1200字范文 > 塔里木河中游 middle reaches of Tarim River英语短句 例句大全

塔里木河中游 middle reaches of Tarim River英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-17 16:48:40


塔里木河中游 middle reaches of Tarim River英语短句 例句大全

塔里木河中游,middle reaches of Tarim River

1)middle reaches of Tarim River塔里木河中游

1.Research area located in themiddle reaches of Tarim River,and land use types in this area include cultivated land,oil-gas field,and water transfer dike etc.本研究区位于塔里木河中游地区,本研究选取耕地变化、输水堤防的建设以及油气田开发三种土地利用方式,在大量野外调查的基础上,在3S技术和历史数据的支持下,分析了这些土地利用方式变化对胡杨林生态系统的影响。

2.Yarkandensis)inmiddle reaches of Tarim River.7月和12月在塔里木河中游塔里木胡杨林自然保护区对塔里木马鹿夏季和冬季生境的选择进行了研究。


1.Water Consumption Analysis of the Middle Reaches in Tarim River between 1961 and 1961—塔里木河中游径流量损耗分析

2.Study on the Underground Biomass of Community Dominant Species in Middle Reach of Tarim River;塔里木河中游地区群落优势种地下生物量研究

3.Quantitative Classification and Ordination Analysis on Vegetation in the Middle Reaches of Tarim River;塔里木河中游天然植被的数量分类与排序研究


5.Spatial distribution pattern and dismater structure of Populus pruinosa Schrenk population in the middle reaches of Tarim river塔里木河中游灰杨种群的径级结构与格局动态

6.Runoff Consumption Characteristics and Causes Analysis of the Middle Reaches in Tarim River塔里木河中游径流量损耗特征及原因分析

7.Study on the Technological System of Suitability Assessment of Reverting Farmland in Middle and Lower Reaches of Tarim River;塔里木河中下游退耕适宜性评价技术体系研究

8.The Studies of the Function of Resisting Wind, Stabilizing Sand and Fixing Carbon of Vegetation in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Tarim River;塔里木河中下游植被防风固沙、固碳功能研究

9.Divert water from the neighboring Kaidu-Kenqi watershed into the Tarim lower reaches.由开都-孔雀河流送水往塔里木河下游。

10.Test of Drop Irrigation and Fertilozer Application to Cotton Growen in Middl-lower of Tarim River and Peacock River塔里木河—孔雀河中下游地区棉花膜下滴灌施肥量研究

11.The research on stint drip irrigation underside film for cotton production in the middle-lower reach of the Tarim river and the Peacock river塔里木河孔雀河中下游地区棉花膜下滴灌节水技术研究

12.Effects of Riverbed Deposition and Water Consumption on Ecological Environment in Middle and Lower Sections of Upper Reaches of Mainstream of Tarim River塔里木河干流上游中、下段河床淤积和耗水对生态环境的影响

13.Monitoring on vitality dynamics of tugai vegetation in the lower reaches of Tarim River by ecological water delivery塔里木河下游生态输水过程中荒漠河岸林活力恢复监测

14.Research Into Oasis Landscape Structure in Reclamation Area of Lower Reaches of the Tarim River;塔里木河下游垦区绿洲景观格局研究

15.Monitor of ecological response along lower reaches of Tarim River based on remote sensing;塔里木河下游生态响应遥感监测研究

16.Analysis of the Land Use/Cover Dynamic Degree at the Lower Reaches of Tarim River;塔里木河下游土地利用动态变化分析

17.The Rise and Decline and Preservation of a Green Corridor Along the Lower Reaches of the Talimu River;塔里木河下游绿色走廊的兴衰与保护

18.Optimal allocation model for the water deliveries to the lower reaches of Tarim River塔里木河下游输水优化配置模型研究


the middle reaches of Tarim River塔里木河中游

1.According to the monitoring and investigating results in Oct, 2001 atthe middle reaches of Tarim River, the distribution laws and features of soil were analyzed in this article.本文根据在 2 0 0 1年 1 0月塔里木河中游对水、土、植被等资源现状野外调查和通过定点取样分析 ,重点探讨了河岸土壤分布规律及其特征 ,并提出了土壤理化性质与生产性能评价。

2.Based on the techniques and tools of RS,GIS,geo-statistics and landscape pattern analysis software,the remote sensing images ofthe middle reaches of Tarim River in 1986,1999 and were processed,and characteristics of landscape pattern changes and eco-hydrology process were analyzed.在遥感、GIS及地统计学和景观格局分析软件的支持下,处理了塔里木河中游1986、1999及的三期遥感影像,而后对中游景观格局动态变化及生态水文过程的基本特征进行了系统分析。

3)the middle and lower reaches of Tarim River塔里木河中下游

1.Taken present cutivated land in the middle and lower reaches of Tarim river as the research object , and chosen 10 ecolosical index , this paper aims to set up a evaluation index system and model to evaluate the best community structure modes which are situable for vesetation restoration in varions eco-regions in the middle and lower reaches of Tarim river .本文以以塔里木河中下游地区的现有耕地为研究对象,选择了10 个适合塔里木河中下游植被重建当中的群落结构配置优化模式的评价指标,建立了塔里木河中下游植被重建当中的群落结构配置优化模式评价指标体系和数学模型,用层次分析法(AHP),确定了各项指标权重。

4)mid-lower of Tarim river and peacock river塔里木河-孔雀河中下游

5)Middle reaches of the Tarim Rive塔里木河流域中游

6)the Area of Middle Reach of Tarim River塔里木河中游地区


