1200字范文 > 文学史学 theory of literary history英语短句 例句大全

文学史学 theory of literary history英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-18 23:42:14


文学史学 theory of literary history英语短句 例句大全

文学史学,theory of literary history

1)theory of literary history文学史学

1.An abundant practice of over a century gives the birth of thetheory of literary history,which,as a new,promising subject that need to be developing urgently,reflects on or checks up the work of literary scholars,summarizes the course of its development and distills its principles.一百多年来丰富的中国文学史实践,催生着文学史学。


1.The Construction and Its Development of the History of Chinese Literary History (to be continued);中国文学史学史的建构及其发展(上)

2.Philosophy in Literature:Theory of Literature History and Construction of Literature History“文学的哲学”:文学史观与文学史的建构

3.Study on Historical Conception in the History Works of Chinese New Literature from 1950s to 1980s;1950-1980新文学史著作文学史观念研究

4.The Narration of Literary History and the Historical Evaluation of "the Literature in the 17-year Period";文学史叙述与“十七年文学”的历史评价

5.Describe Dragon River s History with My Graphic Pen;文学史笔写龙江——评《黑龙江文学通史》

6.The Second Existence of Literary History--On the Practice of Literary History;文学史的第二重存在——论文学史实践

7."A History of Vernacular Literature":Politics of Writing Literary History《白话文学史》:文学史书写的政治

8.Writing Literature History Should Pay Attention To Literature And History文学史教材编写应注意“文学”“史”

9.On the Secondary Language Teaching Literature "History Infiltration";试论中学语文文学教学的“文史渗透”

10.Review of Historical Meaning of Scar Literature and Introspection Literature再论伤痕文学、反思文学的文学史意义

11.History and literature are among the arts.历史和文学属于文科。

12.Literature Anthropology School in the History of China s Folk Literature and Arts;中国民间文艺学史上的文学人类学派

13.Politics in Different Stage of Modern Chinese Literary History;中国现代文学史分期的政治学与文学

14.There is a world of difference between physics and chemistry on the one hand and literature and history on the other.物理学、化学与文学、历史(即理化与文史)差别很大

15.On the Impact of the Han Dynasty s Historical Writings on the History of Chinese Literary Criticism;论汉代史学对中国文学批评史的影响

16.Historical Reflection on the Model of the Great Series of the Chinese New Literature in Modern Chinese Literature History中国现代文学史《大系》模式的史学反思

17.Styles,Ideas and Literature History Narratation--On Lu Xun s Compendia of Chinese Literature History;文采、意想与文学史叙述——论鲁迅的《汉文学史纲要》

18.Yuwen Suoan’s View on the History of Chinese Literature and Research Methods宇文所安的中国文学史观及文学史研究法


the history of literary history文学史学史

3)History and literature史学与文学

4)literary history of teaching文学史教学

1.For this reason, the significance of close reading of texts in theliterary history of teaching and study should be made clear.在当下盛行新方法和新理念而忽视文本细读的学术背景下,细读文本对于以追寻知识分子人文精神为基本特征的中国现代文学史教学与研究来说就显得尤为重要。

5)the discipline of literatural data文学史料学

6)Philosophy of literature history文学史哲学


