1200字范文 > 珠江上游 the Upper Reaches of the Pearl River英语短句 例句大全

珠江上游 the Upper Reaches of the Pearl River英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-22 05:57:11


珠江上游 the Upper Reaches of the Pearl River英语短句 例句大全

珠江上游,the Upper Reaches of the Pearl River

1)the Upper Reaches of the Pearl River珠江上游

1.Taking the scientific concept of development as the guide,this article establishes an index system of early warning of ecological security in ethnic agricultural regions of the upper reaches of the Pearl River.珠江上游少数民族农业区域的生态安全形势严峻,其生态安全不仅事关本区域的经济社会可持续发展,而且影响珠江中下游地区(尤其是珠江三角洲地区)的经济社会可持续发展。

2.In vulnerable agricultural regions in China, such as the upper reaches of the Pearl River, the ecology worsens continuously with glaring ecological deficits.我国脆弱农村区域如珠江上游流域生态持续恶化,出现了明显的生态赤字,亟需建立一个可度量生态安全的指标体系,选取与农业区域生态安全密切相关的综合指标体系,测量、搜集相应的数据,进而计算区域生态状况和动态变化趋势,揭示社会、经济、环境之间的相互关系和矛盾,为政府部门相关的宏观管理和决策提供信息支持,从而引导政府落实可持续发展的思想,督促生态环境保护规划的实施。


1.On pearl river delta upstream district tourism commodity culture s abstraction;论珠江上游地区旅游商品文化的提炼

2.The Important Role of Key Enterprises in the Development of Circulative Economy in the Upper Reaches of Zhujiang River骨干企业在发展珠江上游循环经济中的作用

3.Investigation and Assessment of Land Utilization Condition in a Small Watershed of the Upper Reaches of Pearl River;珠江上游尖山河小流域土地利用调查与评价

4.Innovation and the Development of the Cyclical Economy along Upper Area of the Zhujiang River;自主创新与珠江上游地区循环经济发展

5.To Implement the Circulation Economic Idea During Advancing New Industrialization of Pearl River Upstream;循环经济理念在珠江上游新型工业化中的运用

6.Strengthening the construction of legal system and promoting the environment protection & the economy development of the upriver area in the Pearl River;加强法制建设 促进珠江上游经济环保整体发展

7.Norms of Economic Behaviour-A Fundamental Way for the Econogical Construction in the Upper Reaches of Zhujiang River;规范经济行为是珠江上游生态建设的根本途径

8.The Six Fundamental Transitions of the New-type Industrialized Process in the Upstream of the Zhujiang River;珠江上游地区推进新型工业化进程的六个根本性转变

9.Present Condition of Ecology in Agriculture Areas of Upper Reaches of Zhujiang River and Feasibility Study on Early Warning System of Ecological Safety;珠江上游农业区域生态现状及生态安全预警系统的可行性研究

10.A Study of the Forewarning Index System for Ecological Security in Vulnerable Agricultural Regions --The Case of the Upper Reaches of the Pearl River;脆弱农业区域生态安全预警指标体系研究——以珠江上游流域为例

11.Analysis and preventing countermeasure on rock-desertification phenomenon caused by soil erosion in region of upper reach of Pearl River珠江上游水土流失导致石漠化现象的分析及防治对策

12.Environmental Degradation and Ecological Reconstruction in the Upper Reaches of the Pearl River: A Social Project Approach珠江上游流域环境退化及生态重建的社会工程途径分析

13.Constructing System for the Harmonious Development of Ecology and Economy in the Upstream Area along Zhujiang River构建珠江上游地区生态与经济协调发展机制问题探析

14.Environmental protection industry is the point realm in economy cooperation in upper stream and downstream of the Pearl River;环保产业是珠江上下游经济合作的重点领域

15.On Cooperation of the Environment - friendly Economy among Regions along Zhujiang River Valley;试论珠江上中下游各区域间的生态经济合作

16.On the Culture of Rice in Oral Creations of Zhuang-dong Groupin Up-part of Zhu-jiang Valley in South of China;论华南—珠江流域中上游地区壮侗语族群口头创作的稻作文化内涵

17.Reflections on Economic Cooperation and Regrouping along Middle & Upper Reaches of Pearl River;对珠江中上游地区的经济合作与经济整合的思考

18.Exploitation of Jiangxi s Tourism Resources against the Background of the "Pan-Zhujiang Delta Regional Economic Cooperation";“泛珠”背景下的江西旅游资源开发研究


upper reaches of the Pearl River珠江上游

1.In order to probe into the accumulated environmental effect and ecological security of theupper reaches of the Pearl River,the authors choose Sandu Autonomous County of the Shuis as the base of the research and comprehensively asset the activities of this region since the founding of our(People"s) Republic of China from the angle of historical and present situations.为了探索珠江上游少数民族区域经济活动的累积环境效应与生态安全,我们选择三都水族自治县作为定位研究基地,对建国以来区域内经济活动变迁进行历史、现状研究和综合评估,揭示历史时期发展政策、发展模式、重大经济活动等人为扰动因素在区域生态环境系统退化过程中的作用,评估少数民族经济活动的累积环境效应与生态安全。

2.The pilot area of soil and water conservation integrated management project of Nanpan and Beipan rivers limestone region on theupper reaches of the Pearl River is the most severe soil and water loss area of the Pearl River basin.珠江上游南北盘江石灰岩地区水土保持综合治理试点工程项目区是珠江流域水土流失最严重的地区,有水土流失面积13003。

3)upper reaches of Pearl River珠江上游

1.Analysis on Karst rocky desertification inupper reaches of Pearl River based on remote sensing;珠江上游喀斯特地区土地石漠化现状遥感分析

2.In order to probe environmental effect and ecological security ofupper reaches of Pearl River,the author chooses Guanling autonomous county of the Buyi and Miao as a base of research and comprehensively assets activities of this region since 1978 from the angle of historical and present situation by using mathematic model and AHP.本文以珠江上游流域贵州省关岭布依族苗族自治县为研究对象,在建立了珠江上游流域县域生态安全预警指标体系基础上,利用数学模型和层次分析法(AHP),通过统计数据和调查问卷建立了生态安全预警评价数据库,在此基础上,探讨了1978年至期间该区域经济、社会和生态环境变迁、现状及其发展态势。

4)upper reaches of Zhujiang River珠江上游

1.On the basis of analysizing present condition of ecology in agriculture areas ofupper reaches of Zhujiang River, this article expounds importance of ecological safety to sustainable development and necessity of establishing forecast system of ecological safety.珠江上游地区农业人口众多 ,对生态环境依赖和压力很大。

5)upper area of Zhujiang River珠江上游地区

6)Pearl River Night Cruise珠江夜游


