1200字范文 > 舞剧电影 Dancing-drama film英语短句 例句大全

舞剧电影 Dancing-drama film英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-23 06:28:37


舞剧电影 Dancing-drama film英语短句 例句大全

舞剧电影,Dancing-drama film

1)Dancing-drama film舞剧电影

2)songs, and often dances歌舞剧或电影

3)film a dance drama把舞剧拍摄成电影

4)the entertainment stage影剧院舞台


1.Stage machinery in theater of Zhejiang Vocational Academy of Art浙江艺术职业学院实验影剧院舞台机械

2.perform on a stage or theater.在舞台或者剧院演出。

3.suited to or characteristic of the stage or theater.适合于舞台、剧院或者具有舞台、剧院的特点。

4.a star of stage and screen.舞台剧和电影界的明星

5.Shanghai Opera and Dance Drama Theatre上海歌剧舞剧院舞剧团

6.legitimate drama ( legitimate stage)舞台剧(不适合作电影剧本)

7.The front section of seats nearest the stage in a theater.头等席剧院中靠近舞台的前排座位

8.On reconstruction of stage machines in Dongpuo theater;记东坡大剧院舞台机械系统改造工程

9.More on Stage Technique Management of the Japan New National Theater再谈日本新国立剧院的舞台技术管理

10.Disciplines offered include dance, drama, music, theatre technical arts, and film and television.学科包括舞蹈、戏剧、音乐、舞台科艺及电影电视。

11.The Research of the Novel Si Shui Wei Lan s Adaptation into Teleplay and the Living Theatres;小说《死水微澜》影视舞台剧改编研究

12.Impact of the Traditional Theatre on Spoken Drama中国传统戏曲对话剧舞台艺术的影响

13.The stage of an ancient theater, located between the background and the orchestra.(古罗马,希腊)舞台位于布幕与乐池之间的古代剧院的舞台

14.lights at the front of a theater stage that illuminate the set and actors.剧院中舞台前部照亮背景和演员的灯光。

15.The area of a modern theater that is located between the curtain and the orchestra.舞台前部现代剧院中幕布和乐池之间的部分

16.State Theater Mainz of German--The modest stage drive and control technology德国美茵茨国家剧院——最现代的舞台机械技术

17.A brief theatrical act or stage appearance.短剧,舞台表演短小的戏剧或舞台演出

18.There"s a musical at the theater tonight.今晚剧院里上演歌舞剧。


songs, and often dances歌舞剧或电影

3)film a dance drama把舞剧拍摄成电影

4)the entertainment stage影剧院舞台


1.A Study on the Descriptive Language of the American Screenplay Brokeback Mountain;作为电影拍摄的蓝本,电影剧本在整个电影的策划、创作和拍摄过程中发挥着举足轻重的作用,电影剧本的好坏关系到电影的成败。


edy movie has itself feature that disdinguish others films.在中西方电影史上,喜剧电影创作都占据着重要位置,喜剧电影的叙事艺术的延续和演变,对类型电影的创作产生着深远的影响。


