1200字范文 > 刺参 Apostichopus japonicus英语短句 例句大全

刺参 Apostichopus japonicus英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-22 23:53:57


刺参 Apostichopus japonicus英语短句 例句大全

刺参,Apostichopus japonicus

1)Apostichopus japonicus刺参

1.Cloning and characterization of a vasa-like gene inApostichopus japonicus and its expression in tissues;刺参vasa-like基因克隆及其在组织中的表达分析

2.Bioremediation potential ofApostichopus japonicus (Selenka) in coastal bivalve suspension aquaculture system.;刺参对浅海筏式贝类养殖系统的修复潜力

3.The effects of temperature,salinity and light cycle on the growth and behavior ofApostichopus japonicus;温度、盐度和光照周期对刺参生长及行为的影响


1.Genetic Studies on the Sea Cucumber (Apostichopus Japonicus);刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)的遗传学研究

2.Effect of heavy metal on the SOD activity of the viscera of Apostichopus japonicus juvenile重金属毒性对刺参幼参SOD活性的影晌

3.Biological Studies on Breeding of Two Color Variants of Sea Cucumbers中国青刺参和日本红刺参苗种培育的生物学研究

parative Study on Juvenile Growth of Hybrids between Chinese and Japanese Stocks of Sea Cucumber(Stichopus japonicus)中国刺参与日本红刺参杂交子一代的早期生长比较

5.Biodegradation of Apostichopus Japonicus Foundation of Bivalve and A.japonicus Polycultursystem;刺参的生物清除作用及贝参混养模式的建立

6.A preliminary study of the attractiveness of artificial tile reefs to sea-cucumbers(Apostichopus japonicas)人工瓦片参礁对刺参诱集效果的初步研究

7.Effects of Dietary Corn Gluten Levels on Growth,and Digestion in Juvenile Sea Cucumber(Apostichopus japonicus)玉米蛋白含量对仿刺参幼参生长和消化的影响

8.Heritability of early growth traits in larval and juvenile sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus仿刺参耳状幼体和稚参阶段的体长遗传力估计

9.Analysis on Genetic Diversity in the Wild Population of Sea Cucumber (Apostichopus Japonicus) in Weihai威海仿刺参野生种群遗传多样性分析

10.Annual changes of immune enzymes in coelome fluid of sea cucumber,Apostichopus japonicus刺参体腔液几种免疫指标的周年变化

11.Seasonal variations of fatty acid composition in Apostichopus japonicus body wall刺参体壁脂肪酸组成的季节变化分析

12.Effects of salinity on the respiration and ammonia excretion of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus under high temperature高温下不同盐度对刺参幼参和1龄参呼吸排泄的影响

13.The Etiological Identification of Skin Ulcer Syndrome in Cultured Apostichopus Japonicas and the Study of the Immune Effects of Inactivated Pathogens on Apostichopus Japonicas;养殖刺参“腐皮综合征”致病菌的鉴定及其灭活菌苗对刺参免疫作用的研究

14.Research on Scoring System of acupuncture manipulation parameter testing machine in judging lifting-inserting method针刺手法参数测试仪评判针刺提插法的研究

15.Gary Neville returns to the United squad for Tottenham"s visit on Saturday.加里将复出参加周六对阵热刺的比赛。

16.the finest embroidery.See also Synonyms atfragile精美细致的刺绣参见同义词

17.Determination on the Amino Acids and Elements in Oplopanax elatus Nakai东北刺人参氨基酸·元素含量的测定

18.Study Overview to the Standardization of Parameters of TuiNa Manipulation Stimulus Quantity in Recent Year近年来推拿手法刺激量参数研究概况


sea cucumber刺参

1.Effect of Freshwater benthic Diatom onsea cucumber;淡水底栖硅藻对刺参的饵料效果

2.Study on mechanical evisceration technique ofsea cucumber刺参机械去脏工艺的试验研究

3.Effects of dietary supplemented with Astragalus membranaceus and Astragalus polysaccharides on growth performance insea cucumber饲喂黄芪和黄芪多糖对刺参生长性能的影响

3)Stichopus japonicus刺参

1.The Acute Toxicity of Several Herbicides toStichopus japonicus;刺参对几种除草剂的急性毒性试验

2.Study on fucoidan ofStichopus japonicus;刺参岩藻聚糖含量的研究

4)Sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus刺参

1.Sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka) is a member of Echinodermata, Holothuroidea, an epibenthic, temperate species inhabiting along Asian coasts.5、36)对四种规格刺参{S[(39。

2.Growth rate of wild juvenile sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus from different breeding groups of Qingdao(Q),Yantai(Y),Weihai(W),Rizhao(R),and Changdao(C) was studied compared with their self-breeding groups by Duncan s multiple range tests.采用Duncan’s新复极差测验分析方法,对青岛(Q)、烟台(Y)、威海(W)、日照(R)、长岛(C)的野生刺参群体进行了不同组合的选种繁育技术研究,以当地刺参自交作为对照组,对各组合的体质量日增长率和体长日增长率进行了比较分析。

3.1 Identification and characterization of microsatellite markers derived from expressed sequence tags (ESTs) of the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicusEleven polymorphic microsatellite markers were identified in expressed sequence tags generated from Apotichopus japonicus cDNA libraries.1刺参EST-SSR分子标记的开发与评价利用公共数据库资源,在刺参EST数据库中查找包含微卫星的序列,开发了11个EST-SSR分子标记,并用采自烟台的30个刺参个体进行评价。

5)Juvenile sea cucumber刺参幼参

6)Apostichopus japonicus日本刺参

1.Effects ofApostichopus japonicus on Antitumor and Immune Regulation in S_(180) Bearing Mice;日本刺参的抗肿瘤及免疫调节作用研究

parative investigation of the effects of triterpene glycosides(TrG) fromApostichopus japonicus(A.比较研究了日本刺参(Apostichopus japonicus,A。

3.The effects of Pearsonothuria graeffei andApostichopus japonicus on the level of blood lipids and peroxidation in hyperlipidemia rats were investigated.比较研究菲律宾刺参(Pearsonothuria graeffei)和日本刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)对实验性高脂血症大鼠血脂水平和抗氧化能力的影响。


