1200字范文 > 少数民族群众 minority ethnic groups英语短句 例句大全

少数民族群众 minority ethnic groups英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-24 14:50:19


少数民族群众 minority ethnic groups英语短句 例句大全

少数民族群众,minority ethnic groups

1)minority ethnic groups少数民族群众

1.The deep infection to the mother tongue,the open-minded attitude to Han Language,the positive attitude to the bilingual education ofminority ethnic groups in Xinjiang influence basically the whole development process of the bilingual education in Xinjiang in different stages.新疆少数民族群众对母语的深厚感情,对汉语的开放接纳,对双语的积极肯定,这一语言态度,从根本上影响着新疆双语教育过去、现在特别是将来的全部进程!热比娅及"东突"分子说什么双语教育"剥夺了少数民族群众使用自己语言文字的权利",这些言论罔顾事实,不符合新疆民族教育的实际。


1.Research on Traditional Mass Sport Activity in Northwest Minority西北少数民族群众传统体育活动研究

2.In the case of certain ethnic groups religions are followed on a mass scale, for instance the Tibetans have Tibetan Buddhism as their traditional religion.中国少数民族群众大多有宗教信仰,有的民族群众性地信仰某种宗教,如藏族群众信仰藏传佛教。

3.However, this cannot go on for a long time, because the masses of the minority nationalities cannot bear such a heavy burden.但是老是这样不行,少数民族群众负担不起。

4.The Problem of Citizen Profiting from Sport Service in Northwest Minority Region;西北少数民族群众享有基本体育服务研究

5.The Study on Amateurish Performance of Chinese Minority in 1964;全国少数民族群众业余艺术观摩演出会的历史叙述

6.Bahavioral Characteristics of Northwest National Minority Masses Participation in Traditional Sports Activities;西北少数民族群众参与传统体育活动的行为特征

7.To date, there are more than 18 million believers in Islam among ethnic minorities, over 30,000 mosques and 40,000 imams and ahungs.目前,信仰伊斯兰教的少数民族群众有1800多万,清真寺3万余座,伊玛目、阿訇4万余人。

8.An Analysis of the Satisfaction on Minority Areas Masses Interests Expressing少数民族地区群众利益表达满意度现状分析

9.On the Soft-environment Construction for Minority Areas People to Express Their Interests试论少数民族地区群众利益表达的软环境建设

10.We must help them train their own cadres and we must unite with the masses of the minority nationalities.我们一定要帮助少数民族训练他们自己的干部,团结少数民族的广大群众。

11.Without popular support, without the people"s armed forces and without the minority nationalities" own cadres, no reform of a mass character should be attempted.没有群众条件,没有人民武装,没有少数民族自己的干部,就不要进行任何带群众性的改革工作。

12.aggrieved minority people合法权利受到侵害的少数民族民众

13.A Comprehensive Survery of Researches on the Boundary and Together of the Urban Ethnic Group城市少数民族族群边界与族群融合研究

14.Ethnic minorities" folkways and customs are closely related to people"s production and life, as well as religious beliefs.少数民族的风俗习惯与群众生产生活息息相关,与宗教信仰密切相联。

15.persons belonging to national, ethnic, religious and linguistic minority在民族、族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人

16.The Education Management and Ethnic Awareness of Minority Pre-university Students少数民族预科学生族群意识与教育管理

17.Professional Differences in Public Basic Scientific Literacy of National Minorities in Guizhou Province;贵州省少数民族公众基本科学素养的职业差异

18.The Investigation of Higher Education Development for the Minorities under the Context of the Popularization大众化背景下的少数民族高等教育发展探析


minority beneficiary少数民族受众

1.Many experts and scholars have done some researches in the field of minority news studies from four perspectives,namely: The history of minority news cause,minority news theory research,minority news application research andminority beneficiary.许多专家学者从少数民族新闻事业史、少数民族新闻理论研究、少数民族新闻应用研究、少数民族受众等四个方面对我国少数民族新闻学领域进行了研究,使这一领域的研究具备了一定的基础,并显现出了令人瞩目的发展潜力。


1.On the law administering and protecting of ecological environment inminority rural area in Gansu province;甘肃少数民族农村生态环境的依法保护治理

prehensive Intervention for AIDS in Rural and Poor Minority Region;少数民族农村贫困地区HIV/AIDS综合干预研究

3.Philosophy sense of Yunnanminority water culture;云南少数民族水文化的哲学意义

4)minority nationality少数民族

1.The job psychology ofminority nationality university students specializing in physical culture in xinjiang province;新疆体育专业少数民族大学生的就业心理

2.On the Influence which Modern Technology Imposes on Traditional Culture of Minority Nationality for the First Time;现代技术对少数民族传统文化的影响初探

3.Probing into the Effective Way of Ideological Education for Minority Nationality Students;少数民族大学生思想教育的有效途径探微

5)ethnic minorities少数民族

1.Chinese books and libraries——and on special books and special libraries ofethnic minorities;中国的书和图书馆——兼及少数民族的特殊图书和特殊图书馆

2.Study on achievement motive and achievement fear for middle-school students’ofethnic minorities in Guizhou;贵州少数民族中学生成就动机与成功恐惧的研究(英文)

3.Thinking about the Innovation of Educational Management System in Ethnic Minorities Area;关于少数民族地区教育管理体制改革的思考

6)Ethnic minority少数民族

1.Situation and development of ethnic minority tradition sports in Shaoyang City;邵阳市少数民族传统体育的现状及发展

2.Relationship between attribution styles,feeling of inadequacy and self-efficacy for ethnic minority college students;少数民族大学生归因方式与缺陷感、自我效能感的相关研究

3.Thinking on Accelerating the Social and Economic Development in Ethnic Minority Area on Border Area——Lincang is an example;加快边疆少数民族地区社会经济发展的思考——以临沧市为例


