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教学策略 teaching strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-15 03:49:36


教学策略 teaching strategy英语短句 例句大全

教学策略,teaching strategy

1)teaching strategy教学策略

1.Based on the interest in the "The Programming Designs" course’steaching strategy research and practice;基于兴趣的“程序设计基础”课程教学策略的研究与实践

2.Exploration ofteaching strategy of conditional factors based on high vocational college mathematics teaching;基于高职数学教学情景因素的教学策略探索


1.A Research Tendency of Teaching Strategy: Research Development of Subjective Teaching Strategy;教学策略研究的趋势:主体教学策略发展研究

2.Study Teaching Tactics That Affect Students Learning Tactics in Colleges and Universities;教学策略对大学生学习策略影响的研究

3.The Emotional Teaching Strategy Experimental Research for Senior Chemistry in Middle School;化学教学中情感教学策略的实验研究

4.A Brief Talk on Teaching Tactics of Cultivating Research Maths Teachers in Middle Schools;浅谈中学数学研究型教师的教学策略

5.The Integration of Cultural Teaching into College English Teaching大学英语教学中的文化教学策略研究

6.On teaching strategy based on mized teaching approaches基于混合学习教学模式的教学策略

7.Adaptation of foreign language teaching strategy based on investigation on foreign language learning strategy从外语学习策略的调查看外语教学策略的调适

8.The Investigation on Non-English Majors" Learning Strategies and Teaching Strategies非英语专业词汇学习策略及教学策略调查

9.On the Teaching strategies Under the Background of Basic Education s New Teaching Material;论基础教育新教材背景下的教学策略

10.The intra crosslingual teaching strategy and foreign language teaching语言内—跨语言教学策略与外语教学

11.Specialization of Middle School Teachers and Research on Classroom-Teaching Strategy;中学教师专业化与课堂教学策略研究

12.The Study of Statistics Teaching Strategy in the First Studying Stage of Compulsory Education;义务教育第一学段统计教学策略研究

13.A Study of Culture Teaching Strategies in High School English Teaching;高中英语教学中的文化教学策略研究

14.Teaching Strategy of Ancient Novel about Middle School Chinese Teaching Materials;中学语文教材中古代小说的教学策略

15.Humanism and Composition Teaching;以人为本的教学策略与高中作文教学

16.A study on the teaching strategy of "Self-learning and Appreciating" in physical education;体育教学中“自主—欣赏”教学策略探微

17.An Integration of Learning Strategies and English Teaching;学习策略与外语教学——阅读教学中的对应策略

18.Metacognitive Strategy and the Teaching of Writing Strategies in Senior Middle School;元认知策略与高中英语写作策略教学


teaching strategies教学策略

1.Teaching Strategies Research on "Nonlinear Editing System" Course for the Major of Educational Technology——the Correlation Analysis of College Students Learning Strategies and Learning Style;教育技术学专业《非线性编辑系统》课程的教学策略研究——基于大学生学习策略与学习方式的相关性分析

2.On the Teaching Strategies of English Journals and Newspapers from the Perspective of Web Environment;从网络环境角度整合英语报刊阅读教学策略

3)teaching tactics教学策略

1.Teaching Tactics of 80x86 Microcomputer Interface Technology;《80x86微机接口技术》教学策略

2.To Explore Implementation Teaching Tactics Under the network;运用网络教学系统实施教学策略的实践与思考

3.The Design of Student’s Model and Teaching Tactics in ITS;基于WEB的ITS中学生模型和教学策略的设计

4)Instructional strategy教学策略

1.The presentation and instructional strategy of the concept of limit;极限概念的表征及教学策略

2.Occurring structure and instructional strategy of learning experience;学习体验的发生结构与教学策略

3.The Instructional Strategy Research of Facilitating Pupil s Innovative Thinking;促进学生创新思维发展的教学策略研究

5)instructional strategies教学策略

1.Problem_Based Learning & Design For Instructional Strategies;基于问题的学习及其教学策略的设计

2.Instructional Strategies Design of Media Literacy Education for College Students;大学生媒介素养教育之教学策略设计

3.A Study of the Instructional Strategies on College Students E-learning Initiative;大学生网络学习主动性的教学策略研究

6)strategy teaching策略教学

1.Let the Students Learn to Study——Based on ponderation on several questions instrategy teaching让学生学会学习——基于策略教学的几个问题的思考

2.In this paper, the research onstrategy teachingin higher mathematics is studied.对理工科高等数学教学过程中的策略教学进行了分析和讨论,指出策略教学应该伴随整个教学过程的始终,通过策略教学,能够培养学生的思维能力、学习能力、和创造能力。

3.This experiment attempts to find the best way to fulfill thestrategy teaching by probing through the integration of thestrategy teaching .本实验通过探讨策略教学与学科知识教学的整合,力图寻求实现策略教学的最优化途径。


教学策略教学策略instructional strategy教学策略(instruetional strategy)教师在教学过程中为达到一定的教学目标而采取的一系列教学方式和行为。教师可根据学科特点、题材及儿童的年龄阶段选择不同的教学方法,如讲授法、讨论法、发现法、指导发现法、自学辅导法等。(蒋兆灿撰车丈博审)
