1200字范文 > 犯罪未成年人 juvenile delinquent英语短句 例句大全

犯罪未成年人 juvenile delinquent英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-28 01:00:21


犯罪未成年人 juvenile delinquent英语短句 例句大全

犯罪未成年人,juvenile delinquent

1)juvenile delinquent犯罪未成年人

1.In harmonious society constructing,we should pay attention to the group ofjuvenile delinquent,who will be a huge and potential danger.和谐社会构建中,犯罪未成年人这个群体应该引起我们的关注,他们是和谐社会发展进程中的巨大隐患。

2.It is necessary for the whole community to protectjuvenile delinquents.未成年人基于特殊的生理心理原因而成为社会弱势群体,犯罪未成年人因其犯罪使得未成型的人格体系最终建立不起来,成为社会弱势群体的弱势。

2)juvenile delinquency未成年人犯罪

1.Intervening Ways and Methods of the Juvenile Delinquency Correction Work;未成年人犯罪矫治社会工作的介入途径与方法

2.Discussion on problems ofjuvenile delinquency in examine and arrest tache;未成年人犯罪案件在审查逮捕环节存在问题的探讨

3.Analysis on Countermeasures to Juvenile Delinquency;浅论未成年人犯罪的治理措施


1.Strengthen comprehensive management of public security,the prevention and reduction of juvenile delinquency;未成年人侵害未成年人犯罪的特点、成因和对策

2.The investigation and consideration of the minor offence--Investigation the minor offence in Meishan city;未成年人犯罪问题的调查与思考——对眉山市未成年人犯罪的考察

3.Analyses on Diffraction Principles of Criminal Behaviors--To Take the Criminal Cases Conducted by the Underage as Examples;犯罪行为的衍射规律分析——以未成年人犯罪为例

4.The Cause of Formation on the Present Minor s Crime and Prevention Countermeasure;当前未成年人犯罪的成因与预防对策

5.A BriefTalkon Juvenile Delinquency s Characteristics , Cause , and Countermeasures;浅谈未成年人犯罪的特点、成因及对策

6.Standing Working Party on Offences against Minors对未成年人犯罪问题常设工作组

7.The Discussion about Improving Criminal System of Minors in China;论我国未成年人犯罪刑罚制度的完善

8.A Study on the Criminal Responsibility System of China s Juvenile Delinquency;我国未成年人犯罪刑事责任制度研究

9.Thinking about the Penalty System of Minor Crime in Our Country;对我国未成年人犯罪刑罚体系的思考

10.The Conception of China s Public Prosecution Policy on Cases Involving the Commission of Crimes by Minors;我国未成年人犯罪案件公诉政策构想

11.On the Application of Non-custodial Penalty of Minor Crimes of China;论我国未成年人犯罪非监禁刑之适用

12.Puts to the Minor Crime the Education in the Penalty the Discussion;对未成年人犯罪寓罚于教的理论探讨

13.Reform and Perfection of Prosecuting Procedure of Juvenile Delinquency;未成年人犯罪检察程序的改革与完善

14.Status and Countermeasures for Crimes of Teenagers;浅谈未成年人犯罪的现状及防范措施

15.Research on special judicial proceeding of juvenile delinquency cases;未成年人犯罪案件特别诉讼程序研究

16.A Comparative Study of the Conception of Juvenile Delinquency at Home and Abroad;国内外未成年人犯罪概念的比较研究

17.The Improvement of Fine System Used in Minor Committed Crime;未成年人犯罪适用罚金刑制度之完善

18.The Discuss of the Special Way When Handling the Minor Crime Case in the Public Prosecution;公诉环节办理未成年人犯罪案件探讨


juvenile delinquency未成年人犯罪

1.Intervening Ways and Methods of the Juvenile Delinquency Correction Work;未成年人犯罪矫治社会工作的介入途径与方法

2.Discussion on problems ofjuvenile delinquency in examine and arrest tache;未成年人犯罪案件在审查逮捕环节存在问题的探讨

3.Analysis on Countermeasures to Juvenile Delinquency;浅论未成年人犯罪的治理措施

3)minor crime未成年人犯罪

1.Among the many factors that affectminor crime,family is a very important factor.影响未成年人犯罪的因素很多,其中家庭因素是一个重要方面。

2.The optimization home education environment,displays the home education function fully,is prevents theminor crime effectively the important way.家庭关系的破裂、父母道德的缺失和家庭教育方式的不当,是导致未成年人犯罪的重要原因。

3.Theminor crime is a big problem of the society and the cause of theminor crime is a hot issue to which the scholars pay attention.未成年人犯罪是社会面临的一大难题,其原因更是学者们关注的焦点。

4)minor crimes未成年人犯罪

1.On the Influence of Family Factor on the Minor Crimes;试述家庭因素对未成年人犯罪的影响

2.Our country sminor crimes become more and more serious:the absolute number being larger,criminal character being more aggraviating,types being more complicated and variable,and way of crime being updating.我国的未成年人犯罪日趋严重,犯罪绝对数呈上升趋势,犯罪性质逐步恶化,犯罪类型复杂多变,犯罪方式不断更新升级。

3.The fundamental way of preventingminor crimes is to perfect the criminal law ofminor crimes.完善未成年人犯罪刑事法律是预防未成年人违法犯罪的根本途径。

5)minor criminal未成年人罪犯

1.The community rectifies is the China judicial reform new action,theminor criminal is the main ommunity which the community rectifies,simultaneously also is quite special crime community.社区矫正是中国司法改革的新举措,未成年人罪犯是社区矫正的主要群体,同时也是一个比较特殊的犯罪群体。

6)juvenile crime未成年人犯罪

1.The General Research on the Cause and Counter-measures for the Present Juvenile Crime in China;现阶段我国未成年人犯罪成因与对策研究

2.Problems of the public security organs to combatjuvenile crime and improving measures公安机关防治未成年人犯罪存在的问题及改进措施

3.During the past years,there have been morejuvenile crimes,but the noll pros rate of prosecuting braches has been very low.未成年人犯罪是指已满14周岁不满18周岁的人实施的触犯刑律、应受到刑罚处罚的行为。


未成年人犯罪心理未成年人犯罪心理mind of minor offence未成年人犯罪心理(m ind。f mino:offenee)18岁以下青少年的犯罪心理。未成年人犯罪具有典型的年龄特征。根据美国犯罪学家格卢克夫妇(Glueck,5.and Glueek,E.)调查,未成年人犯罪具有如下特征:在气质土表现为冲动性、攻击性和破坏性,无法处理过多的精力;在态度_L突出的是固执己见,有一敌对性、反抗性、怨恨性和疑惑性,而且顽固易怒,好冒险,对权威采取不顺从的态度;在心理_匕对于问题力图直截了当地解决,无计划性,情绪不稳定,受暗示性和自我中心显著,容易产生自卑感,对家庭的理解、对父母之爱方一面,与一般人比较相差悬殊。我国未成年人犯罪虽有自己的特点,但是共同的年龄特征较显著。(理恩渡撰何为民审)
