1200字范文 > 血清定量检测 Quantitative detection of serum英语短句 例句大全

血清定量检测 Quantitative detection of serum英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-04 02:31:22


血清定量检测 Quantitative detection of serum英语短句 例句大全

血清定量检测,Quantitative detection of serum

1)Quantitative detection of serum血清定量检测

2)Quantitative assays for blood flow血流定量检测

3)serological detection血清学检测

1.Expression of the recombinant extracellular gene of LMP2A of Epstein-Barr virus in escherichia coli and its application inserological detection;EB病毒潜伏膜蛋白2A胞外区重组基因在大肠杆菌中的表达及其在血清学检测中的应用

2.An Serological Detection on Immunity and Infection Against Four Pig Diseases Causing Reproductive problems in Gansu province;甘肃省四种母猪繁殖障碍性疫病抗体血清学检测

3.10 pigs of different ages(45d, 55d, 65d, 75d, 85d, 100d, 120d, 140d, 150d, 170d) of each pig farm, a total of 400 pigs without vaccination of PRRS vaccine were elected bled forserological detection of PRRS.本研究是在周口市西华、郸城、淮阳、项城四个县/市,选择规模猪场4个,在各猪场的猪群中分别选择45d、55d、65d、75d、85d、100d、120d、140d、150d,170d未免疫PRRSV疫苗的猪,每个年龄段随机抽选10头,采血400份进行PRRS血清学检测。


1.ObjectiveTo establish the serological method for detection of porcine parvovirus(PPV).目的建立猪细小病毒血清学检测方法。

2.The Serological Detection and Electron Microcopic Observation of Foot and Mouth Disease Virus;口蹄疫病毒的血清学检测与电镜观察

3.The Serological Detection and PCR Identification of Goat Poxvirus;山羊痘病毒的血清学检测与PCR鉴定

4.Quarantine and Serological Detection of Main Diseases for Export Sugarcane Varieties出口甘蔗品种主要病害的检疫及血清学检测

5.Serological detection of syphilis from unpaid blood donors in Taian City.泰安市无偿献血人群梅毒血清学检测分析

6.Serological Determination of Haemphilus Parasuis Infection in Datong Area of Qinghai Province青海省大通地区副猪嗜血杆菌病的血清学检测

7.Clinical Analysis of Serological Examination Results from 570 Patients with Hyperbilirubinemia570例高胆红素血症血清学检测结果的临床分析

8.Study on Serological Eest and Epidemiology in Syphilis of 9900 Case STD Clinic Patients梅毒9900例患者流行病学及血清学检测结果分析

9.Studies on the Preparations of Antiserum and Serological Detection Techniques for Strawberry Pseudo Mild Yellow Edge Virus草莓伪温和黄边病毒抗血清制备及血清学检测技术研究

10.Analysis of results of promoting HIV detection and serological tests among MSM男男性行为人群艾滋病检测促进及血清学检测结果分析

parable Study of Liver Fibrosis Serum Examination and Liver Biopsy;肝脏纤维化血清学检测与肝脐病理的对照研究

12.The Evaluation and Study on the Strategy of Hepatitis C Virus Serological Test Background丙型肝炎病毒感染血清学检测策略研究与评价

13.Clinical significance of serologic examination in diagnosis of type 1 diabetes血清学检测在1型糖尿病诊断中的临床意义

14.The Discussion of Syphilis Serological Test and Infectivity Diagnosis of Entry-Exit Persons出入境人员梅毒血清学检测及传染性诊断分析

15.Analysis of Syphilis Serology Testing Strategies for Entry-Exit Persons出入境人员梅毒血清学检测策略的探讨

16.Serological Determination on Porcine Contagious Pleuropne-umonia of Huzhu Swine in Qinghai Province青海互助猪传染性胸膜肺炎的血清学检测

17.Analysis of serological results of 250 measles uncertain patients250例麻疹疑似病例血清学检测结果分析

18.Application of two breadboard methods in serologial screening of syphilis两种检测在梅毒血清学检查中的应用


Quantitative assays for blood flow血流定量检测

3)serological detection血清学检测

1.Expression of the recombinant extracellular gene of LMP2A of Epstein-Barr virus in escherichia coli and its application inserological detection;EB病毒潜伏膜蛋白2A胞外区重组基因在大肠杆菌中的表达及其在血清学检测中的应用

2.An Serological Detection on Immunity and Infection Against Four Pig Diseases Causing Reproductive problems in Gansu province;甘肃省四种母猪繁殖障碍性疫病抗体血清学检测

3.10 pigs of different ages(45d, 55d, 65d, 75d, 85d, 100d, 120d, 140d, 150d, 170d) of each pig farm, a total of 400 pigs without vaccination of PRRS vaccine were elected bled forserological detection of PRRS.本研究是在周口市西华、郸城、淮阳、项城四个县/市,选择规模猪场4个,在各猪场的猪群中分别选择45d、55d、65d、75d、85d、100d、120d、140d、150d,170d未免疫PRRSV疫苗的猪,每个年龄段随机抽选10头,采血400份进行PRRS血清学检测。

4)serological test血清学检测

1.[Methods] Serological tests results in lab of 1620 cases of tuberculosis were analyzed during —.结论结核病患者血清学检测结果表明,应关注结核病患者的健康状态,加强对结核病、乙型肝炎、艾滋病的联合防治。

5)Serologic detection血清学检测

6)serologic examination血清学检测

1.Objective To perform hemolytic disease of the newborn(HDN)serologic examination with microcolumn gel immunoassay,compare and analyze the efficiency of Coombs test,free IgG antibody test and antibody releasing test in diagnosis of HDN.目的采用微柱凝胶技术进行新生儿溶血病血清学检测,对新生儿直接抗人球蛋白试验、游离试验、放散试验的结果进行分析。


