1200字范文 > 艺术创作方法 the way of art creation英语短句 例句大全

艺术创作方法 the way of art creation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-02 23:57:46


艺术创作方法 the way of art creation英语短句 例句大全

艺术创作方法,the way of art creation

1)the way of art creation艺术创作方法


1.Looking for homeland with homesickness--The modern value of the creative methods of realistic Art怀着乡愁寻找家园——现实主义的艺术创作方法的当代价值

2.Disscuss the Blinding Area in the Art--Empiricism Leads to the Way of Creation论艺术中的盲区——经验引导创作方法

3.Looks at the Art Education Development Direction from the Artistic Creation Environment从艺术创作环境看艺术教育发展方向

4.On Frida Kahlo s Artistic Creation: Two Methods in Exploring and Interpreting Her Art;论弗里达·卡罗的艺术创作——用两种方法对画家艺术的解读探索

5.A Gradient Coloring Used in Art Pictures一种用于创作艺术画面的梯度着色方法

6.On the Artistic Form and Creation Methods of Luxun Nahan and PangHuang;论鲁迅《呐喊》《彷徨》的艺术形式与创作方法

7.A Creating Method of Art Pictures Based on Digital Image Processing基于数字图像处理的艺术图片创作方法

8.a creator of great skill in the manual arts.在手工艺术方面有很高技艺的创作者。

9.a class of artistic endeavor having a characteristic form or technique.一个努力创造出有特色的创作形式或方法的艺术家群体。

10.Politics cannot be equated with art, nor can a general world outlook be equated with a method of artistic creation and criticism.政治并不等于艺术,一般的宇宙观也并不等于艺术创作和艺术批评的方法。

11.The typical problem was discussed which pierce through the basic problem of the Western art creation and the art appreciating progress and was also the highest ideal of the Western art creation and the art appreciation of the beautiful.也是西方艺术创作和艺术审美的最高理想。

12.Influence of Western Contemporary Art Concepts on Architectural Creation;西方当代艺术观念对建筑创作的影响

13.New Methods of Art Education Implementation in the Universities of Science and Technology;理工科高校实施艺术教育的方法创新

14.On the Characteristics of the Devices of Schubert s Lieder;试析舒伯特艺术歌曲的创作技法特点

15.Conceiving Before Painting" And "Lingering Charm Beyond Rules"--On the Dialectical Relations Among Conceiving, Proposal And Creative Practice As Well As Scheme Implementation“意在笔先”与“趣在法外”——论艺术创作中构思/预案与创作实践/方案实施的辩证关系

16.The Present Tense of Lacquer-Creative Ways of Young Japanese Lacquer Artists漆的现在式——日本青年漆艺家创作方法


18.The artist tried to apply the method into art and paint more paintings of high artistic standards.艺术家努力将此方法运用到艺术之中,画出更多高艺术水平的作品。


Discusses the artistic creation method shallowly浅谈艺术创作方法

3)artistic creation艺术创作

1.The enlightenment and significance of Zhao MengFu s theory of paintings antique style to presentartistic creation;赵孟頫“古意”说对现今艺术创作的启示与意义

2.By relating to the making of Leptin,this paper analyzes the following issues concerning the application of multimedia technology inartistic creation of video teaching material: natural image,key teaching points,difficulty processing and organic combination of sound effects with typical pictures.在应用多媒体技术进行视听教材的艺术创作中,结合《瘦素》的制作对视听教材中的自然形象、教学中的重点、难点的处理以及音响效果与典型画面的有机结合等问题进行了探讨。


1.This paper makes a comprehensive comparison of Mark Twain s three children s novels, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Prince and the Pauper and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in terms of theircreation time, contents, themes and characters, and it points out that during this period there were great changes in Mark Twain screation and ideology.对美国作家马克·吐温的三部儿童小说《汤姆·索耶历险记》、《王子与贫儿》、《哈克贝利·芬历险记》的创作时间、内容、主题和人物等方面进行了全面的比较 ,指出了这一时期马克·吐温在艺术创作和思想上的重大变化 :一方面 ,他在艺术创作上完全成熟 ;另一方面 ,他在思想上由热爱生活、乐观向上转而变得愤世嫉俗。

5)art creation艺术创作

1.The localization of comtemporaryart creation is a synthetical outcome of the social politics,economy and culture.当代艺术创作的本土化,是社会政治、经济文化的综合产物,重新审视传统文化,充分利用传统文化资源进行艺术创作,激发艺术家的想象力和创造力具有重要作用。

2.The thesis emphasizes the embodiment of Harmonious View in traditional art as well as its influence onart creation.本文将着重阐述"和谐观"在传统艺术中的体现以及对艺术创作产生的影响。

3.The contrast phenomenon is of a special influence onart creation.“反差现象”对艺术创作具有特殊的作用和影响,特别是地域环境反差对艺术创作兴奋的形成、身份和命运反差对艺术创造激情的产生、文化思想观念反差对艺术诗性的升华等,无不生发重要而深远的影响。

6)writing technique创作艺术

1.This paper aims at portraying characters,depicting plots and exhibitingwriting technique by analyzing his novel the French Lieutenant s Woman.通过分析他的《法国中尉的女人》的人物刻画、情境描写、话语蕴藉、创作技巧等,探讨了后现代主义的创作艺术及其哲学基础。


创作冲动创作冲动creative impulse创作冲动(ereative lmpulse)科学家、艺术家、作家在创作的实践中,由于某种事物的启发或激励而产生的强烈的创作愿望。创作冲动受个人严肃勤奋的劳动态度和负责精神,丰富的实践经验和知识积累,深厚的科学研究修养或艺术修养及创作技巧的影响。片面强调创作冲动在创作活动中的作用是错误的。 (吴万森撰程娴审)
