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讲义 teaching materials英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-12 00:57:21


讲义 teaching materials英语短句 例句大全

讲义,teaching materials

1)teaching materials讲义

1.During the period of teaching in Peking University,according to the regulation of the school,Professor Wu Mei composed theteaching materials of “The History of Chinese Literature”.吴梅在北大讲学的时期,依照学校规定,编撰了《中国文学史》讲义。

2.Many approaches such as developing the bilingual network courseware,choosing and compiling rightteaching materials at abroad and home,using multiple teaching modes,rightly dealing with major glossary and constructing effective assess mechanism and so on were adopted to improve the quality of bilingual teaching and realize the teaching aim.通过研制双语教学网络课件,选择正确的国外原版教材和国内教材、编写合适的双语教学讲义,采用形式多样的双语教学模式,正确处理专业词汇和建立有效的考核机制等途径来提高双语教学质量,实现教学目标。

3.The idea of partitioning the knowledge body of computer science into sub-areas and knowledge units in IEEE-CS/ACM serial reports on computing curricula is applied to adjusting teaching program of computer science and writing correspondingteaching materials that are loyal to the teaching program.把IEEE-CS/ACM计算教程系列报告中知识单元划分的思想用于计算机科学专业教学大纲的修订和课程讲义的编写,针对当前计算机科学专业教学中存在的问题,给出了一种获得具有较小知识冗余、易于修订的教学大纲的方法和忠于大纲的课程讲义的编写方法。


1.All lectures( not quizzes) have lecture notes in addition to the handouts listed below.全部讲课(非测验)在下面的讲义之外还有讲稿。

2.She recast her lecture as a radio talk.她把讲义改动后用作电台的讲话.

3.illustrate a book, magazine, lecture给书、 杂志、讲义作插图

4.He ran a batch of mimeographed sheets off.他油印出一批讲义。

5.Handout on Persuasive Language: Review info. and do exercises.关于说服性语言的讲义:复习讲义,并做练习。

6.There are two stages a professor must go through to become a star professor.First, he must make his lecture notes into a book, and second, he must use the book as his lectures.教授成为名教授,也有两个阶段:第一是讲义当著作,第二著作当讲义。

7.Students who miss handouts may obtain these handouts from the Administrative Assistant of the course for one week after the date of the handout.没拿到讲义的学生可以在一周后跟管理助理拿这些讲义。

8.They preach idealism whereas we advocate meterilsm.他们讲唯心主义,我们讲唯物主义。

9.He is being realistic, and we are realistic too.人家讲现实主义,我们也讲现实主义。

10.Let me speak now about subjectivism.现在我来讲一讲主观主义。

11.Let me now speak about the question of sectarianism.现在我来讲一讲宗派主义的问题。

12.Therefore, he has to be a little realistic.这样,使他不能不讲讲现实主义。

13.make sense讲得通,有意义,言之有理

14.We should not practice egalitarianism.我们不能讲平均主义。

15.This book explains the meaning of words.这本书是讲解词义的。

16.He was realistic in inviting us and we were realistic in going to negotiate with him.人家讲现实主义来邀请,我们讲现实主义去谈判。

17.I won"t go into bureaucracy today and will deal only with subjectivism and sectarianism.官僚主义那个东西我今天不讲,只讲主观主义和宗派主义。

18.Several Inspirations of the Course of New Democraticism Remark On July 1;“七一”讲话对讲授新民主主义革命理论的启示



1.In 18th century,Emperor Tsuang-tsuo of Lee Dynasty in Korea also hostedlectures about Chinese ancient books including The Book of Songs.公元18世纪朝鲜李朝正祖时期,由正祖亲自主持进行了有关中国古代经学的“讲义”,而《诗经》也就是主要内容。

2.However, if we analyse it carefully by consulting the political strategies in "Gui Gu Zi", we will find that though appearing to be a story it is actually also alecture of political strategies with author s own experience.但若参照《鬼谷子》所论纵横术细加剖析,则不难发现,此文借事生说,因事设辞,其实是一篇现身说法的纵横术讲义。

3)electronic lecture电子讲义

1.It is necessary to useelectronic lecture.目前校园网发展很快,网络教学越来越普遍,对适合网络上使用的电子讲义的需求越来越高。

4)discussion about the meanings of articles讲论文义

5)Teaching Materials of the Ming Dynasty《明史讲义》

6)Teaching Materials of the Qing Dynasty《清史讲义》


