1200字范文 > 立地类型划分 Site type classification英语短句 例句大全

立地类型划分 Site type classification英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-02 14:51:13


立地类型划分 Site type classification英语短句 例句大全

立地类型划分,Site type classification

1)Site type classification立地类型划分

1.Cluster analysis on site type classification of scenic forest基于聚类分析的风景林立地类型划分


1.Cluster analysis on site type classification of scenic forest基于聚类分析的风景林立地类型划分

2.Site Classification of Basin Regions of Middle-south Shanxi Province--Site Types and Afforestation Models of Shanxi Province(Ⅸ)山西中南部盆地立地区立地类型的划分——山西立地类型划分与造林模式研究(Ⅸ)

3.Site Classification of Earthy-rocky Region of East Shanxi--Site Types and Afforestation Models of Shanxi Province(Ⅺ)山西东部土石山立地区立地类型的划分——山西省立地类型划分与造林模式研究(Ⅺ)

4.Site Classification of Earthy-rocky Region of Lüliang Mountain--Site Types and Afforestation Models of Shanxi Province(Ⅶ)山西吕梁山土石山立地区立地类型的划分——山西省立地类型划分与造林模式研究(Ⅶ)

5.Site Type Division of Loess Hilly Region in the Northwest of Shanxi Province--Study on site type division and afforestation mode in Shanxi Province(Ⅲ)晋西北黄土丘陵立地区立地类型的划分——山西省立地类型划分与造林模式研究(Ⅲ)

6.A Study on the Site Type Classification in Agriculture and Pasturage Interlaced Zone of Northern Shaanxi Based on GIS基于GIS的陕北农牧交错带立地类型划分研究

7.Division of Site Type and Selection of Resistant Species on Semiarid Sand Area半干旱风沙区立地类型划分与抗逆树种选择

8.Stand Classification of Loss Hilly Region in Eastern Lvliang Mountain--Stand Types and Afforestation Models of Shanxi Province(Ⅴ)吕梁山东侧黄土丘陵立地区立地划分——山西省立地类型划分与造林模式研究(Ⅴ)

9.Study on the Site Condition Division and Key Techniques of Engineering Afforestation in the Southern Mountain Area in Jinan City济南市南部山区立地类型划分与工程造林关键技术研究

10.Study on Afforestation Mode in Shanxi Province--Study on site type division and afforestation mode in Shanxi Province(Ⅱ)山西省造林模式研究——山西省立地类型划分与造林模式研究(Ⅱ)

11.Afforestation Models of Basin Regions of Middle-south Shanxi Province--Site Types and Afforestation Models of Shanxi Province(Ⅹ)山西中南部盆地立地区造林模式研究——山西省立地类型划分与造林模式研究(Ⅹ)

12.Study on Afforestation Mode of Hilly Site Subregion in Shanxi"s Westnorth Basin--Study on site type division and afforestation mode in Shanxi Province(Ⅳ)晋西北盆地丘陵立地亚区造林模式研究——山西省立地类型划分与造林模式研究(Ⅳ)

13.Afforestation Models of Earthy-rocky Region of East Shanxi--Site Types and Afforestation Models of Shanxi Province山西东部土石山立地区造林模式研究——山西省立地类型划分与造林模式研究(ⅩⅡ)

14.Afforestation Models of Earthy-rocky Region of Lüliang Mountain--Site Types and Afforestation Models of Shanxi Province(Ⅷ)山西吕梁山土石山立地区造林模式研究——山西省立地类型划分与造林模式研究(Ⅷ)

15.Research on the Site Condition Classification and Analysis of Present Status of Land-using in Jiangjia Ravine;蒋家沟流域立地类型组划分及土地利用现状研究

16.Types Division of Agricultural Region Structure in Northeast China东北地区农业地域结构类型划分研究

17.There are two site type districts and four site type subdistricts in Anyuan County and every subdistrict includes twenty-nine or sixteen site types.全县共分为两类立地类型区,四类立地类型亚区,每个亚区有29或16个立地类型。



dividing of sub-standing type立地类型亚区划分

3)Zoning and sorting of forest sites森林立地类型划分

4)relief type zone地貌类型划分

5)Classification of forest type林地类型划分

6)stand division立地划分


国民经济类型划分国民经济类型划分,是指以生产资料的所有制性质和国家有关法规为依据划分经济类型的规定。根据《关于经济类型划分的暂行规定》,目 前,经济类型可划分为以下几种:国有经济;集体经济;私营经济;个体经济;联营经济;股份制经济;外商投资经济;港、澳、台投资经济;其他经济。
