1200字范文 > 儿童服装设计 childrens clothing design英语短句 例句大全

儿童服装设计 childrens clothing design英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-06 17:24:56


儿童服装设计 childrens clothing design英语短句 例句大全

儿童服装设计,children"s clothing design

1)children"s clothing design儿童服装设计


1.Discuss the Impact on Children"s Clothing Design of the Design Acceptance Simply浅谈设计接受对儿童服装设计的影响

2.The design and manufacture of children"s clothing to promote mechanical safety提高机械安全性的儿童服装设计和生产实施规范

3.Clothing designed for pre- school- age children often follows the fashion for adults.为学龄前儿童设计的服装通常会仿效成人的时装式样。

4.Children"s Products Packaging Design Patterns to Explore the Bionic儿童产品包装设计中的仿生形态探索

5.Analysis of the Essential of Children"s Article Packaging Design Based on Children"s Consumption Psychology从儿童的消费心理分析儿童用品包装设计的要点

6.The Analysis and Study on Graphic Design of Children s Reading Material;儿童读物装帧设计现状分析与创意研究

7.A Study on the Characteristics and Development Direction of Packaging Design of Children s Food;儿童食品包装设计特点及发展趋势研究

8.The Application of Marin Fish Colors in the Design of Package for Children Products;海洋鱼类色彩在儿童用品包装设计中的研究

9.Design and Implement of Children Health Care Service Oriented SP Short-message Platform;面向儿童保健服务的SP短信平台的设计和实现

10.(of clothes,design,etc)too full of detail or decoration(指服装、设计图样等)零碎儿太多的,装饰太多的

11.Children also respond to fashion.儿童服装也受时尚的影响。

12.Research on the Design,Hygientic Safety of Baby Garments;婴幼儿服装设计及其卫生安全性的研究

13.Influence of Fabric Comfortableness and Style on Baby Dress Design;论面料舒适性与风格对幼儿服装设计的影响

14.Rumei: They"re wonderful. Oh, look at this clothing store for children. The clothes are very cute and colourful.如梅:好极了。嘿,看这家儿童服装店的摆设。那些衣服样子多漂亮,颜色多鲜艳。

15.Garments" integral structure design is regarded as a bridge to connect garments" styling design with garments" technical design.服装整体结构设计是联系服装造型设计与服装工艺设计的纽带。

16.Pre-school Education under the Integrated Child Development Services Scheme in India;论印度“整体性儿童发展服务”计划中的幼儿教育

17.Design for Children--The Development of Pre-School Children s Body & Mind and Children s Furniture Design;为孩子而设计——学龄前儿童身心发展与儿童家具设计

18.Intended for infants or young children.供婴儿使用的为婴儿或年龄很小的儿童设计的


infant"s costume儿童服装

1.Application of costume efficacy ininfant"s costume;服装工效学在儿童服装上的应用

3)Graphic Design of Children"s Reading Material儿童读物装帧设计

4)the design of children clothing童装设计

1.The psychological and physical character of children andthe design of children clothing;儿童生理心理与童装设计

5)Colors Design of Children"s Room儿童房色彩设计

6)The Design of Enfant Playground儿童乐园设计


儿童服装儿童服装〔children's wear〕简称童装,是适合儿童穿着的服装。包括婴儿服装、幼儿服装、小童服装、中童服装、大童服装等。还包括中小学的校园服装。
