1200字范文 > 出行特性 trip characteristics英语短句 例句大全

出行特性 trip characteristics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-08 12:16:18


出行特性 trip characteristics英语短句 例句大全

出行特性,trip characteristics

1)trip characteristics出行特性

1.Based on the analysis of the motorcycle traffictrip characteristics in Shantou,the problems of motorcycle traffic are discussed.在分析汕头市摩托车出行特征的基础上,探讨了摩托车交通存在的问题,指出在城市交通中其出行特性较差,提出了详细的解决策略,并对汕头市城乡一体化的公共交通服务体系规划做了一些探讨。


1.The Research of Household Probability Distribution and Trip Production Forecast Based on Trip Characteristics of Household基于交通出行特性的家庭概率分布及出行产生预测研究

2.Analysis on the epidemic characteristics of the epidemic hemorrhagic fever in Fujian province from to -福建省流行性出血热流行特征分析

3.Analysis on epidemic feature of Acute Hemorrhagic Conjunctivitis From to in China~全国急性出血性结膜炎流行特征分析

4.Characteristics of Trip Modal Equilibria under Different Conditions?不同条件下出行方式平衡模型及特性分析

5.The Analysis on the Perceptual Characteristics of the Behavior of Farmers Taking Jobs in Cities;当代农民外出务工行为的感性特征分析

6.The Study of FDI Spillover in China in Different Phases;我国FDI行业内溢出效应阶段性特征的实证研究

7.Transit trip dynamic characteristics based on IC card information基于IC卡信息的居民公交出行动态特性

8.The epidemiologic analysis of epidemic pattern on epidemic hemorrhagic fever(EHF) in Yingshang county Anhui province from 1961 to 1980.安徽省颍上县1961—1980年流行性出血热某些流行特征的分析

9.Study on Leaching Property of Lead in CRT and Feasibility Study on Resources废CRT玻壳铅的浸出特性及资源化利用可行性研究

10.behavior, behaviour特性,性能,性状,行为

11.The signal/noise characteristics of Rosette scan were analyzed.对玫瑰线扫描的信号、噪声特性进行了分析,提出了处理方法。

12.The regular and continuous vibration of knees shows the local people"s method of walking in the desert.其微颤的动律,膝部规律性、延续化的颤动,体现出沙漠上行走的特征;

13.2. The characters of the single wavelength DPL was studied by experiment in thesecond chapter.2、对单波长全固态激光器的输入输出特性进行了实验研究。

14.In the transitional period, our administrative culture is dual and immature.转型时期,我国的行政文化呈现出一种“二元性”特征,发育尚不成熟。


16.Analysis of another method in the certain environment of capital market --Possibility of buying quota to go on the Stock Market;论特定环境下风险资本退出的另类蹊径——买壳上市的可行性

17.The Analysis of China"s Urban Taxi Industry Characteristics and the Construction of Demand Forecast Model我国城市出租车行业特性分析与需求预测模型构建

18.epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis流行性出血性结膜炎


characteristics of travel demand出行需求特性

3)The analyse of the family"s trip characteristic居民出行特性

4)trip characteristics出行特征

1.The disparity of residenttrip characteristics of different economy degree in China small cities was studied.试图研究中国不同经济发达程度的小城市居民出行特征的差异性及导致差异性的内在原因。

2.In order to study thetrip characteristics of urban agglomeration,trip investigation in Changzhutan urban agglomeration was implemented.根据调查结果对城市群区域城内与城际出行者在社会经济特性、出行目的、出行方式选择以及出行时间分布等方面做了对比分析,并对其规律进行了总结,发现城内与城际出行除在方式选择考虑因素方面有共性外,其他方面个性特征明显,另外对城市群内出行特征及其发展趋势作了预估。

3.Based on the sum-up oftrip characteristics of elderly people, some adaptability problems of current transportation system were pointed out, concerning accessibility, transit reliability and comfort, walking environment, and barrier-free facility.在总结老年人出行特征的基础上,分析了现有交通系统在可达性、公共交通可靠性和舒适性、步行环境、信息来源以及无障碍设计等方面存在的问题,并借鉴国外的经验,从公共交通的发展、无障碍设施的建设、步行环境的改善、老年人安全意识的教育及驾驶员培训和审验制度的完善等几个方面提出了对策和建议。

5)travel characteristics出行特征

1.According to the household survey data,this paper analyzes the TDM measures impact ontravel characteristics of Beijing residents quantitatively.本文通过措施实施前后收集的居民入户调查数据,定量分析了限行措施对居民出行特征的影响。

2.,and summarize how and why Shijiazhuang householdtravel characteristics have changed.根据石家庄市,2000年,1986年3次居民出行调查的数据,分析石家庄市居民的出行次数、出行目的、出行方式等的变化情况,由此归纳出石家庄市居民出行特征变化的规律和原因。

6)trip characteristic出行特征

1.Along with the increasing of the national urbanization rate,the layout of cities’ space gradually developed from a single center’s to a multi-central group’s,thus the residenttrip characteristics also have corresponding change.随着全国城市化率的不断提高,城市空间布局由单中心集聚逐渐向多中心组团式发展,从而居民出行特征也发生了相应的变化。


