1200字范文 > 消费理论 consumption theory英语短句 例句大全

消费理论 consumption theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-28 11:55:16


消费理论 consumption theory英语短句 例句大全

消费理论,consumption theory

1)consumption theory消费理论

1.This paper gives a brief summary of the studies since the 1990s in terms of following aspects: the latest westernconsumption theory development,the studies of China s consumption problems by using non-mainstream western consumption theories,and the initiating of tentative researches on Chinese consumption theories etc.十余年来,我国学者在消费理论研究上取得了相当进展。

2.With the times went on, modern westernconsumption theory experienced a developing and evolving process.随着时代的变迁,现代西方消费理论经历了一个发展和演变的过程。

3.The article states some hypothesises aboutconsumption theory, then discusses some factors of tourism consumption in China, analyzes and affirms that free money is a main factor for explanation of tourism expenditure.本文借鉴消费理论中关于消费函数的一般分析方法,结合我国旅游消费领域的实际状况,分析确立了国内城镇居民旅游消费支出的解释变量,并用实证模型对此进行了检验,同时也验证了旅游消费对社会经济发展水平的高度依赖性。


1.Consumption Harmony Theory: The Consuming Theory Subject to the Scientific Development View;消费和谐论:面向科学发展观的消费理论

2.Baudrillard"s Consumption Theory and the Comsuming Paractice at YanDaiXieJie波德里亚的消费理论与烟袋斜街的消费实践

3.New Thoughts on the Study of Tourism Expenditure Theory--An Analysis on Becker s New Theory of Consumers Behaviour;旅游消费理论研究的新思考——评析贝克尔的新消费者行为理论

4.Frugal Consumption Theory of Mozi in the Ecological Visual Angle;生态视角下的《墨子》节俭消费理论探究

5.Symbol Consumption and Ethic Construction of Leisure Sports Consumption论符号消费与休闲体育消费伦理构建

6.Mike Featherstone"s Theory of Consumer Culture: A Study迈克·费瑟斯通的消费文化理论研究

7.From Object Consumption to Sign Consumption:on Jean Baudrillard s Consumption Cultural Theroy;从物品消费到符号消费——鲍德里亚消费文化理论研究之二

8.Study on Consumption Phenomenon of College Students on the Perspective of Consumption Identification Theory;消费认同理论视角下的大学生消费现象研究

9.An Integrated Model of Behavior of China’s Green Consumers based on TPB;计划行为理论和中国消费者绿色消费行为


11.Emergence of Deviance Consumptions and Establishment of Harmonious Consumption Idea;论离轨消费问题的产生与和谐消费理念的建立

12.Analysis on Consumption of China s Insurance Products under the Theories of Consumption Function;试用消费函数理论分析我国的保险产品消费

13.Trying the theory of the consumption function in order to analyze the influencing factors of the health consumption;试用消费函数理论分析影响卫生消费的因素

14.Consumption Culture Is Intellectualized and Theorized State of Comsumption;消费文化是消费的知识化和理论化形态

15.On the Theory of Consumption Society in the View of Nationality-State;民族——国家视野内的“消费社会”理论——布希亚“消费社会”理论的反思

16.a theory of commercial activities (such as the production and consumption of goods).商业活动(如货物生产和消费)的理论。

17.empirical and simple theoretical consumption function经验的和简单理论的消费函数

18.Dreiser s Consumption Ethical Concepts in "Trilogy of Desire";论德莱塞“欲望三部曲”中的消费伦理观


consumers theory消费者理论

1.In order to discuss theory of market-oriented economy s consumers, firstly we should be acquainted with some prerequisite knowledge, which mainly includesconsumers, demand of consumers, interests of consumers, rights of consumers, rights and interests of consumers, sovereignty ofconsumers andconsumers theory and so on.消费者理论是市场经济理论的有机组成部分,要研究市场经济的消费者理论首先必须了解其前提性知识,其前提知识主要有:消费者、消费者需求、消费者利益、消费者权利、消费者权益、消费者主权和消费者理论等等。

3)Theory of Consumption Behaviors消费行为理论

4)The Theory of consumer action消费者行为理论

5)consumer utility theory消费者效用理论

6)the theory of consumer choice消费者选择理论

1.According to the theory of innovation diffusion andthe theory of consumer choice behavior,this article puts forward the three-level choice mechanism based on the synthesis of the existi.本文根据创新扩散理论与消费者选择理论,在综合现有观点的基础上,提出了企业应用管理时尚的三层次选择机制,分析了企业应用管理时尚的条件、影响因素、选择程序、最优决策以及社会层面管理时尚的形成机制。

2.We reconstructthe theory of consumer choice into two steps.传统经济学中的消费者选择理论中的效用函数只考虑了商品数量对效用的影响,而在品牌时代,随着可供选择的多样化,消费者在选择数量之前必然首先对品牌做出选择。


消费理论消费者理论主要研究消费者行为准则与目的对可见需求的影响。戈森、杰文斯和瓦尔拉从效用最大化出发,定义了消费者需求,首次发展了消费者理论,其后由马歇尔作出了进一步的详细论述。斯勒茨基(E. Slutsky)在19提出了效用最大化需求的一系列性质,希克斯(J.R. Hicks)、艾伦(R.G.D. Allen)、霍特灵、沃尔德(A. Wald)等人在1934--1944年间又继斯勒茨基的工作进行了深入研究。效用论的基础在几个方面得到了深化:费希尔(I. Fisher, 1892)与帕累托(V. Pareto, 1909)用序数效用替代了基数效用;弗里希(R. Frisch, 1932)与阿尔特(F. Alt, 1936)提出了基数效用的公理化处理;萨缪尔森(1938)提出了显示性偏好。
