1200字范文 > PPP协议 PPP protocol英语短句 例句大全

PPP协议 PPP protocol英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-23 01:12:11


PPP协议 PPP protocol英语短句 例句大全

PPP协议,PPP protocol

1)PPP protocolPPP协议

1.The GPRS network,PPP protocol and PPP dialer script are explained particularly.介绍基于GPRS网络数据终端的研制过程,对数据传输过程中用到的GPRS网络、PPP协议、PPP拨号脚本作详细说明,在uClinux操作系统的基础上实现了嵌入式终端的拨号接入internet,并根据应用特点提出解决方案,实现了数据的实时传输。

2.Then, the functions of uploading and downloading date are implemented byPPP protocol.根据省高血压中心和地方高血压医院工作的方式,在对其实际情况进行了深入调查研究的基础上,首先拟定了解决省高血压中心和地方高血压医院各自的管理系统,然后采用PPP协议传输的方案来实现其间的数据上传和下载这一功能。

3.In this paper,PPP protocol be planted into an embedded system.在这种方案中,PPP协议被作为链路控制协议使用。


1.PPP Protocol Analysis and Implementation for Router Platform;PPP协议分析及其在路由平台上的实现

2.Research on PPP Protocol Conformance Testing Suite Generation MethodPPP协议一致性测试集生成方法研究

3.Design and Implementation of PPP in μC/OS-Ⅱ Operating System;PPP协议在μC/OS-Ⅱ操作系统中的设计与实现

4.The Realization of Accessing Internet through GPRS Based on PPP基于PPP协议实现GPRS模块无线接入Internet方式

5.Research on Transplantation and Parallelization of PPP & Its Application and Realization in the Terabit Router;PPP协议软件移植及其并行化研究在T比特路由器中的应用与实现

6.Hardware and Software Realization of the GPRS Wirelessmeter Reading Transmission System Terminal Based on PPP Protocol基于PPP协议的GPRS无线抄表传输终端的软硬件实现

7.Enhancing the Security of PPP with Internet Key Exchange Protocol用Internet密钥交换协议增强PPP的安全性

8.What protocol does PPP use to identify the Network layer protocol? What"s the mean?意思是:PPP需要网络层的哪个协议的支持?

9.Research on PPPoE Protocol and Its Implementation on Windows Platforms;PPP over Ethernet协议及其在Windows系统上实现的研究

10.The PPP control protocol for this network protocol is not available on the server.在该服务器上PPP控制协议对于整个网络协议是不可用的。

11.The Highway and Bridge Maintenance Contracts in HKSAR:the experience of adopting PPP approach香港公路桥梁维修及保养工程合约——引用公私伙伴关系(PPP)协议的经验

12.On Model of Urban Infrastructure Constructions Based on PPP;基于PPP的城市基础建设模式刍议

13.Public-Private Partnership in Infrastructure Construction;PPP在基础设施领域的应用及建议

14.IEC/ISO agreementiec/iso 协议

15.Study of PPP s Application in Beijing s Rail Traffic Construction and Operation;PPP(公私协作)在北京轨道交通建设运营中的应用研究

16.Multi-Fibre Arrangement [MFA]多种纤维协议〔多纤协议〕

17.TCP/IP(Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)传输控制协议/网间协议

18.Password Authentication Protoco密码鉴别协议(pap协议)



1.The article mainly introduced the realization of the protocols of TCP/IP andPPP in the micro control units, then it showed the ways that the system accessed to Internet by GPRS.本文介绍了在微控制器中实现精简的TCP/IP协议和PPP协议,然后通过控制GPRS模块,使其经GPRS网络连入Internet网络的实现方法。

2.This paper introduces the principle and applications of the method by line and modem between two computers,and discusse sin detail how to realize communication throughPPP or SLIP protocol between two computers whose operation systems are SCO unix or Windows .介绍了两台计算机之间通过电话线和Modem互联通讯的原理及应用,详细论述了在这种组网方式下如何通过SLIP协议(或PPP协议)实现SCOUNIX主机和Windows主机、SCOUNIX主机相连来实现文件的远程传输,并提出解决方案,给出实例。

3.According to capacity of the low-cost systems, this paper presents a method of design and implementation of an embedded gateway WebitGateway, which can translate protocols betweenPPP protocol to Ethernet protocol.WebitGateway针对资源严重受限的嵌入式Internet环境,在满足功能和性能要求的前提下,简化了两个协议栈的实现,介绍了简化后的Modem驱动程序和网卡驱动程序及相关协议,还特别介绍了利用看门狗实现Modem安全可靠的故障恢复方法和利用复杂计算转移实现PPP协议中的安全认证协议CHAP的方法。

3)point-to-point protocolPPP协议

4)PPP/HDLC protocolPPP/HDLC协议

5)TCP/IP/PPP protocolTCP/IP/PPP协议

6)Point topoint protocol (PPP)点到点协议(PPP)


