1200字范文 > 《南方周末》自由谈 free talk column of Southern Weekend英语短句 例句大全

《南方周末》自由谈 free talk column of Southern Weekend英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-01 12:54:04


《南方周末》自由谈 free talk column of Southern Weekend英语短句 例句大全

《南方周末》"自由谈","free talk" column of Southern Weekend

1)"free talk" column of Southern Weekend《南方周末》"自由谈"

2)Southern Weekly南方周末

1.The Agenda Setting and Cultural Aspirations ofSouthern Weekly;《南方周末》的议题设置与文化诉求

2.This paper select the representative "Southern Weekly" for example to analyze its year special issue characteristic from the aspects of report angle,inherited with the innovation,brand management strategy.本文选择具有代表性的《南方周末》为例,从报道角度、继承与创新、品牌化经营策略这几个方面分析了其年度特刊的特色,有针对性地提出一些建议。


1.Research on the Reporting Style of the People s Livelihoods News of Southern Weekend;《南方周末》民生新闻报道风格研究

2.The Narratological Analysis on the Critical Reports of Sonthern Weekend;《南方周末》批评性报道的叙事学分析

3.The Research of Reports on Farmers, Agriculture and Rural Areas from Southern Weekly;对《南方周末》“三农”报道的研究

4.The Research on the Change of Supplement Style of Nanfang Weekly;《南方周末》文化副刊风格转型研究

5.The Agenda Setting and Cultural Aspirations of Southern Weekly;《南方周末》的议题设置与文化诉求

6.The Study of News Conception and Agenda-setting of Nanfang Weekend;浅析《南方周末》的新闻理念与议题设置

7.A Subject Analysis of Higher Education News in South Weekend (1993-);《南方周末》1993-高等教育报道议题分析

8.Observing the Developing Direction of the News Report of Current Affairs and Politics from the Third Transformation of Southern Weekend;从《南方周末》的三次转型看中国时政媒体的发展方向

9.Agenda-setting of People Daily, South Weekend, Yangcheng Evening News on Hepatitis B Reports;《人民日报》、《南方周末》和《羊城晚报》关于乙肝报道的议题建构

10.Let the Weak Be Strong, and Let the Pessimistic March Forward--A Preliminary Exploration of the Southern Weekend s Page Correcting History;让无力者有力,让悲观者前行——《南方周末》二十年改版初探

11.A Study on Changes of Cultural Values in Printing Advertisements (1987~): To Take Southern Weekly as an Example;以《南方周末》为例看报纸广告中文化价值观的变迁(1987~)

12.How to think about legal system news report clearly;如何做好法制新闻报道的相关思考——从南方周末《还原马加爵》说开

13.Reporter: In[ July Rhapsody], we can hear many poems or writing of classic ancient Chinese literature, you arranged those on purpose?南方周末》(下简称“南”)《男人四十》中出现了很多古诗词和古代散文,是有意为之的吗?

14.Socialist “Conversation in Longzhong" at the End of the 20th Century;20世纪末社会主义的“隆中对”——纪念邓小平南方谈话发表10周年

15.Yunnan Gardens were launched for sale last weekend, and have received warm responses.上周末推出的云南园,获得良好的销售反应。

16.There are holidays in lieu of those public holidays which fall at weekends.在某些地方,上述的公众假日定在周末。

17.often took us somewhere in the city on the weekends.经常在周末带我们去城市的一些地方。

18.The Su Nan County and Country Vote of the Local Autonomy in the Late Qing Dynasty (1909-1911);清末苏南地方自治中的县乡选举(1909—1911)


Southern Weekly南方周末

1.The Agenda Setting and Cultural Aspirations ofSouthern Weekly;《南方周末》的议题设置与文化诉求

2.This paper select the representative "Southern Weekly" for example to analyze its year special issue characteristic from the aspects of report angle,inherited with the innovation,brand management strategy.本文选择具有代表性的《南方周末》为例,从报道角度、继承与创新、品牌化经营策略这几个方面分析了其年度特刊的特色,有针对性地提出一些建议。

3)Nanfang Weekend《南方周末》

1.The Study of News Conception and Agenda-setting ofNanfang Weekend;浅析《南方周末》的新闻理念与议题设置

2.Study on Interviewing Note ofNanfang Weekend;《南方周末》人物专访研究

3.The paper analyses the status quo of Investigative Reporting inNanfang Weekend, which is approximately the representative of Chinese media s level on Investigative Reporting.在此基础上,本文以我国在调查性报道领域有一定成就和代表性的媒体——《南方周末》为例,分析了该报全年调查性报道的现实状况,认为它存在如下问题:浅尝辄止,缺乏深入调查;对广东省特别是广州市的调查力度不够,闲置甚至浪费了部分新闻资源;整体表现欠佳,全年调查性报道缺乏亮点。

4)Southern Weekly《南方周末》

1.The Research of Reports on Farmers, Agriculture and Rural Areas fromSouthern Weekly;对《南方周末》“三农”报道的研究

2.A Study on Changes of Cultural Values in Printing Advertisements (1987~): To TakeSouthern Weekly as an Example;以《南方周末》为例看报纸广告中文化价值观的变迁(1987~)

3.Owning the largest circulation, the most printed pages, reliability and influence,Southern Weekly, as a weekly newspaper, is also one of most important newspapers in China, which represents the "civilian mouthpiece" distinguishing itself with spoken systems of Official Media.《南方周末》作为中国发行量最大、版数最多、公信力最强、影响最广的综合性新闻周报,也是中国最重要的报纸之一。

5)Southern Weekend南方周末

1.Research on the Reporting Style of the People s Livelihoods News ofSouthern Weekend;《南方周末》民生新闻报道风格研究

2.Observing the Developing Direction of the News Report of Current Affairs and Politics from the Third Transformation ofSouthern Weekend;从《南方周末》的三次转型看中国时政媒体的发展方向



