1200字范文 > 常抓不懈 unremitting英语短句 例句大全

常抓不懈 unremitting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-07 22:01:21


常抓不懈 unremitting英语短句 例句大全



1.That means first, the work must be connected with reality; be good at every idem of work connected college; Second, the work must be continued andunremitting.当前做好这一工作很重要的一点是要讲究务实性,即一要联系实际、善于结合学校的各项工作,二要持之以恒、常抓不懈。


1.Full and Intensive Quality Management Should Be Persistent质量管理应坚持常抓不懈、做深做细

2.Exploration on the Construction of A Lasting Working System in Grass-roots Communist Party Organization of Colleges and Universities;高校基层党组织建设常抓不懈的工作机制初探

3.Particularly, the struggle against the production and sales of fake foodstuffs and medicines that have a close bearing on the people"s health and life security will be carried out persistently.特别是对直接关系广大人民群众安全的食品、药品打假工作,要常抓不懈。

4.The Chinese government prohibits the cultivation of mother drug plants. It has always taken this as a focal point of its drug control work and paid constant attention to it as a way to nip troubles in the bud.中国政府始终把禁种毒品原植物作为工作重点,常抓不懈,防患于未然。

5.We should persevere with the fight against corruption, one of the fundamental principles for governing a country.反腐败斗争关系国本, 一定要长抓不懈。

6.Insisting on Product Quality Management, Building Long-term Effective Mechanism of Quality;坚持不懈抓好产品质量,建立质量工作长效机制

7.They were constantly on the alert not to be taken by surprise.他们一直处于常备不懈状态以防突然袭击。

8.The act of persisting.坚持不懈坚持不懈的行为

9.Today it is important to constantly seek out your own sources of rejuvenation.今天对于你持续不懈地寻找自我复兴是个非常重要的时刻。

10.One more point: comrades on the Standing Committee should pay close attention to building the Party. It is high time that this Party was rectified; there can be no delay.还有一点,常委会的同志要聚精会神地抓党的建设,这个党该抓了,不抓不行了。

11.His persistence gained him victory.他因坚持不懈而获胜.

12.forceful and insistent advertising.有力的、坚持不懈的广告。

13.for it needs students" consistent efforts.这需要坚持不懈的努力。

14.severe and unremitting in making demands.要求严格、毫不松懈。

15.Don"t be lax about fulfilling your obligations.完成你的职责不要松懈。

16.You must not relax your efforts.你不可以松懈你的努力。

17.She is assiduous in her efforts to learn French.她不懈地努力学习法语。

18.He persevered in his studies [with the treatment].他坚定不懈地研究 [治疗] 。


combating corruption and being honest长抓不懈

3)mixture of Soften and harden power松而不懈

4)persisent pursuit不懈追求


6)To patrol without lax悛巡不懈


