1200字范文 > 价值澄清理论 value clarification theory英语短句 例句大全

价值澄清理论 value clarification theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-14 19:10:44


价值澄清理论 value clarification theory英语短句 例句大全

价值澄清理论,value clarification theory

1)value clarification theory价值澄清理论

1.Value Clarification Theory"s Reference to China"s Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities价值澄清理论对我国高校思想政治教育的借鉴意义


1.The Enlightens of the Theory of Value Clarification on the Reform of Moral Education at Colleges;价值澄清理论对高校德育改革的启示

2.Value clarification theory and ideological and political education to college students;价值澄清理论与大学生思想政治教育

3.Appraisal and Introduction of the Values Clarification Theory and Values Education in Chinese Universities;价值澄清理论评介与我国高校价值观教育

4.A Study of Students" Education of Values Based on Clarification Theory基于价值澄清理论的大学生价值观教育探析

5.Research on information ethics education based on the theory of value clarification;基于价值澄清理论的信息伦理教育研究

6.The Theory of Values Clarification on the Application of Moral Education in China"s Primary and Middle Schools价值澄清理论在我国中小学德育中应用的研究

7.Research on Harmonious Moral Education at Colleges and Universities Based on the Theory of Value Clarification基于价值澄清理论的大学和谐德育研究

8.The research of the university student village officers from the perspective of the value clarification价值澄清理论视角下的大学生村官问题研究

9.The Enlightenment of Value Clarification to the Contemporary Values Education Practice of Our Country;价值澄清理论对我国当代价值观教育实践的启示

10.Value Clarification and the Application of It into the Teaching Practice of Tour Geography Course;价值澄清理论及其在中等职业学校《旅游地理》教学中的运用研究

11.Application Research of Values Clarification on the School Teaching of Hotel Management Course价值澄清理论在饭店管理课程教学中的应用研究

12.Value Clarification Theory"s Reference to China"s Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities价值澄清理论对我国高校思想政治教育的借鉴意义

parision of Moral Development Level Theory with Value Clarification Theory --Their Enlightening Significance Upon Contemporary Moral Education of Our Nation;道德发展阶段理论与价值澄清理论之比较——对我国新时期道德教育的启示

14.Value Clarification and Moral Conformity: Dilemma Encountered by Value Clarification Methodology;从价值澄清到道德从众——价值澄清方法论遇到的困境

15.Insisting Marx s Theories of Labor Value of Five Greatest Theories Cognition Questions that Must be Clarified;坚持马克思劳动价值论必须要澄清的五大理论认识问题

16.Instillation Method and Value ClarificationMethod in Moral Education Between the West and the East;东西方道德教育灌输法与价值澄清法之比较

17.The Original Implication of Value Clarification and Its Significance for Ideological and Political Education: Thoughts of Value and Teaching;价值澄清的本真蕴涵及其思想政治教育意义——读《价值与教学》有感

18.To Clear a Methodological Mistake in the Study of Saussurean Linguistic Theory澄清索绪尔语言理论研究中的一个方法论误区


Comment on Value Clarification价值澄清理论述评

3)value clarification价值澄清

1.The Enlightenment of Value Clarification to the Contemporary Values Education Practice of Our Country;价值澄清理论对我国当代价值观教育实践的启示

2.Theory of Value Clarification and Its Wax and Wane价值澄清学说及其兴衰原因探析

3.Although the thoughts ofvalue clarification stress on this characteristics,it ignored the objectivity and commonness of the value.传统的主导价值观教育注重价值的客观性和共性,忽视价值的特殊性和多变性,而价值澄清理论只片面强调价值的特殊性和多变性,否定了价值的客观性和共性。

4)Values Clarification价值观澄清

1.FromValues Clarification to Contemporary Character Education;从价值观澄清到当代人格教育

5)Value Clarification价值澄清法

1.Research on Transplantation and Application ofValue Clarification Method in Politics Teaching in Senior High Schools;“价值澄清法”在高中政治课教学中的移植与运用研究

6)value clarification and guiding价值澄清引导


弗鲁姆的期望价值理论弗鲁姆认为,管理中各种激励因素作用力的大小,取决于职工对他所能得到的结果的全部预期价值乘以他认为可能得到该结果的概率。用公式表示为: m=v•e 其中,m代表激励力量,v代表满足个人需要的预期价值,而e代表可能获得该价值的概率。弗鲁姆认为,要调动职工积极性,必须处理好三方面的关系,即:(1)个人努力与绩效的关系;(2)绩效与奖励的关系;(3)奖励与满足个人需要的关系。取得成效不等于奖励,两者还有个等同率的问题,这取决于职工对管理人员的信任程度。为此,管理者要树立自己言必信,行必果的形象。得到奖励能否满足个人需要,这要看奖励本身的价值大小,以及个人对该价值的需要倾爱程度,人的需要是不同的,因而同样奖励对不同人的激励力量不同。即使是同一个人,其需要也是不断变化的。管理者应根据不同情况,区别对待。
