1200字范文 > 电压互感器 voltage transformer英语短句 例句大全

电压互感器 voltage transformer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-10 19:01:09


电压互感器 voltage transformer英语短句 例句大全

电压互感器,voltage transformer

1)voltage transformer电压互感器

1.Site test and analysis of 220 kV metricalvoltage transformer;220kV计量电压互感器的现场测试及分析

2.Analysis ofvoltage transformer secondary loop grounding point;电压互感器二次回路接地点分析

3.Verifying the voltage ratio ofvoltage transformer (discharge coil) by method of adding the high voltage;采用高压加压法校核电压互感器(放电线圈)变比


1.Voltage transformersGB1207-1997电压互感器

2.high voltage current transformer & potential transformer高压电流电压互感器

3.high voltage capacitor(of a capacitor voltage transformer)电容器式电压互感器的高压电容器

4.intermediate voltage capacitor(of a capacitor voltage transformer)(电容器式电压互感器的)中压电容器

5.dual purpose voltage transformer双重用途电压互感器

6.rated transformation ratio (of a voltage transformer)(电压互感器的)额定变比

7.rated transformation ratio of voltage transformer电压互感器的额定变比

8.unearthed voltage transformer不接地型电压互感器

9.actual transformation ratio of voltage transformer电压互感器的实际变化

10.gle of a voltage transformer电压互感器的相角差

11.intermediate voltage terminal (of a capacitor voltage transformer)电容器式电压互感器的)中压端

12.Calculation of Impulse Voltage Distribution ?in EHV Potential Transformer Windings超高压电压互感器冲击电压分布计算

13.Research on selection of secondary parameter of current transformer and voltage transformer电流互感器、电压互感器二次参数选择问题研究

14.Research of Resistive-Capacitive Divider Electronic Voltage Transformer;阻容分压型电子式电压互感器的研究

15.Theoretical Analysis and Calculation of EHV Potential Transformer超高压电压互感器的理论分析与计算

16.cascade[inductive]voltage transformer级联式[感应式]电压互感器

17.cascade/inductivevoltage transformer级联式/感应式电压互感器

18.Electronic voltage transformer based on voltage-to-current conversion基于电压-电流变换的电子式电压互感器


potential transformer电压互感器

1.Measures preventing from iron core magnetic resonance caused by iron core saturation ofpotential transformer;电压互感器铁心饱和引起铁磁谐振的防治措施

2.Single-phase check methed ofpotential transformer for on-site check;电压互感器现场校验的单相校验法

3.Time-domain measuring method for wide-frequency transfer characteristic ofpotential transformer;电压互感器宽频传递特性的时域测量方法

3)PT[英][,pi: "ti:][美]["pi "ti]电压互感器

1.Harm done by the failure of the circuitryPT to the power system;线路电压互感器故障对系统造成的危害

2.PT Secondary Circuit Reducing Reform and its Reducing Mothod;电压互感器二次回路压降改造及减少压降的方法

3.Analysis and Solution of the 6~10 kV Power Distribution GridPT Resonance Elimination6~10kV配电网电压互感器消谐的分析及对策

4)TV[英][,ti: "vi:][美]["ti "vi]电压互感器

1.The Cause ofTV Secondary Wire Abnormity and Its Countermeasures;电压互感器二次回路异常的原因及对策

2.Analysis of the Fusing on Primary Side ofTV and Treatment;电压互感器一次侧熔断器熔断原因分析与处理

3.The structure of Changdu power grid and the process of frequency oscillation accident are summed up,it is analyzed theoretically that the reason of the system oscillation is the ferromagnetic saturation ofTV,low-frequency load reduction scheme for Changdu power grid is also analyzed,and the method against misoperation of low-frequency load reduction is put forward.全文综述了昌都电网结构及电网频率震荡事故的过程,从理论上分析了中性点不接地的配电网中常会发生电压互感器(TV)饱和引起的铁磁谐振可能引起系统频率的震荡,并分析了昌都电网低周减载方案,提出了防止低周减载误动的方法。

5)Voltage mutual inductor电压互感器

1.Voltage Mutual Inductor Grounding and Its Function in Transformer Substation;变电站的电压互感器接地方式及功能

2.Taking the case of voltage mutual inductor exploration of TYD-110/3-0.02H电压互感器的爆炸事故为例,对该设备的故障原因进行分析,并对设备的检修试验、采购选型、运行巡视3方面提出了一些预防措施和建议。

3.Ferromagnetic resonance of voltage mutual inductors for 6 kV power supply system of the oil refinery took place several times, resulting in burn- out of voltage mutual inductors of 6 kV substation, explosion of lightning guards, breakdown of electric equipment, fusing of high voltage fuses and misoperation of relaying protection.针对炼油厂6kV供电系统运行中多次发生电压互感器铁磁谐振,导致6 kV配电所电压互感器烧毁,避雷器爆炸,用电设备击穿,高压熔断器熔断,造成继电保护误动等问题进行了原因分析,提出了预防措施。

6)high voltage potential transformer高压电压互感器


