.水库移民环境容量是水库移民工作中的重要理论问题。

2.In this paper,the concepts of environmental value andenvironmental carrying capacity are introduced into quantification of the impact on environment by the industrial processes,and applied in the optimization of the industrial planning decision to determine the optimal production scale that maximizes the profit with relatively least loss of environmental value.在工业规划决策中,引入环境价值与环境容量的概念对环境影响因素进行量化的评估,纳入经济效益优化,以达到经济、环境效益的综合最优。

3.The reasonable price of natural resources andenvironmental carrying capacity as well as the price of resources interfered by the government are analyzed here combining the problems happened in the situation of developing circular economy in China.结合我国循环经济发展现实及发展中存在的问题,阐述了自然资源的合理定价、环境容量的合理定价、环境资源的政府干预定价、发展循环经济的实用技术等,对目前的热点问题进行了探讨。


水环境容量水环境容量water environmental capacityshui huan」ing rongliang水环境容且(water~~n以capacits)在人类生产、生存和自然生态不致受害的前提下,水体所能容纳污染物的最大负荷量。广义上除污染因素外,还应包括水土流失、水源涵养等因素。一个特定的水体对污染物(含物理性、化学性、生物性污染物)的容量是有限的。它的大小与水体的多少、水体的水文特性、污染物本身的物理及化学性质有关。例如河流年径流量越大、湖泊来水量丰富且湖泊总水量越多,则对污染物的净化能力也就越大,其水环境容量也越大。水环境容量包括绝对容量和年容量两个方面。以化学污染物为例,水体的绝对容量(叭)是某一水体所能容纳某种污染物的最大负荷量,它由水质标准的规定值(风)和水环境背景值(B)来决定。表达式如下:以浓度为单位叭二俄一B,以重量为单位叭二M(俄一B),式中M为某一水体的体积。水体的年容量(砒)是某一水体在污染物的积累浓度超过水质标准规定的最大允许值情况下,每年所能容纳的某污染物的最大负荷量。年容量的大小不仅与水质标准的规定值(俄)和某一水体环境背景值(B)有关,还与该水体对某种污染物的净化能力有关,其表达式如下:以浓度为单位俄=K(俄一B),以重量为单位W。二K.M(俄一B),式中K值为某污染物在某一水体中的年净化率,K二(A’lA)·1(X现,式中A为某污染物年输人量,A’为一年间某污染物被净化量。水土流失、植被的破坏无疑会造成水环境质量的下降,如加大河流含沙量、减少河川径流量等,水环境容量也相应降低。水资源的不合理开发利用,也会使水环境遭到破坏,如过量引水造成河道断流,加剧河流萎缩;多泥沙河流过量引水,会造成下游输沙能力的减小,河道淤积现象加剧。为此,在水环境中,水土流失量、流域森林筱盖率、水资源开发利用量(率)等都应有一定的限度,其值因不同水体而异。
