1200字范文 > 京剧人物画 Drama Character Painting英语短句 例句大全

京剧人物画 Drama Character Painting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-15 14:47:00


京剧人物画 Drama Character Painting英语短句 例句大全

京剧人物画,Drama Character Painting

1)Drama Character Painting京剧人物画


1.Paintings of Beijing Opera Characters by Dong Zhensheng董赈生京剧人物画集

2.Beijing Opera Characters in the Painting in the Form of Research Performance京剧人物形象在绘画中的表现形式研究

3.a script that is weak in plot but strong in character.一本情节简单却人物刻画深入的剧本.

4.Zhou Xinfang is a representative of the Shanghai school of Beijing opera.周信芳是海派京剧的代表人物之一。

5.There are four main types of characters: the lead, the female lead, the painted face and the clown.京剧中主要有四种人物:生、旦、净、丑。

6.Paintings, calligraphy, classical poetry and Beijing Opera were four nameplates of Chinese culture.文人画、书法、古典诗词和京剧,成为精神文化的四大名牌。

7.The king is represented as a villain in the play.在这出剧中把国王刻画成一个反面人物.

8.The king is represent as a villain in the play在这出剧中把国王刻画成一个反面人物

9.a male character in French pantomime; usually dressed in white with a whitened face.法国哑剧中的男性人物;通常穿白衣,画白脸。

10.Eugene O Neill s Achievements in the Portraits of Women in His Later Plays;龙金·奥尼尔晚期剧作中女性人物刻画的成就

11.Figural Portrait Painters in the Princely Mansions of Beijing in the Eighteenth Century;十八世纪服务于京城王府宦邸的人物画家

12.Terrific. Beijing Opera is so attractive.好极了,京剧真是吸引人。

13.give a performance of(music,a play,a character,etc);give a portrayal of(sb/sth)in painting,etc演奏(音乐);演出(戏剧);扮演(角色);以绘画等表现(某人[某物])

14.Characteristics of Habanera and Its Influence on Character Portraying in Carmen从歌剧《卡门》剖析《哈巴涅拉》的音乐特色及其对人物性格的刻画

15.Depict Women Images and Highlight Tragic Fate;刻画女性群像,烘托悲剧命运——论《祝福》中塑造人物形象的烘托手法

16.She loves Chinese culture so much that her hobbies are Chinese paintings and Beijing Opera.她非常非常爱中国文化,她的爱好是国画和京剧。

17.Some tragic persons in the history of Fujian’s calligraphy--Comment on calligraphy of Cai Jing,Zhang Ruitu and Zheng Xiaoxu;福建书法史上的悲剧人物——蔡京、张瑞图和郑孝胥书法述评

18.He was admired for his landscape, bird-and-flower and occasional figure painting.他的山水画、鸟画和人物画受人仰慕。


jingju bɑnhuɑ《京剧版画》

3)types of facial make-up in Beijing opera京剧人物脸谱

4)Drama Character京剧人物形象

5)Beijing figural artists京城人物画家群

6)Dancing and Theatric Figure Painting舞蹈戏剧人物画


