1200字范文 > 河势演变 evolution of river regime英语短句 例句大全

河势演变 evolution of river regime英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-24 20:27:03


河势演变 evolution of river regime英语短句 例句大全

河势演变,evolution of river regime

1)evolution of river regime河势演变

1.In the natural channel, though theevolution of river regime has a certain randomness, there still due patterns can be followed.在天然河道中 ,河势演变虽具有一定的随机性 ,但仍有一定的规律可循。

2.Based on several typical sections of river bends,the effects from both theevolution of river regime and the bend-flow on river-crossing pipeline,such as the erosions from longitudinal and transverse flows,the uplift and pressure drag caused by the flow around pipe and the momentum and angular momentum caused by the induced velocity between transverse circle flows,etc.基于几种典型河弯断面,对因河势演变和弯道水流而对裸露于弯道水流中的穿河管道产生的纵向和横向水流冲刷,纵向绕流产生的升力和压差阻力及横向环流间诱导速度产生的动量和动量矩等作用进行了研究。


1.River variation and regulation of key reaches in Shandong Province of the Yellow River黄河山东段近期重点河段河势演变与河道整治

2.Recent river regime evolution of the North Branch of the Yangtze River estuary and development research of navigational channel resources长江口北支近期河势演变与航道资源开发研究

3.Abstract: This paper presents the achievement of the test stud y of river changes and behaviours of water flow on Three Gorges dam zone.文摘:给出了三峡坝区河势演变与水流动力特性变化的试验研究成果.

4.Analysis of river bed evolution and prediction of its trend for Shashi Section in middle reach of the Changjiang River长江中游沙市河段河床演变分析及趋势预测

5.Analysis of Effect of Water and Sediment Load and Evolution Trend of the Different Channel Patterns in the Lower Yellow River黄河下游不同河型河道的水沙效应及演变趋势分析

6.The characteristics of flood disaster evolution in the Weihe River valley are analyzed.分析了渭河流域洪水灾害的环流形势演变特征。

7.Tendency Research of Ecological Environment and Climate Change in Recent 100 Years in Source Regions of Yangtse River, Yellow River and Lantsang River近100年江河源区生态环境与气候演变趋势研究

8.The Evolvements and Reasons of Income Inequality to the Middle Part"s Rural Household河南省农户收入差距的演变趋势及成因分析

9.Preliminary research on river channel evolution and comprehensive regulation of the upper reach of the Jingjiang River after completion of TGP三峡工程建成后上荆江河道演变趋势及治理

10.Analysis of riverbed evolution and trend prediction for Jiangxinzhou waterway of the lower Yangtze River长江下游江心洲水道河床演变分析及趋势预测

11.Analysis of river evolution tendency at Zhijiang-Jiangkou Reach after impoundment of Three Gorges Reservoir三峡水库蓄水后枝江—江口浅滩河段演变趋势

12.Analysis of Long-term Change Tendency of Average Annual Discharge at Hongqi Station on Taohe River洮河红旗站年平均流量长期演变趋势分析

13.Study on Change Charact eristic and Evolutionary Trend of Groundwater Resources of the Middle and Lower Heihe River Basin since 1980近三十年黑河中下游盆地地下水资源变化特征与演变趋势分析

14.Study on Evolution of Wandering Reaches in the Lower Yellow River under the Operation of Xiaolangdi Reservoir;小浪底水库运用后下游游荡性河道演变趋势研究

15.The Evolution Features of Scouring and Silting of the Yellow River Delta and Forecast;黄河陆上三角洲冲淤演变特征及其发展趋势预测

16.The Tendency of Development of the Affix in Hebei Dialect and the Function of the Meaning in It;河北方言词缀发展演变的趋势及语义在其中的作用

17.Flood Changing Trend and Flooding Mechanism in Lixiahe Region,Jiangsu,China江苏里下河地区洪涝灾害演变趋势与成灾机理分析

18.Change characteristics of trend and abundant and low state of annual runoff time series at Yingluoxia hydrological station of Heihe River黑河莺落峡年径流量时序变化的趋势特性及丰枯演化规律研究


river regime evolution河势演变

1.Based on the analysis of the changes of the Songhua River Laozhou branch channel reach in plane section,transverse section and lengthways section within 30 years,we forecast theriver regime evolution tendency and propose protective engineering measures for the oil field well area.通过对松花江涝洲汊道河段近30年平面变化、断面变化和纵向变化进行分析,预测河势演变趋势,提出对井区进行防护的工程措施。

2.Based on analysis ofriver regime evolution and channel characteristics in the reach, the issues and development trend of existing river control projects are analyzed and studied in the paper.在对该河段河道特性及河势演变分析的基础上,对现状整治工程存在的问题和发展趋势进行了分析研究,比较选定了十八户控导工程布局方案,以达到控导主流、使原有工程发挥效益、减轻洪水威胁、稳定清水沟流路的目的。

3)monitoring of river channel evolution河势演变监测

4)evolution trend of river bed河床演变趋势

5)river pattern change and control河势演变与控制

6)evolution tendency演变趋势

1.Water environment condition andevolution tendency analysis of the main lakes and reservoirs in Nanjing;南京市主要湖库水环境现状与演变趋势分析

2.The main problems and theevolution tendency of the agricultural ecological environment in the Sichuan area are analyzed and some measures are presented.该文全面分析评价了四川省农业生态环境的主要问题和演变趋势,提出了四川省农业生态环境恢复与重建的对策措施。

3.In terms of the demand theory,it made a further prediction of theevolution tendency of arable land use in each county under the driving forces.在此基础上,对驱动因子的变化趋势进行了预测,并根据需求理论,对各县耕地利用在驱动力系统的作用下演变趋势加以预测。


