1200字范文 > 大倾角 large inclined angle英语短句 例句大全

大倾角 large inclined angle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-14 02:03:26


大倾角 large inclined angle英语短句 例句大全

大倾角,large inclined angle

1)large inclined angle大倾角

1.Application of rotary fan-shaped actual mining technology inlarge inclined angle face;大倾角高档普采工作面中旋转扇形回采技术的应用

2.Approach on combined mining technology atlarge inclined angle middle and thick coal seam;大倾角中厚煤层综采技术初探

3.Research on mining technology of combined mining atlarge inclined angle "three soft" coal seam“三软”煤层大倾角综采回采工艺研究


1.Application of inchined longwall and overhead mining technology in large tilt angle coal seam mining倾斜长壁仰斜开采技术在大倾角煤层中的应用

2.Research and Extracting Status of Large Angle and Large Length Coal Seam in China我国大倾角、大采长煤层开采研究现状

3.Research of Unstable Carrier by Intelligent and Variable Structure Control in Wide and Narrow-range Individually不稳定小车大倾角智能控制及小倾角变结构控制研究

4.Vertical dip mining system for fully mechanized face under the condition of large dip angle (24°)大倾角24°条件下综采俯斜开采技术

5.Application of the light-caving technology in the large dip argle depression mining work face轻放工艺在大倾角俯采工作面的应用

6.Sum up the experiences of high yield and efficiency face at big angle blasting mining face大倾角炮采工作面高产高效经验总结

7.Application and future of a new type belt conveyor with a large angle of inclination新型大倾角胶带运输机的应用与前景

8.Study on Reasonable Parameter of Large DIP Angle of Fully Mechanized Coal Face Section Coal Pillar大倾角综放面区段煤柱合理参数研究

9.Advantage and current status of mine steep belt conveyer矿用大倾角胶带机运输的优势及现状

10.Application of π-shaped steel beam of longwall mining technology with big dip大倾角π型钢梁长壁采煤工艺的应用

11.Technology of Light-support Caving Mining with Large Angle轻放工作面大倾角仰斜开采工艺技术

12.The Research in Large Tilt Angle Coal Seam Mining of Its Plank Moving and Controlling;大倾角仰斜开采采场顶板控制的研究

13.The Great Inclination Angle Synthesis Puts the Working Surface Core Technique of Production Exploration大倾角综放工作面核心生产工艺探索

14.Research on mining technology of combined mining at large inclined angle "three soft" coal seam“三软”煤层大倾角综采回采工艺研究

15.Study on the ground administration of mechanized top coal caving in heavy pitching seam大倾角煤层综放工作面采场管理研究

16.Test Research on Resistance of Anchorage Cable with Large Inclination Angle in Soft Soil Regions软土区大倾角锚索的抗拔力试验研究

17.Design of 31.5° large-angle belt conveyor31.5°大倾角带式输送机的设计

18.Spalling Control Technology and Practices in Fully Mechanized Longwall Mining Face in Deep Inclined Soft Seam大倾角软煤层综采工作面防片帮技术


large dip angle大倾角

1.Study on stability technology of hydraulic support in fully-mechanized caving working face withlarge dip angle;大倾角综放工作面液压支架稳定性技术探讨

2.Vertical dip mining system for fully mechanized face under the condition oflarge dip angle (24°);大倾角24°条件下综采俯斜开采技术

3.Aiming at the complex geologic condition in deep angle inclined top-coal wall,analyzed the reciprocity relationship of fully mechanized top-coal hydraulic support stress state and enclosing rocks under the condition oflarge dip angle,expatiated the effect on the capability of hydraulic powered support that the enclosing wall characteristic arousing.针对大倾角煤层综放开采工作面的复杂地质条件,分析了大倾角条件下综采工作面支架与围岩相互作用关系,阐述了围岩特性对液压支架的性能影响,对大倾角煤层开采过程中,支架的受力及稳定性情况进行了研究,为大倾角煤层综放工作面液压支架的设计提供了较好的借鉴作用。

3)high inclined angle大倾角

1.Having takenhigh inclined angle 31502 working face fully mechanized top coal caving in Zhang Ji Mine of Kangbao Mining Company as object of study,this paper analyzes the complicated situation the 31502 fully mechanized top coal caving face will face,having taken specific measures and management methods to guarantee mining safely,providing methods for future mining and accumulating experience.以康保矿业公司张纪井31502工作面大倾角综采放顶煤为研究对象,分析了31502综采放顶煤工作面面临的复杂情况,采取了针对性措施及管理办法,保证了安全推采,为今后的采煤方法探明了路子、积累了经验。

2.Through the research and analysis on 8256 light carving face support gliding caused by complicated geological structure,deep mining,andhigh inclined angle in Yangquhe Coal Mine,this paper provides a solution to the gliding of light caving support and ancillary equipment,improving the recovery rate of coal,providing a reference for future mining under similar conditions.通过对羊渠河矿8256轻放工作面地质构造复杂、大采深、大倾角造成工作面支架下滑进行了研究和分析,找出了解决轻型放顶煤支架及配套设备的上窜下滑,提高了煤炭的回收率,为今后类似条件下的回采提供了参考。

3.In view of the actual situation,through the transformation of the mechanical and electrical equipment,the adjustment of extraction technology and strengthening the management of safety production,we are successful in the elevated fully mechanized coal facehigh inclined angle .针对实际情况我们通过对机电设备的改造、回采工艺的调整及加强安全生产管理,成功实现了高架综采工作面大倾角俯采,创造了良好的经济效益及社会效益。

4)deep dip angle大倾角

1.Technical Research of Complicated Coal Seams with Deep Dip Angle;大倾角构造复杂煤层开采技术研究

2.Study the feasibility of the bolt support technology used indeep dip angle half-coal rock roadway in this paper,and analysis the effect on roadway"s rock stress distribution and condition of maintenance when the vertex angle coal hold,finally,a bolting support design is suggested,and the research results have been applied to the project successfully.探讨了大倾角半煤岩巷道采用锚杆支护的可行性,分析了留设上顶角煤对巷道围岩应力分布和维护状况的影响,提出了这类巷道的锚杆支护方案,并介绍了应用于工程实践的成功经验。

5)large tilt angle大倾角

1.Application of inchined longwall and overhead mining technology inlarge tilt angle coal seam mining;倾斜长壁仰斜开采技术在大倾角煤层中的应用

2.Practice on the technology oflarge tilt angle compound mining caving coal;大倾角综采放顶煤技术的开采实践

3.Research on shelterlarge tilt angle belt conveyer;挡边大倾角胶带输送机的研究

6)high inclination-angle大倾角

1.5m thick and 21°~42°high inclination-angle,is mined with light top coal caving.5m,煤岩层倾角21°~42°,属于大倾角煤层,采用轻型放顶煤技术开采。


