1200字范文 > 西气东输二线 the second west to east gas pipeline project英语短句 例句大全

西气东输二线 the second west to east gas pipeline project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-17 09:35:34


西气东输二线 the second west to east gas pipeline project英语短句 例句大全

西气东输二线,the second west to east gas pipeline project

1)the second west to east gas pipeline project西气东输二线

1.Guide Bending Property Analysis on X80 Grade SSAW Pipe Used in the Second West to East Gas Pipeline Project西气东输二线用X80级螺旋埋弧焊管导向弯曲性能分析

2.Development of High Nb X80 Grade Pipeline Steel Wide-thick Plate Used in the Second West to East Gas Pipeline Project西气东输二线用高Nb X80级管线钢宽厚板的开发

3.Finally it determines basic parameters of analyzing and calculating as per alternative design scheme ofthe second west to east gas pipeline project.最后,根据中国西气东输二线工程备选设计方案,确定了分析计算的基本参数,并用两种分析方法对中国西气东输二线工程备选设计方案的管道延性断裂止裂韧性进行了计算,结果表明,两种分析方法的分析结果是吻合的。


1.Research on Welding Technologies in Winter for West-East Gas Pipeline Project Ⅱ西气东输二线干线管道冬季焊接技术

2.The West-to-East Gas Pipeline Ⅱ being laid through the wet land西气东输二线输气管道在湿地中的敷设

3.Research on the Second West to East Pipeline Project Risk Management西气东输二线管道工程风险管理研究

4.Temperature control of construction of West-East Gas Transmission Pipeline No.2 in winter西气东输二线冬季施工焊接温度控制

5.Welding quality control of the section 9A of the West-East Gas Transmission Pipeline No.2西气东输二线9A标段焊接质量控制

6.Welding technology in winter of West to East Gas Pipeline Project Ⅱ西气东输二线工程冬季施工焊接技术

7.Study on Microstructure & Property of X80 Pipeline Steel Used in the Second West-East Gas Pipeline Project西气东输二线用X80管线钢组织—性能的研究

8.Development and application of X80 alloy steel pipe for Second West to East Gas Pipeline Project西气东输二线X80级管线钢的开发和应用

9.Development of High Nb X80 Grade Pipeline Steel Wide-thick Plate Used in the Second West to East Gas Pipeline Project西气东输二线用高Nb X80级管线钢宽厚板的开发

10.22 mm Thickness of X80 Plates Production for the Second West-to-East Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline by Using OHTP采用OHTP工艺生产西气东输二线用22mm厚X80钢板

11.Forming Machine Roller Beam Verification for Steel Pipe Production in the Second West to East Gas Pipeline Project生产西气东输二线钢管成型机辊梁的校验

12.Application of RMD Welding Technology in the Second West-to-East Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline ProjectRMD焊接技术在西气东输二线工程中的应用

13.Application of STT root welding in the second WEPP(West-East Pipeline Project)STT根焊在西气东输二线管道焊接工程中的应用

14.Welding technique features on the West-East pipeline project Ⅱ西气东输二线管道工程的焊接技术特点

15.Performance analysis and applicationin of automatic welding machines in the second WEGT project西气东输二线自动焊设备性能分析及应用

16.Root welding process of low hydrogen electrode in the Second West-East Gas Transmission Pipeline Project西气东输二线工程中的低氢焊条根焊技术

17.Training and engineering application of pipeline automatic welding technique in West-East Gas Transmission Pipeline No.2西气东输二线管道自动焊技术培训及工程应用

18.Research on X80 Pipeline Steel Semi-automatic Welding for West to East Gas Pipeline Ⅱ Project西气东输二线工程X80钢管半自动焊工艺研究


West-East Gas Pipeline second-line西气东输二线工程

1.Application of GPS RTK and Total Station in pipeline engineering survey——A case study ofWest-East Gas Pipeline second-line in wenmi,turpan;为了提高测量的精度和效率,在西气东输二线工程温米段的工程测量中,尝试着使用了RTK和全站仪技术结合的方法,用全站仪来补测RTK不易准确测量的路段。

3)the 2nd west-east pipeline project西气东输二线管道工程

4)the section 9A of the West-East Gas Transmission Pipeline西气东输二线9A标段

1.Welding quality control ofthe section 9A of the West-East Gas Transmission Pipeline No.2西气东输二线9A标段焊接质量控制

5)west_east gas transmission pipeline西气东输管线

1.The relationship between CTOA and crack_arrested length,the effects of operating pressure and wall thickness of pipeline on dynamic fracture and arrest of thewest_east gas transmission pipeline in China were analyzed by the use of.采用改进的计算方法和程序 ,结合西气东输管线 ,研究了CTOA与止裂长度的关系 ,分析了输送压力、管材壁厚等因素对西气东输管线动态断裂及止裂的影响。

6)West-East gas transmission西气东输

1.Strategic research on the exploitationand utilization of Huainan"s coal resource in cooperationwith "West-East Gas Transmission;接轨“西气东输”的淮南煤炭资源开发利用战略研究

2.Pipe jacking engineering under the Yellow River for the "West-East Gas Transmission" project;“西气东输”黄河顶管工程技术简介

prehensive study on the mechanics property of the west-east gas transmission pipeline is carried out based on great numbers of production testing data.以大量生产检验数据,对西气东输管线的力学性能进行了综合研究,并对其受包申格效应的影响情况进行了分析。


