1200字范文 > 清初史学 the history science in the early period of Qing dynasty英语短句 例句大全

清初史学 the history science in the early period of Qing dynasty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-08 06:26:48


清初史学 the history science in the early period of Qing dynasty英语短句 例句大全

清初史学,the history science in the early period of Qing dynasty

1)the history science in the early period of Qing dynasty清初史学


1.The Historiographers History Understanding of the National Archives of Ming Dynasty and the Feature of the History Thought in the Early Period of Qing Dynasty;明史馆馆臣的史学见解和清初史学思想的特征

2.On the Traitorous Officials from the Ming Dynasty into the Early Qing Dynasty清初史学史上的贰臣——兼谈贰臣的社会文化功能

3.An Enlightening History Book-Zhongguo gudai shi and Young Learners of the Late Qing and Early Republican Period;启蒙之史─《中国古代史》与清末民初学子

4.On the History-Archeological Investigation in the Trend of "Destruct Temples and Boost Learning" in the Period Early Ming;清末民初“废庙兴学”的历史人类学考察

5.Zhuangshishiyu and Private History Writing in Early Qing Dynasty;庄氏史狱与清初私家修史——从史学史的角度分析庄氏史狱对清初文化的影响

6.On History Education of Chinese Middle and Primary Schools in the Late Qing Dynasty and Early Years of the Republic of China;略论清末民初中国的中小学历史教育

7.History,Learning and Nation in China:Thoughts and Historical Research of Four Tsinghua Historians in the Early Years of the Republic国史、国学与国家——浅释民初清华国学研究院四位史家之思想与史学

8.On the Spread of Catholicism and the Exchange of Historiography Between China and the West in the Early Years of the Qing Dynasty以史证教与以史驳教——清初天主教传播与中西方史学交流

9.“The Tsinghua School” and “the Forefronts” in the International Scholarship of History in the Early 20~ th Century;20世纪初期史学的“清华学派”与“国际前沿”

10.A New Inspect of Studying Philosophy of Qing Dynasty--The Theory Value and Historic Significant of Neo-neo-confucianism of Qing Dynasty;一种考察清代哲学的新视角——清初朱子学的理论价值及历史意义

11.Looking Back at the Running of Higher Education by an lndustry in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republican China;清末民初高等教育部门办学的历史追溯

12.Historical Vision,Aesthetic Idea and Modern Interpretation--The Critical Study on the History of the Chinese Fiction by C.T.Hsia;历史眼光、美学构想与现代阐释——夏志清的中国小说史论初探

13.An Exploration into the Translation of History Textbooks of China and Asia from Japan;清季支那史、东洋史教科书介译初探

14.Sociology & Zhangjie Ti:the Symbol from Traditional Historiography to Modern Historigraphy --One of Formations of Civilized Historiography in late Qing & Early Min;社会学与章节体:史学由传统走向现代的标志——晚清民初文明史学理论的构建之一

15.From the End of Qing Dynasty to the Early Min Guo Period:the Idealist Philosophy of Dai Zhen on History and its Neoteric Enlightenment Significance;清末民初:戴震义理之学的历史影响及近代启蒙意义

16."WU Zhao-qian Phenomenon" and Its Classical Significance--Also on the Historical Connotation of the Migration Literature in the North-East in Early Qing Dynasty“吴兆骞现象”及其经典意义——兼论清初东北流人文学的历史内涵

17."New Historiography" Wavering between the Modern and Traditional Concepts--Theoretical Construction of the Historiography of Civilization during the Time of the Late Qing and Early Ming Guo Dynasties (sequence two);“新史学”:徘徊于传统与现代之间——论晚清民初文明史学的理论构建之二

18.On Dai Zhen of the Modern Chinese Academic History;近代中国学术史上的戴震——以清末民初学者对其考据学之"科学"性的评估为核心


On the Historical Thoughts of JU Qing-yuan鞠清远史学初探

3)The Initially Searches of Shandong Science of History Qing Dynasty清代山东史学初探

4)medicine at the beginning of Qing dynasty清初医学

1.Ming diehards and the devolepment ofmedicine at the beginning of Qing dynasty;明遗民与清初医学的发展

5)the academic learning in early Qing清初学术

6)style of study in the early Qing Dynasty清初学风


