1200字范文 > 潜艇人员 submarine men英语短句 例句大全

潜艇人员 submarine men英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-18 23:57:42


潜艇人员 submarine men英语短句 例句大全

潜艇人员,submarine men

1)submarine men潜艇人员

1.Study on dietary intake and lipid peroxidation insubmarine men;潜艇人员营养素摄入及脂质过氧化水平分析


1.A correlation study between the interpersonal sensitivity and the factor scores of MMPI in submariners;潜艇人员人际关系敏感与MMPI因子分的相关性研究

2.The safety of the boat and crew becomes paramount.保住潜艇和全艇人员的安全是当务之急。

3.This was the submarine"s moment, the reason it had been built and manned.这可是潜艇的时刻,也是当初建造潜艇、配备人员的原因。

4.a member of the crew of a submarine.潜水艇编队中的成员。

5.A Research on the Relationship Between Submariners" Work Stress and Morale潜艇艇员工作应激与士气关系的研究

6.These tiny crewmembers will be put inside a microscopic submarine. and this submarine will be injected into your blood stream.这些极小的机组人员将被装入微型潜艇内。而这艘微型潜艇将注射进你的血流。

7.Research on Effect of Psychology Behavior Training on Stress Level of Submarine Personnel and Psychological Quality of SARS Front-Line Health-Care Workers;心理行为训练对潜艇艇员应激水平和SARS治疗一线医护人员心理素质的影响研究

8.Nuclear sub escape hatch can be opened, Norwegians say挪威救难人员表示:核子动力潜艇的逃生舱可以打得开

9.Nuclear sub escape hatch can be opened, Norwegians say.挪威救难人员表示:核子动力潜艇的逃生舱可以打得开。

10.Social Support and Psycho-social Stresses in Submariners潜艇艇员社会支持的心理社会应激因素研究

11.The Relationship Between B-LPO of pre-and post-,Convalescing in Submariners潜艇艇员疗养前后血液过氧化脂质关系

12.Sighted sub, sank same.瞄准潜艇,击沉潜艇

13.A person in a racing shell who usually directs the rest of the crew.赛艇艇长通常在赛艇中领导其余船员的人

14.Land warfare will become analogous to submarine warfare -it is all about finding and tracking the submarine.陆战将变得象是潜艇战——围绕的主题将是发现和追踪敌人的潜艇。

15.The Characteristics of the Heart Rate Variation of the Elite Rowers of Multi-person scull;优秀多人艇赛艇运动员心率变化特点

16.The lake has 4 working submarines that people can ride.湖中有四个潜水艇可供人们乘坐。

17.The enemy submarine was detected and destroyed.那艘敌人的潜水艇被侦测并加以摧毁。

18.a group of submarines operating together in attacking enemy convoys.协同攻击敌人护航船的潜艇群。




pare of coping and sleep status between submariners and marine corps soldiers;潜艇艇员与陆战队员应对与睡眠状况比较分析

2.Social Support and Psycho-social Stresses inSubmariners潜艇艇员社会支持的心理社会应激因素研究


1.The Relationship Between B-LPO of pre-and post-,Convalescing in Submariners潜艇艇员疗养前后血液过氧化脂质关系

2.489submariners\" work stressors,work stress level and combat morale were surveyed so as to study the relationship between their work stress and combat morale.本研究通过对489名潜艇艇员的工作应激源、工作应激水平和战斗士气进行测量和分析,探讨潜艇艇员工作应激与战斗士气之间的关系。

5)submarine kit潜艇人员装具

6)individual submarine escape潜艇艇员单人脱险


“基洛”级潜艇及潜艇装备"基洛"级潜艇是俄罗斯红宝石设计局设计的常规动力攻击型潜艇。水面排水量2350吨,水下排水量3000吨。艇长73.8米,宽10米,高14.7米。最大下潜深度300米,工作深度240米,潜望镜深度17.5米艇员52人,自持力45天。动力装置:两台柴油机,一台推进电机和经航电机,七叶低噪声螺旋桨,单轴,装有两组蓄电池,每级120块,分别置于i舱和iii舱,功率2940千瓦(约4000马力)。水面航速11节,水下航速18节,最大航速可达20节,续航力为400海里。艇艏装有6个鱼雷发射管,可另携带12枚备用鱼雷。中国海军的潜艇: 型号 排水量 数量夏级(092) (8000吨) 4艘汉级(091) (5000吨) 5艘g级(6631) (2350/2950吨) 1艘k级(kilo877/636) (2350/3000吨) 4艘武汉a级(33g1) (1350/1700吨) 1艘明级(035) (1500/1900吨) 10艘宋级(039) (1700/2250吨) 2艘r级(6633) (1350/1700吨) 103艘w级(6603)(退出现役) (1080/1350吨) 15艘
