1200字范文 > 体外展示技术 In Vitro Display Technologies英语短句 例句大全

体外展示技术 In Vitro Display Technologies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-02 23:21:39


体外展示技术 In Vitro Display Technologies英语短句 例句大全

体外展示技术,In Vitro Display Technologies

1)In Vitro Display Technologies体外展示技术


1.In vitro display technology and its application in antibody engineering体外展示技术及其在抗体工程中的应用

2.Identification of the Peptides that Bind Thymidylate Synthase RNA with High Affinity Using mRNA Display;mRNA体外展示技术筛选胸苷酸合成酶RNA亲和肽的研究

3.Constructing a Model of Screening HIV Protease Inhibitor in Vitro by Phage Display Techniques;应用噬菌体展示技术构建HIV蛋白酶抑制剂的体外筛选模型

4.Development of Rural Polytechnic Training in Developed Countries and Its Revelation;国外农业职业技术培训的发展及启示

5.Screening of bFGF-binding Peptide by Phage Display Technology;噬菌体展示技术筛选bFGF结合肽

6.Shockwave 3d-A New Generation Media for Showing Motor Skills;Shockwave 3d—新一代技术动作展示媒体浅析

7.Applying phage display technique in tumor research噬菌体展示技术在肿瘤研究中的应用

8.Construction of ScFv Library and Screening of Anti-nonylphenol Antibody by Ribosome Display;核糖体展示ScFv文库的构建及使用核糖体展示技术筛选壬基酚抗体

9.Experiences and Enlightenment of Rural Vocational Education Development in Foreign Countries;国外农村职业技术教育发展的经验及启示

10.The Inspiration from Management of Technology (MOT) Theory in Developed Countries;中外技术管理(MOT)理论发展及对我国的启示

11.The Development of MOT Education Program in Foreign Countries and How China Responses;国外技术管理教育的发展趋势及其启示

12.The Devlopment of Foreign High-Tech Industry and Enlightening to Us;国外高新技术产业的发展及对我国的启示

13.The Initial Research on the Ribosome Display Technology of Selecting the SEB Antibody;运用核糖体展示技术筛选SEB抗体的初步研究

14.Development of Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Clinical Research and Application;体外循环技术临床研究和应用的进展

15.Inspirations and characters of the shaping and development of foreign science and technology management system;国外科技管理体制形成与发展的特点与启示

16.The Sociological Study of the Public Sports Inspiration国外竞技体育发展的社会学研究及启示

17.The Analysis and Revelation of the Application of Technology and Media in Distance Education in Foreign Counties;国内外远程教育中技术媒体应用的分析与启示

18.On IT Innovation System Construction中外信息产业技术创新体系建设的特点及启示


Phage display噬菌体展示技术

1.Screening of promoter DNA-binding protein of cyclin B2 gene by phage display technique from human liver cDNA library;应用噬菌体展示技术筛选细胞周期素B2启动子DNA的结合蛋白

2.Screening of Binding Proteins of Recombinant Interferon β from Hepatocyte cDNA Library by Phage Display Technique;噬菌体展示技术筛选重组干扰素-β蛋白结合蛋白

3.Screening of promoter DNA-binding protein of iNOS gene by phage display technique from human liver cDNA library;噬菌体展示技术筛选诱导型NOS基因启动子DNA结合蛋白的研究

3)Phage display techniques噬菌体展示技术

1.Application of phage display techniques in synthesis of nanomaterials;噬菌体展示技术在纳米材料合成中的应用

2.With the development in methods of construction and screening, phage display techniques for functional peptides as well as functional genomics provide a simple and powerful tool of screening new proteins and have been extensively used in many fields of bio-science.随着噬菌体展示技术自身建库、筛选方法等方面的进一步改进和完善,目前已被广泛应用于生命科学的许多领域,特别是噬菌体表面展示技术在蛋白质相互作用方面的成功应用,为筛选新的结合蛋白提供了一种简单、有效的手段,还为功能基因组学的研究提供了一个新的方法。

4)phage display technique噬菌体展示技术

1.Applyingphage display technique in tumor research噬菌体展示技术在肿瘤研究中的应用

5)Phage display technology噬菌体展示技术

1.ThePhage display technology(PDT) is technology that expresses exogenic polypeptide with shell protein of phage by inserting the exogenic DNA into the shell gene.噬菌体展示技术是一种有效的药物靶点筛选工具,可用其筛选中药的药物靶点蛋白。

2.In this article,the progress of phage display technology and its carrier systems were introduced,and its application in enzyme linked immunosorbent assay of pesticides and other small molecules were summarized.噬菌体展示技术是将外源蛋白基因与噬菌体表面特定蛋白基因在其表面融合表达,用于筛选和改造功能性多肽的生物技术,具有库容量大,结合特异性强等特点,现已被广泛应用于生命科学的许多领域。

6)ribosome display核糖体展示技术


噬菌体展示库噬菌体展示库(phage display library)的基本原理是将外源基因同丝状噬菌体fd或mb的外壳蛋白p8基因或p3基因融合后导入噬菌体基因组,表达产生的外源肽与外壳蛋白p8或p3形成融合蛋白,展示在噬菌体的表面。导入了各种各样外源基因的一群噬菌体,就构成一个展示各种各样外源肽的噬菌体展示库。当用一个蛋白质去筛查一个噬菌体展示库时,就会选择性地同与其有相互作用的某个外源肽相结合,从而分离出展示库里的某个特定的噬菌体,研究该噬菌体所含外源基因的生物学功能。 基于同一原理的另一种实验系统是将编码细菌表面的菌毛蛋白的基因,同外源基因融合,转入细菌细胞后表达,在细菌表面的菌毛中出现融合蛋白。当遇到能同外源基因的蛋白质产物相互作用的蛋白质时就能选择性地与融合蛋白相结合。这样,也就起到展示库的作用,可以筛选有相互作用的蛋白质。
