1200字范文 > 公众意见 public opinion英语短句 例句大全

公众意见 public opinion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-16 21:14:26


公众意见 public opinion英语短句 例句大全

公众意见,public opinion

1)public opinion公众意见

1.This article focuses on the criticism of the concept of judicial acceptability whose central issue is that judges can usepublic opinions to displace the legal standards in legal reasoning.以"公众意见能够取代法律标准"为核心的裁判可接受性概念,实际上是以下两个方面的统合:一方面,公众意见能够被转化成正当化理由,因此才能取代法律标准成为裁判依据;另一方面,司法民主化要求司法裁判必须反映公众意见。


1.A survey of the public or of a sample of public opinion to acquire information.民意调查为获取信息而对公众的调查或对公众意见的一次抽样

2.PuBlic opinion in Both nations could take an ugly turn两个国家的公众意见都有可能会转而造成麻烦

3.The public hearings on the coal-burning generating plant would begin.火力发电厂的公众意见听取会将要开始了。

4.The letters page of this newspaper is a forum for public argument.这份报纸的读者来信栏是公众意见的论坛。

5.There is an old saying that in hard times public opinion turns to the left.有一句老话说:在艰苦的时候,公众意见就左倾。

6.A Preliminary Layout Plan (PLP) was prepared in May 2000 for public consultation.二零零零年五月,政府就初步发展蓝图征询公众意见。

7.But such an extension in Iraq would clearly go against public opinion here.但是延长伊拉克驻军的使命明显与日本公众意见相左。

8.The dilemmas arise in the gray area where the national consensus is itself vague or contradictory.困难出在那些公众意见本身就模棱两可或自相矛盾的含糊领域。

9.In the third stage, the EC will draw up reform proposals in the light of public views and comments received during the second stage of consultation.在第三阶段,教统会会参考收集到的公众意见,拟定改革方案。

10.A modern commander in the field is never more than an hour away from home capitals and public opinion.一个现在战地的指挥官,万不可有一时与本国政府和公众意见脱节。

11.The politician defied public opinion; The new material withstands even the greatest wear and tear; The bridge held.这位政治家顶住了公众意见;这种新材料顶得住最大的磨损。

12.He is backward in giving his views in public.他怯于在公众场所发表意见。

13.Public opinion has polarized on this issue.在这个问题上公众的意见已两极分化.

14.The election results mirror public opinion quite well.[喻]选举结果有效地反映了公众的意见。

15.1 The senate recommended ratification of the treaty despite the public opion.国会不顾公众的意见,建议修改条约。

16.The Administration is considering the public views collected and reviewing the scale of reclamation.当局现正考虑公众的意见和检讨填海的规模。

17.Do you think this opinion is an accurate reflection of the public mood?你认为这意见确实反映了公众的情绪吗?

18.Dull butcheries on a gigantic scale and mass effects overwhelm all detached sentiment.大规模的无情屠杀和群众意向压倒了一切公平意见。


public hearing公众意见听取会

3)public consultation征询民意;咨询公众意见

4)majority opinion大众意见

5)a host of ideas众多的意见

6)popular opinion大众的意见


