1200字范文 > 主体性话语 subjective discourse英语短句 例句大全

主体性话语 subjective discourse英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-20 23:25:37


主体性话语 subjective discourse英语短句 例句大全

主体性话语,subjective discourse

1)subjective discourse主体性话语

1.Therefore,constructingsubjective discourse about Chinese news history,we should set up Chinese problem consciousness and seek the discourse\"s appearing-path from the perspective of media subsistence .以戈公振的《中国报学史》和李龙牧的《中国新闻事业史稿》为代表的这两种研究范式都是一种历史叙述的"普世话语",放弃了"中国"新闻史的独特性,因此,建构中国新闻史主体性话语应树立中国问题意识,从媒介生存这个角度来探求这种话语的出场路径,立足于新闻自由,在与其他地域媒介生存经验的对比参照中参与全球对话。


1.On Epistolary Novel and the Making of ModernSubject as a Discourse in the West;近代西方书信体小说与主体性话语的建构

2.Reflection on Methodology of Construction of Subjective Discourse about Chinese News History建构中国新闻史主体性话语的方法论思考

3.A Study of the “Subjectivity of Literature” in the New Era;新时期“文学主体性”话语弥漫深层探析

4.The Return of Subjectivity:A Critical Discourse Analysis of Foreign Language Teacher Development;主体性形塑:外语教师发展旨趣的话语批判

5.Womanism and Alice Walker s Construction of Subject for Women;“妇女主义”和主体性建构——沃克文学写作对女性主义话语的突破

6.On Translator s Subjectivity from the Perspective of Aesthetic Reception and Power Discourse Theory;从接受美学和权力话语理论看译者主体性

7.Subjectivity,Discourse and Authority--the Cultural Thinking on Book Editor主体性 话语 权力——关于图书编辑的文化思考

8.The Language Appropriateness of Chinese TV Talking Program Hosts: A Pragmatic Perspective;从语用学角度看中国电视谈话节目主持人的语言得体性

9.The united form of individualism and universalism is modernity ethical discourse of Chinese aesthetics.中国美学现代性的伦理话语是个体主义与普遍主义的统一形态。

10.On Misunderstanding of Female Body Writing in China Popular Culture;女性主义女体书写的误读——从当代中国大众文化的身体话语谈起

11.Human Flesh Search:the Word Game in the Mainstream Media Context“人肉搜索”:主流媒体语境下的话语博弈

12.The ethical discourse of aesthetics embodies individualism or universalism or their complex correlation.在现代性语境下,美学的伦理话语主要表现为个体主义、普遍主义以及两者的复杂关系。

13.Subjectivity in English News Discourse: A Functional Approach;英语新闻话语主观性的功能视角研究

14.The Disunity and Rebellion to the Speech of Nationalism and the Male;对民族主义话语与男性话语的疏离与逆反

15.From Free Competition Right to Fair Competition Right--A Modernity Discourse on Competition Right of Market Subject;从自由竞争权到公平竞争权——市场主体竞争权的现代性话语

16.A cognitive approach to the semantic analysis and dialogic implications of self splitting in reminiscent narratives;回忆性叙事叙述主体分裂的认知语义暨对话意义分析

17.Male Poets:Deepener of Female Discourse--A Second Essay about the Poets of Tang Dynasty Imperial Palace Repining Poetry男诗人:女性话语的深化者——唐代宫怨诗创作主体考察之二

18.Female Words In Arts - from the Arts of Feminism从女性主义艺术看艺术中的女性话语


subjective discourse of female novelists女性主体性话语

3)Principal Part of Discourse话语主体

1.On News Source andPrincipal Part of Discourse;论新闻源与新闻的话语主体

2.Being brought about stereotype,the reading expectancy is thus the principal part of discourse in the misinterpretation of movie and TV serials.刻板印象导致阅读期待,是影视误读的真正话语主体。

4)discourse subject主体话语

1.The rationalization of both thediscourse subject and the subject discourse in the law interpretation is the certain premise of the law reasoning.法律解释中的话语主体和主体话语的理性化是法律论证的当然前提。

5)Feminist Body Discourse女性主义女体话语

6)discursive appropriateness话语得体性


