1200字范文 > 昆曲音乐 Kunqu music英语短句 例句大全

昆曲音乐 Kunqu music英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-12 14:19:09


昆曲音乐 Kunqu music英语短句 例句大全

昆曲音乐,Kunqu music

1)Kunqu music昆曲音乐

2)music store音乐曲库

1.The project function of windows can be used to solve the MP & Computer′s Automatic power and to erect the relativemusic store,autoplay, in order to ensure the autoplay of the broadcasting system.研究利用 Windows的计划任务来解决扩音机和电脑的自动开关及建立相关音乐曲库、自动播放任务 ,以此实现广播系统的自动化播


1.MusicSongs form the Theory of Multiple Intelligence in Integrated English Teaching;从多元智能理论看音乐歌曲对综合英语教学的影响

4)Drama music戏曲音乐

1.Singing and accompaniment in drama music supplement and complement each other and they make up the main body of drama music.戏曲音乐中的唱腔与伴奏,彼此相辅相成,相得益彰,既对立又统一地构成了戏曲音乐的主体。


1.The Development of Opera Music during the Song-Yuan period and Ming-Qing period;宋元戏曲音乐与明清戏曲音乐之发展

2.Drama Element in Chinese Piano Music Utilization戏曲音乐元素在中国钢琴音乐中的运用

3.Study on Folk Essentials of the Local Opera s Music Creation in Ming Dynasty;明代戏曲音乐创作之民间性本质研究

4.On the Features of Melody and Mode in Xibe Drama Music;论锡伯族戏曲音乐的旋律及调式特征

5.An Elementary Study on the Change of Aria in Opera music--The music of Huangmei opera as an example;戏曲音乐腔形变化的一般性探索——以黄梅戏的音乐为例

6." The traditional folk music of our Chinese may be divided into folk songs, music for dance drama or ballet and opera, music for the art of shuochang, music for traditional opera, and national instrumental music. "中国民族音乐可分为民歌,歌舞音乐,说唱音乐,戏曲音乐及民族器乐5种。

7.On Teaching of Opera Music in Junior Middele School;让中国戏曲走近学生——初中段戏曲音乐的教学与实践

8.A New Way of Inheriting Local Folk Music--Introducing Linchuan Opera Music to the Teaching of Sight-singing and Ear Training地方民间音乐传承新路探索——临川戏曲音乐引入视唱练耳课堂教学

9.Discussion on the Formation of the Ancient Drama Music and the Fusion of National Culture;论古代戏曲音乐的形成和民族文化融合

10.A view of“ZHI”,the Spoken Music of Chinese Traditional Operas;小往大来“一”之“多”——“徵”口语戏曲音乐大家族管窥

11.From One to Many,(as in Business Dealings)--A limited view of “ZHI”,the spoken music of Chinese traditional operas;小往大来“‘一’之‘多’”——“徵”口语戏曲音乐大家族管窥

12.musical, dramatic, quyi and choreographic works;音乐、戏剧、曲艺、舞蹈作品;

13.(3) musical, dramatic, quyi and choreographic works;(三)音乐、戏剧、曲艺、舞蹈作品;

14.Liu Fang enters the world of the guzheng so very profoundly as to play her music as if emerging from the earth itself." 刘芳的音乐的确是戏曲灵魂.

15.A Study on the Relationship between the Gong and Drum Spot and the Performance in Puxian Opera;莆仙戏音乐中锣鼓点与戏曲表演关系之探究

16.Percussion Instruments and Their Role in Music Education;浅议戏曲打击乐及其在音乐教育中的作用

17.a successful musical must have at least three good songs.一个成功的音乐戏剧最少要有三首好的歌曲。

18.Strengthening Status of Drama Art in Basic Music Teaching;加强戏曲艺术在我国基础音乐教学中的地位


music store音乐曲库

1.The project function of windows can be used to solve the MP & Computer′s Automatic power and to erect the relativemusic store,autoplay, in order to ensure the autoplay of the broadcasting system.研究利用 Windows的计划任务来解决扩音机和电脑的自动开关及建立相关音乐曲库、自动播放任务 ,以此实现广播系统的自动化播


1.MusicSongs form the Theory of Multiple Intelligence in Integrated English Teaching;从多元智能理论看音乐歌曲对综合英语教学的影响

4)Drama music戏曲音乐

1.Singing and accompaniment in drama music supplement and complement each other and they make up the main body of drama music.戏曲音乐中的唱腔与伴奏,彼此相辅相成,相得益彰,既对立又统一地构成了戏曲音乐的主体。

5)opera music戏曲音乐

1.The article intends to use the aria change ofopera music as an exploration object, trying to take Huangmei Opera as an example to disclose the rule of aria change and development.本文以戏曲音乐的腔形变化作为一般性探索对象,并试图以黄梅戏为例揭示戏曲音乐唱腔形态发展变化的规律。

2.For a long time there have been various opinions on naming (including classifying) theopera music, such as "Banqiangti", "Banshibianhuati" and "Qupaibanqiangti".长期以来对戏曲音乐体制的命名 (含分类 )众说纷纭 ,如 :“板腔体”、“板式变化体”、“曲牌板腔体”……“曲牌板式变化体”说 ,试图使中国戏曲音乐体制的命名 (含分类 ) ,尽量名实相符 ,且能“一以贯之”。

3.Opera is an important part of the Chinese traditional culture and is characteristic to chinese people as a Rind of comprehensive stage art,in which,however,opera music is the most important part.而戏曲音乐是这一综合艺术极为重要的组成部分。

6)traditional opera music戏曲音乐

1.In the Sixteen kingdom and North dynasty,the music of the western regions and all the surrounding nations entered the Central Plains,merging with the Central Plains s traditional music,thus the eighty-four tunes came into being,which laid the foundation for thetraditional opera music and had a direct influence on its unique style in the Jin,Yuan dynasties.古代戏曲音乐的形成,是各民族文化融合的艺术结晶。

2.At the same time, the modern creative theories which originate from western countries are widely used in music composition which has been made essentially different fromtraditional opera music in both content and form.新中国成立以后,戏曲音乐创作吸收了民族、西洋歌剧的创作手法,并大量运用了现代西方作曲理论,使现代戏曲音乐创作无论从内容还是形式上都与传统的戏曲音乐创作有着本质的区别。


