1200字范文 > 部分线性自回归模型 Partially linear autoregressive model英语短句 例句大全

部分线性自回归模型 Partially linear autoregressive model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-21 02:36:10


部分线性自回归模型 Partially linear autoregressive model英语短句 例句大全

部分线性自回归模型,Partially linear autoregressive model

1)Partially linear autoregressive model部分线性自回归模型

1.Based on kernel estimation of nonparametric function,the consistent estimator of the fourth moment of errors in partially linear autoregressive models is constructed.基于非参数函数的核估计,构造了部分线性自回归模型中误差四阶矩的相合估计,从而给出了误差方差核估计的渐近正态性,并通过模拟算例和实例说明了其应用。


1.Partially linear AR model of urban daily water demand城市日用水量预测的部分线性自回归模型

2.The Test for Heteroscedasticity of Partially Linear Autoregressive Models with an Exogenous Variable具有外生变量部分线性自回归模型的异方差检验

3.Partially Linear Autoregression Prediction Model of Chinese Coal Production;我国原煤产量的部分线性自回归预测模型

4.Partially Linear Autoregression Models Based on Wavelet Transform and Its Applications in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Market基于小波的部分线性自回归预测模型及其在沪深股市中的应用

5.Principal Components Estimate of Regression Coefficient of Multivariate Linear Regression Model;多元线性模型回归系数的主成分估计

6.Bayesian Predictive Analysis of the Multiple Linear Regression Model;多重线性回归模型的贝叶斯预报分析

7.Analysis to once basic linearity regression model by applying the Excel应用Excel对一元线性回归模型的分析

8.Estimating regression coefficients in linear models based on grouped data分组数据下线性回归模型的参数估计

9.classical normal linear regression model古典正态线性回归模型

10.multiple normal linear regression mode多重正态线性回归模型

11.stochastic assumption of linear regression model线性回归模型随机假设

12.Empirical Analysis on Partial Adjustment to Autoregressive Model of Capital Structure and its Endogenous Variants;资本结构部分调整自回归模型与其内生性变量的实证分析

13.The Ergodicity and Geometrical Ergodicity of A General Nonlinear Autoregressive Model一般非线性自回归模型的遍历性与几何遍历性

14.Principal Component Linear Regression Analysis on Performance of Applications主成分线性回归模型分析应用程序性能

15.Local Influence in Spatial Autoregressiom Model and Applications;空间自回归模型的局部影响分析和运用

16.Application of Subset Regression in Empirical Likelihood Inference of Linear Regression Model分块回归技术在线性回归模型经验似然推断中的应用

17.Linear Regression with Interval-Censored Covariate;自变量为区间删失型数据的线性回归分析

18.Statistical Analysis for Change-Point of Non-linear Regressions Model of Traffic Flow交通流非线性回归模型的变点统计分析


partly linear autoregressive model部分线性自回归模型

1.Piecewise polynomial estimates of error moments inpartly linear autoregressive models;部分线性自回归模型中误差矩的分段多项式估计

2.Apartly linear autoregressive model, in which explanatory variables in linear component consist of some lagged values of response variable but an explanatory variable in unknown nonparametric function is a general random variable, is considered.考虑一类部分线性自回归模型,其中,线性项中的解释变量为响应变量的滞后变量,未知非参数函数中的解释变量为一般随机变量。

3)partially linear regression model部分线性回归模型

1.Aim at the estimation of apartially linear regression model with errors in covariables,by using the empirical likelihood method,the proposed maximum empirical likelihood estimators of unknown parameters are proved to be asymptotically normal under some conditions.针对带有协变量误差的部分线性回归模型的估计问题,利用经验似然方法,在一定条件下,证明了所得到的未知参数的极大经验似然估计具有渐近正态性。

4)partially linear model(PLM)部分线性回归模型(PLM)

5)partial linear models部分线性回归模型

1.In the paper the robust one-step local M-estimates of the unknown function and the unknown parameters of thepartial linear models are discussed.讨论了部分线性回归模型的一步局部M-估计。

2.In the paper the robust M-estimates of the unknown function and the unknown parameter of thepartial linear models are discussed.本文讨论部分线性回归模型的M-估计。

6)partly autoregressive model部分自回归模型


