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消极 negative英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-16 23:21:12


消极 negative英语短句 例句大全



1.A Discussion on the Negative Employment Attitude of College Students;大学生消极就业观问题探讨

2.Analysis on the cultural causes of the leading ladresnegative legal attitudes;浅析领导干部消极法律心态的文化成因

3.On the North Branch Middle School Students Negative Emotional Psychological Research in PE;对北安分局初中生在体育教学中消极情绪的心理调查研究


1.positive and negative security assurance积极和消极的安全保证

2.He is active; you are passive.他是积极的,您是消极的。

3.passive obedience, acceptance消极的服从、 接受

4.negative recommendation否定的劝告,消极的推荐

5.negative cam-controlled dobby消极式凸轮控制多臂机

6.a reformer who believes in passive resistance.确信消极抵抗的改革者。

7.He has a very negative attitude to his work, ie is not interested in trying to do it well or properly.他的工作态度很消极.

8.He remained inactive in his work.他在工作中态度消极。

9.perform an act, usually with a negative connotation.行动,通常是消极的。

10.put all negative thoughts away.抛弃所有消极的思想

11.a negative outlook on life; a colorless negative personality; a negative evaluation; a negative reaction to an advertising campaign.对人生消极的看法;消极无味的个性;消极地估计;对广告竞争消极的反应。

12.Lucrum cessatum所丧失的利益(消极损害)

13.No, Chu-chai, we can"t just let things slide!竹斋,一定不能消极!

14.protested Wu Sun-fu, jumping up. "We can"t just sit back and let things slide!"竹斋! 不能那么消极

15.passive aggressive personality disorder消极攻击型人格异常

16.Passive character, attitude, quality, or behavior.消极主义消极被动的性格、态度、品质或行为

17.In general, be upbeat and positive. Never be negative.通常,要乐观点、积极点。不要消极。

18.turn negative factors into positive ones把消极因素化为积极因素



1.The critical thoughts against thepassive corruption problems;对克服消极腐败问题的辩证思考

2.There arepassive and active ways to deal with students absent-mindedness in class.如何应对学生开小差,有消极和积极两种方式。

3.During the protection and saving of cultural heritage,passive protection was one of the important protection measures,especially for Wushu cultur.在文化遗产的保护与抢救工作中,消极保护是一种极为重要的保护措施,对于武术文化的全面保护尤其具有重要意义。

3)anode consumption阳极消耗

1.Nano-ZnO prepared byanode consumption method was characterized by XRD,TEM,XPS,UV-Vis and PL.采用阳极消耗法制备了纳米ZnO粉体,并利用XRD,TEM,XPS,UV-V is和PL测试技术对样品进行了表征。

2.This article elaborates carbonanode consumption mechanism,by the cryolite-alumina electrolytic process,infers the carbonanode consumption formalas about reaction between carbon anode and the CO2 as well as reaction between the carbon anode and the air.阐述了冰晶石—氧化铝电解法生产铝的炭阳极消耗机理,推导出炭阳极与CO2作用以及炭阳极与空气反应阳极消耗数量的计算公式和在电解铝生产过程中如何确定过量消耗碳量。

4)electrode consumption电极消耗

1.On the basis of the practices and recognitions at Baosteel,some technical points of DC furnace are discussed including power quality,electrode consumption and bottom electrode technology.基于宝钢的实践与认识,讨论了直流电弧炉的某些技术点,包括电能质量、电极消耗及底电极技术等,特别就近期直流电弧炉受冷遇的原因作了较详细的分析。

2.For reducingelectrode consumption,some measures,consisted of brushing heat resisting and oxidation resisting electrode coating on the electrode surface,melted by foam slag process,strengthening management and reducing non normal consumption of electrode,have been utilized in Shiheng special steel works.为了降低电弧炉炼钢用电极消耗,石横特钢厂采用了MPF·B型石墨电极用耐高温抗氧化涂料涂刷电极,以减少电极侧面的氧化;并采用泡沫渣工艺,埋弧操作,以减少电极端部消耗;同时加强管理,减少非正常消耗,使电极消耗降低了1。


1.Analysis of return harness ofnegative cam shedding mechanism;消极式凸轮开口机构回综分析

6)consumption of electrode电极消耗

1.The reason for overconsumption of electrode in LF refining furnace in No.对邯钢一炼钢厂LF钢包精炼炉的电极消耗大的原因进行了分析,并介绍了所采取的措施及取得的成效。


