1200字范文 > 皮肤过敏反应 cutaneous reaction英语短句 例句大全

皮肤过敏反应 cutaneous reaction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-01 05:07:20


皮肤过敏反应 cutaneous reaction英语短句 例句大全

皮肤过敏反应,cutaneous reaction

1)cutaneous reaction皮肤过敏反应

1.The model of IgE-dependentcutaneous reaction in mice was found in 1983,which sensitized with anti-DNP IgE mAb and cha-llenged with DNFB.由anti-DNP IgE单克隆抗体致敏、DNFB激发而形成的IgE介导的小鼠皮肤过敏反应模型于1983年首次被发现,历经了2相(速发相、迟发相)到3相(速发相、迟发相、超迟发相)过敏反应模型的建立、应用,以及造模方法的优化过程,使3相皮肤过敏反应模型逐步健全。

2.The model of IgE-dependentcutaneous reaction in mice was found in 1983,which sensitized with anti-DNP IgE mAb and challenged with DNFB.由anti-DNP IgE单克隆抗体致敏、DNFB激发而形成的IgE介导的小鼠皮肤过敏反应模型1983年首次被发现,历经了两相(速发相、迟发相)到三相(速发相、迟发相、超迟发相)过敏反应模型的建立、研究、应用,以及造模方法的优化,使此三相皮肤过敏反应模型逐步健全。


1.reversed passive cutaneous anaphylaxis逆转被动皮肤过敏反应

2.Effect of myricetin on passive cutaneous anaphylaxis in mice杨梅素对小鼠被动皮肤过敏反应的影响

3.Experimental Study on Cutaneous Irritation and Sensitization of Perilla Volatile Oil Emulsions紫苏油乳剂的皮肤刺激和过敏反应研究

4.Analysis of the allergens in 523 patients with allergic diseases523例变态反应性皮肤病患者过敏原检测结果分析

5.Causes and patterns vary. Contact dermatitis appears at the site of contact with an irritating substance or allergen.接触性皮肤炎是因皮肤接触了刺激性物质或让人产生过敏反应的物质。

6.SKIN: Contact with skin may cause irritation, dermatitis.皮肤:接触皮肤可能引起过敏,皮炎等。

7.Her skin is quite irritable.她的皮肤相当过敏。

8.Skin sensitization to cockroach allergens:a nationwide,multi-center survey on bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis among outpatients全国多中心支气管哮喘与过敏性鼻炎门诊患者对蟑螂变应原皮肤反应性的调查

9.Allergen Analysis for Allergic Rhinitis by Skin Prick Test过敏性鼻炎变应原皮肤点刺试验结果分析

10." Hives (Or urticaria):Allergic skin reaction in which slightly raised, flat-topped, very itchy swellings appear suddenly."荨麻疹:过敏反应引起的皮肤病,特征是突然出现轻微隆起的、顶部平滑的、非常痒的小肿块。

11.They also were less likely to have eczema, a common allergy skin condition that causes red patches and itching.而且患湿疹的可能性也相对少,湿疹是一种皮肤过敏性反应,可引起红斑和搔痒。

12.Excessive use is strongly discouraged as prolonged exposure may cause irritation to skin.因个人肤质有所不同,应视实际需要适量使用,以避免皮肤过敏。

13.Over usage causes headache and uneasiness in stomach. It may irritate sensitive skin. Do not use on skin inflammation or eczema.使用过度可能导致头痛和反胃。可能会刺激敏感皮肤。不可用在发炎的皮肤状态和湿疹上。

14."Dermatitis usually appears first, with abnormal sensitivity to sunlight."皮肤炎是最初症状,且皮肤对日光异常过敏。

15.SKIN: Adhesive may cause moderate skin irritation.皮肤:胶粘剂可能导致中等程度皮肤过敏。

16.Precaution: May cause irritation on sensitive areas of skin ifoverused.注意事项:过量使用可能引起皮肤过敏。

17.Curative Effect Observation of the SAORE sPIRIT tREATMENT FOR sHIN aLLERGIC dISEASE皮肤过敏性疾病应用疮疡灵湿敷外用法治疗的疗效观察

18.Allergies can also cause red, itchy skin.过敏同样也能使皮肤发红及瘙痒。


Passive cutaneous anaphylaxis被动皮肤过敏反应

1.Effect of myricetin on passive cutaneous anaphylaxis in mice杨梅素对小鼠被动皮肤过敏反应的影响

2.) dose-dependently inhibited compound 48/80-induced systemic anaphylactic shock in mice and ovalbumin-induced homologous passive cutaneous anaphylaxis in rats.苍耳子 70 %醇提物 (5 0 0 ,10 0 0mg kg)剂量依赖性抑制compound 4 8 80引起的小鼠过敏性休克、卵白蛋白所致大鼠被动皮肤过敏反应 ;在体外 ,苍耳子 (2 0 ,5 0 μg ml)浓度依赖性减少大鼠肥大细胞释放组胺和 β -氨基己糖酶 ;苍耳子 (5 0 0 ,10 0 0mg kg)对组胺或 5 -羟色胺所致大鼠皮肤反应无明显作用。

3)PCA reaction被动皮肤过敏反应

1.Passive cutaneous anaphylaxis(PCA reaction) in rats,bronchia asthma test in guinea pig,Schultz Dale reaction using guinea pig ileum,histamine-releasing test in the mast cell of rats,leukocytes infiltration test in the right lung of sensitize.方法2,5,10倍临床拟使用剂量的粉尘螨滴剂于大鼠或豚鼠舌下给药4~5周,进行大鼠的同种被动皮肤过敏反应(PCA反应)实验、豚鼠支气管哮喘实验、致敏豚鼠离体回肠平滑肌过敏性收缩实验(Schultz Dale test)、大鼠肥大细胞释放组胺实验和致敏大鼠肺中白细胞浸润实验。

4)Passive cutaneous anaphylaxis reaction (PCA)被动皮肤过敏反应(PCA)

5)delayed hypersensitivity skin reaction (DHSR)迟发过敏性皮肤反应

6)delayed skin sypersensitivity reaction (DSHR)迟发型皮肤过敏反应


