1200字范文 > 磷利用效率 phosphorus utilization efficiency英语短句 例句大全

磷利用效率 phosphorus utilization efficiency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-17 17:44:36


磷利用效率 phosphorus utilization efficiency英语短句 例句大全

磷利用效率,phosphorus utilization efficiency

1)phosphorus utilization efficiency磷利用效率

2)Phosphorus utilization efficiency磷素利用效率

1.Genotypic differences in phosphorus utilization efficiency among spring wheat varieties in Ningxia;宁夏春小麦磷素利用效率的基因型差异研究


1.Studies on the Genetic Difference of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Utilization Efficiency in Winter Wheat Varieties;不同小麦品种氮磷素利用效率的遗传差异研究

2.Genetic Variation and Selection in PUE among Liriodendron Chinese Provenance;马褂木种源磷素利用效率的遗传变异与优良种源选择

3.Effects of Different Controlled-Release Fertilizers and Nitrogen Level on N,P,K Use Efficiency控释肥类型及氮素水平对氮磷钾利用率的影响

4.Genetic Differences of N、P、K Absorption and Utilization Efficiency in Waxy Corn;糯玉米氮磷钾养分吸收利用效率的基因型差异

5.Study on Mechanism of Differences in Phosphorus Uptake and Utilization between Two Cultivars of Brassica Napus with Different Phosphorus Efficiency;两个不同磷效率甘蓝型油菜品种磷吸收利用的差异性机理研究

6.Studies on physiological and biochemical properties of phosphorous uptake and utilization of various wheat varieties (genotypes);不同磷效率小麦品种(基因型)磷吸收利用的生理生化特性研究

7.The Mixed Inheritance Analysis of Phosphorus Absorption and Utilization Efficiency in Maize低磷土壤条件下玉米磷吸收和利用效率的混合遗传分析

8.Effects of Phosphorus on Soybean Cultivars with Different Phosphorus Efficiency磷素对不同磷效率基因型大豆的影响

9.Studies on Maize Rhizosphere Environment and Phosphorus Usage;玉米根际微生态环境与磷素高效利用的研究

10.Nutrient Use Efficiency of Main Plants in an Agro-pastoral Ecotone of Northern China;农牧交错区主要植物的氮素利用效率

11.Study on Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Mo17 and Its Derived LinesMo17及其衍生系氮素利用效率研究

12.Nutrient Use Efficiency and Stoichiometry of Nitrogen and Phosphorus of Major Coniferous Trees in Hefei合肥常见针叶树种养分利用效率及氮磷化学计量的研究

13.Effects of Limited Irrigation and Phosphorus on Leaf Photosynthesis and WUE of Winter Wheat限量灌溉和施磷对冬小麦光合性能及水分利用效率的影响

14.Phosphorus use efficiency of wheat on three typical farmland soils under long-term fertilization长期施肥下三类典型农田土壤小麦磷肥利用效率的差异

15.The Influence of Nitrogen Mixed with Phosphorus on Soil Water Content and Water Use Efficiency of Summer Maize氮磷肥配施对夏玉米土壤含水量及水分利用效率的影响

16.Effects of Phytase at Different Levels of Energy and None-phytate- phosphorus on Energy and Nutrients Utilization of Broilers不同能量和有效磷水平下植酸酶对肉鸡能量和养分利用率的影响

17.Study on Response of Potato to Different Phpsphoric Consisitencies and Mechanism of Phosphoric Efficiency;马铃薯对磷素的响应及不同磷效率的机理研究

18.Studies on the physiological parameters related to nitrogen use efficiency in wheat cultivars with different nitrogen utilization不同氮素利用效率小麦品种的氮效率相关生理参数研究


Phosphorus utilization efficiency磷素利用效率

1.Genotypic differences in phosphorus utilization efficiency among spring wheat varieties in Ningxia;宁夏春小麦磷素利用效率的基因型差异研究

3)Phosphate use efficiency磷素利用效率(PUE)

4)nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency氮、磷利用效率

5)phosphorus fertilizer use efficiency磷肥利用效率

1.A field experiment was carried out to study the effects of the application of a new soil conditioner to grain yield, water use efficiency (WUE), andphosphorus fertilizer use efficiency (PUE) of winter wheat.65%,磷肥利用效率(PUE)较单施磷肥增加2。

6)utilization of phosphorous磷利用率


