1200字范文 > 节奏美 beauty of rhythm英语短句 例句大全

节奏美 beauty of rhythm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-19 14:43:01


节奏美 beauty of rhythm英语短句 例句大全

节奏美,beauty of rhythm

1)beauty of rhythm节奏美

1.Thebeauty of rhythm in the translation is often regarded as a chief symbol of failure or success of literary works translation.译文的节奏美,常常被视为文学翻译成败的重要标志。

2.This article explores the transmission and loss of thebeauty of rhythm from the levels of phonetics and syntax in three of its Chinese versions.从音响节奏美、句式变换的画面节奏美两个方面入手,探讨培根的《论读书》其三个中译本翻译中节奏美传达的得与失。

3.Thebeauty of rhythm is one of the most important parts of the beauty of classroom English teaching, and it is made up of changes and contrast between activity and stillness, intenseness and relaxation, looseness and denseness,and quickness and slowness.节奏美是构筑英语课堂教学美的有机组成部分 ,“动静相生”、“张弛有致”、“疏密相间”、“快慢相宜”等节奏艺术是英语课堂教学节奏美的生动体现。


1.Artistic features of beauty of mould,beauty of rhythm and beauty of disposition in calisthenics;健美操运动中造型美、节奏美、气质美的艺术特征

2.The rhythm of the novel narrates in the structure--Taking the works of A Dream in Red Mansions as an example on view of time;论小说叙事结构中的节奏美——以作品《红楼梦》的时间视角为例

3.move in a graceful and rhythmical way.优美而有节奏地移动。

4.The internal effects of motion and music rhythms of calisthenics;健美操的动作节奏与音乐节奏的内在效应

5.a musical composition to be played in adagio tempo (slowly and gracefully).以缓慢的节奏演奏的乐曲(缓慢的优美的)。

6.R and B (Rhythm and Blues)富于节奏的一种美国黑人音乐

7.a syncopated ballroom dance formerly popular in the US.一种变节奏的舞蹈最早在美国流行。

8.The Acquisition of Chinese Rhythm by American Students;美国留学生习得汉语节奏特征之研究

9.Rhythm and Aesthetic Value in Statements of Novel;小说叙述语言的节奏性及其审美价值

10.For instance, Americans like fast-tempoed music because the tempo of life there is fast.比如说,美国人喜爱节奏感强的音乐,因为他们的生活节奏快。

11.Key to Aesthetics of ZONG Bai-hua;生命节奏:宗白华美学问题与范畴的关节点

12.A rhythmic ballroom dance that originated in Latin America.恰恰舞一种源自拉丁美洲的节奏明快的交际舞

13.light snacks with good taste at low prices, wage earner"s Best choice to match the quick life tempo.简便快餐,价廉味美,工薪阶层快节奏生活的选择。

14.Impact of the Cultivation of Students Sense of Rhythm over the Aerobics Teaching Effect;学生节奏感的培养对健美操教学效果的影响

15.The Influence of the Cultivation of Sense of Rhythm on the Effect of Aerobics Teaching浅析节奏感的培养对健美操教学效果的影响

16.They play uptempo numbers.他们演奏快节奏的曲调。

17.Emotionally Dominating Poetic Musicality;以情绪节奏统领音乐节奏——简论英美意象派诗人对诗歌音乐问题的看法

18.The Modern Change of Chinese Classic Aesthetics--the research of Zong Baihua s rhythm thought;中国古典美学的现代性转换——从节奏论看宗白华美学思想


the beauty of rhythm节奏美

1.Analysing the characteristics of rhythm, this essay expounds the affects ofthe beauty of rhythm in Wushu sports, it gives people a fresh view to understand rhythm.武术运动中美学要素是多方面的,节奏美作为展示武术运动美的要素之一,对于武术运动美的表现起到非常重要的作用。

3)rhythm beauty节奏美

1.Therhythm beauty exists in Chinese and Chinese text.节奏美在汉语言及其组成的文本中普遍存在着 ,从语音、词汇、诗词、散文和口语等 5个方面逐一地考察汉语言的节奏

2.The ways to use musical symbols to create and sublimate the artistic charm of poster design were introduced to make poster full ofrhythm beauty and cadence beauty.介绍了如何利用音乐符号,创新、升华招贴设计的艺术魅力,从而使招贴作品富有节奏美和韵律美。

4)Rhythm Esthetics节奏美学

5)Rhythm and Beauty节奏与美

6)Random Thoughts on Rhythmical Beauty节奏美随想


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