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汉英 Chinese and English英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-06 11:07:39


汉英 Chinese and English英语短句 例句大全

汉英,Chinese and English

1)Chinese and English汉英

1.The Usage of Comma and Period both inChinese and English and Chinese Students Misuses in English Writing;谈句逗在汉英语言中的使用


1.A Practical Computerized English-Chinese/Chinese-English Dictionary电脑与英语——实用电脑英汉/汉英词典

2.Review on "Chinese-English Dictionary", "Chinese-English Dictionary (by Wu Guang-hua)" and "New Age Chinese-English dictionary;试评《汉英词典》、《汉英大词典》与《新时代汉英大词典》

3.A Concordancer of Equivalent Words in English-Chinese/Chinese-English Parallel Corpora;英汉/汉英对译语料库对应词检索器

4.On Pragmatic Thinking in Cross-languages Communication;论跨语言(英汉/汉英)交际中的语用思考

5.The Course of Compilation and Study in E-C/C-E Bilingual Lexicography;英汉、汉英双语词典的编纂与研究历程

6.Semantic Adaptation of Chinese Loan Words and Their Translation in Chinese-English Dictionaries;外来词的词义汉化和汉英词典的英译

7.Contrastive Study of Noun Usage Between Chinese and English and the Accuracy in Translation from Chinese into English汉英名词习惯用法与汉译英的准确性

8.Chinglish in the Translation of Chinese into Engilsh by Analysing the Sematic Structures;从汉英语义结构的角度看汉译英中的中式英语

9.It is easier to translate from English into Chinese than from Chinese into English .英译汉要比汉译英容易。

10.Applicability of Transference in E-C and C-E Translation--Applicability of Newmark s Translation Procedures in E-C and C-E Translation;英译汉与汉译英中迁移的应用(英文)

11.Contrastive Studies of English and Chinese andTranslation Teaching in Colleges;英汉语对比和大学英语英汉翻译教学

12.Chinglish in Chinese-English Translation and Negative Transfer汉译英中的“中式英语”与汉语负迁移

13.About Influence of Chinese on English Writing by Analyzing Differences between English and Chinese从英汉差异看汉语对英语写作的影响

14.A Contrastive Analysis of Cohesion in E/C Computer Texts and E/C Translation;英汉计算机语篇衔接对比及英汉翻译

15.Discussions of E/C Translation of Idioms from Cultural Difference;从英汉文化差异浅议英汉成语的翻译

parative Study of Chinese and English Comparative Study of Chinese and English Verbs;英汉语言对比研究——英、汉动词对比分析

17.The Difference Between English and Chinese Expressions as Regards the Translation from English into Chinese;从英译汉看英汉两种语言的表达差异

18.An Approach to the Cultural Differences between English and Chinese by Studying the Sources of Their Habitual Expressions;从英汉习语来源看英汉民族文化差异



1.Some Problems Existing in CurrentChinese-English Dictionaries of TCM Nouns;目前汉英中医名词词典存在的一些问题

2.The Difference ofChinese-English Thinking and the Translation of Science and Technology;汉英思维差异与科技翻译

3)English and Chinese英汉

parison of Connotations of Some Color Words inEnglish and Chinese;英汉基本颜色词的内涵对比

2.The effects of the differences betweenEnglish and Chinese thought patterns on English composition;英汉思维模式差异对英语写作的影响

3.On the Cultural Differences inEnglish and Chinese Expressions;英汉表达及文化差异拾零


1.English-Chinese Contrastive Study on the Metaphor of Bigand Small;“大”、“小”隐喻英汉对比分析

2.The Analysis and Application of the Teacher sEnglish-Chinese Code-switching in English Classroom;英汉语码转换在英语课堂上的应用分析

5)Chinese and English英汉

1.Contrastive Study of Pseudokinship Terms betweenChinese and English and Their Translation;英汉拟亲属称谓的对比及其翻译

2.The similarities between the vehicles inChinese and English reveal that people from different nations share the general and common knowledge about the world.通过对英汉两种语言中比喻喻体的比较与分析,可以进一步佐证语言是文化和思维的载体。

6)EC/CE interpreting英汉、汉英互译


