1200字范文 > 平面构成 plane composition英语短句 例句大全

平面构成 plane composition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-04 13:35:44


平面构成 plane composition英语短句 例句大全

平面构成,plane composition

1)plane composition平面构成

1.By expatiating the respective characteristics of points, lines and surfaces which are the main elements ofplane composition, this paper specifically introduces the embodiment of each element in fashion design with a great number of illustrations.构成艺术是现代视觉传达艺术的基础理论,平面构成是构成艺术的一部分,是相对立体构成而言的。

2.This paper probes into the architectural modeling design from aspects of the architectural space andplane composition of the building,the image composition of the individual building,and the detailed treatment of the building,etc.从建筑物的建筑空间、建筑物的平面构成、个性建筑形象构成、建筑物的细部处理等方面对建筑造型设计进行了探究,指出建筑设计人员在设计实践中要大胆创新,只有发挥主创人的审美观和专业特长,才能为城市设计出更多、更好的精品。


1.On Basic Modeling Elements of Plane Form and Plane Figure Design;试论平面构成的基本造型要素与平面图形设计

2.Plane Composition and Figure Originality--Reflection on the Plane Composition Teaching Reform from the Practice of Traditional Chinese Figures;平面构成与图形创意——由中国传统图形反思平面构成教学改革

3.Discussion on the Teaching Methods about Planar Formation with Information Technology;信息技术下的平面构成教学方法探讨

4.Art of Abstract Form Beauty Nature:Plane Constitution;抽象出形式美本质的艺术——平面构成

5.Some Measures on Improving the Teaching of Plane Composition;关于优化“平面构成”教学的几点措施

6.An Analysis of a Survey of the Teaching Effect of Plane Formation Course;对《平面构成》课教学效果的问卷分析

puter, an Auxilliary Tool, in Plane Composition Teaching;新形势下平面构成的单元形教学初探

8.The Developing of "Two-Dimensional Composition" CAI Courseware;“平面构成”CAI课件的开发和制作

9.On the Use of Plane Constituted in the Modern Ceramic Art论平面构成在现代陶艺创作中的运用

10.Analysis and Definition of "Dot" and "Plane"in Planar Constituent from Visual Psychology;平面构成中“点”“面"的视觉心理学分析和界定

11.The basic courses for the major in art design consist of color composition, three-dimensional construction and planar formation.“平面构成”与“色彩构成”、“立体构成”组合成三大构成,是艺术设计专业的基础课。

12.The Application of Plane Constitute in the Modern Landscape Architecture;平面构成在现代景观设计中的应用探讨

13.The Formation of Plane Applying in Landscape Architecture;平面构成在现代景观设计中的应用研究

14.Application of Planar Basic Forms in Logo Design;平面构成的基本形式在标志设计中的应用

15.The Formation of Three-dimensional Space on Plane Advertisement Layout论平面广告版面中的三维空间构成

16.Research on the structure and construction for planar kinematic chains平面机构运动链的组成及其构造分析

17.A relational database comprises a set of well structured flat file.关系数据库便由结构式平面文件组成。

18.The Research on the Planar Integrated Magnetic Structure of the EMI Filter;EMI滤波器平面磁集成结构的研究


Plane construction平面构成

1.Design of forming plane construction based AutoCAD;基于AutoCAD的平面构成形式生成系统的设计

2.Introduce computeraided instruction into plane construction course;平面构成课程中引入计算机教学的思考

3)plane constitution平面构成

1.Analysis of condition and improving methods inplane constitution teaching;平面构成教学现状的分析与改进措施

2.This article from theplane constitution took one of three bigconstitutions, was in the artistic design specialized design teachingsystem foundation curriculum embarks, has analyzed the planeconstitution teaching present situation and the existence question, has pointed out the reformplane constitution discipline coursecontent and the teaching method rationalization proposal.本文从平面构成作为三大构成之一是艺术设计专业设计教学体系中的基础课程出发,分析了平面构成的教学现状与存在的问题,指出了改革平面构成学科教学内容和教学方法的合理化建议。

3.Based on analysis of the related documents this paper explores original relationship between garden and geometric art, and puts forward that constitution rules is one kind of abstract order, andplane constitution is the basis of the other correlation literature.本论文通过对相关文献的分析,探索了风景园林与几何抽象艺术的历史渊源,阐述了构成规律是一种抽象的秩序,而平面构成是其他构成的基础因素。

4)plane formation平面构成

1.Since the beginning of the establishment of the art design as an independent specialty,theplane formation course has been ranked as one of the required courses in all the universities and colleges of fine arts.自艺术设计成为独立的专业以来 ,《平面构成》课就一直被各艺术院校和大学艺术系列为必修课之一。

5)graphic form平面构成

1.It is doubtless that Westerngraphic form theories serve as a positive and enlightening complement condusive for the development and prosperity of Chinese painting.西方平面构成理论作为一种有益的补充,对于中国画的完善和发展,具有积极的推动作用。

6)plane graph formation平面构成学


