1200字范文 > 风浪 wind wave英语短句 例句大全

风浪 wind wave英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-26 08:55:53


风浪 wind wave英语短句 例句大全

风浪,wind wave

1)wind wave风浪

1.Experimental study onwind wave induced pore pressure response in reservoir bank;风浪作用下库岸孔隙水压力响应试验研究

2.Preliminary study on the effect ofwind wave development on sea surface wind stress coefficient;风浪状态对海面风应力影响的初步研究

3.Characteristic analysis ofwind waves induced by Typhoon Haitang (0505)“海棠”台风风浪场分析


1.Numerical Simulation of Waves in Bohai Sea and Research on the Influence of Swells on Wind Waves渤海海浪的数值模拟和涌浪对风浪影响的研究

2.a combat with difficulties (wind and waves; an enemy)与困难(风浪、敌人)搏斗

3.The sailors battled with the winds and waves.水手们与风浪搏斗。

4.They battled with the winds and waves.他们与风浪进行搏斗。

5.Waves were tossing the ship.风浪使船颠簸个不停。

6.The ship was driven on to the rocks.船(被风浪打得)触礁了。

7.Our ship made head against the wind and waves.我们的船顶着风浪前进。

8.The ship lived in the storm.这船没有在风浪中沉没。

9.Waves tossed the boat.风浪使那只船上下颠簸。

10.The sea got up at dawn黎明时海上风浪大作。

11.The sea is quite lively today.今天海面风浪很大.

12.They were Battling with the winds and waves.他们在和风浪搏斗。

13.However, the Storm was so violent,这时风浪更加凶猛了,

14.fair weather ship经受不住大风浪的船

15.heavy weather navigation operating mode management大风浪航行工况管理

16.As they say, @There is no smoke without fire.俗云:“无风不起浪。”

17.After the storm it was calm.暴风雨过后风平浪静。

18.To engage in windsurfing.风帆冲浪参加风帆冲浪运动


wind and wave风浪

1.After the Yangtse gorges shed area stores water normally, wind region length will increase andwind and wave will increase highly too.三峡库区正常蓄水后风区长度会大幅增加,风浪波高也随之增加,为寻求适合库区正常蓄水后的风浪波要素计算方法,通过对国内外常用计算风浪波要素公式的研究分析,提出的官厅公式适合于库区大范围的风浪要素计算,计算结果与实际情况吻合良好。

3)wind waves风浪

1.Firstly using the experiment data of underwater circular shoal to test the model,then the model was applied to predict steadywind waves and "9711" typhoon waves in the Rudong sea area in Jiangsu Province.先选用水下圆形浅滩试验对模型进行验证计算,再对江苏如东附近海域在定常风和“9711”号台风作用下的波浪场进行了模拟,通过与现场测量结果的比较,表明SWAN模型可以较合理地反映江苏如东附近海域在定常风和“9711”号台风作用下风浪的成长和传播过程。


1.Understanding the regular and characteristics ofstorm and climate of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea is significance for shipping, seawork, harbor construction, offshore petroleum exploration, military affairs and some other operating activities at sea.了解掌握黄渤海风浪气候规律和特征,对于海上运输、海域工程施工及港口建设、石油钻井开采、军事和海上生产活动等,均有着重要意义;同时,加强海洋气候的科学研究,提高海浪预报准确率,对于减少海洋气象灾害也有着十分显著的经济和社会效益。

2.Accordingly,such working criteria asstorm,loading,constraint and shipping are considered for their influences on working conditions.介绍了在设计计算中如何考虑风浪、约束条件、起吊载荷、船运等多种因素对结构分析工况的影响,并使用有限元方法,针对主、副钩联动作业的巨型浮式起重机进行了完整的设计分析。


1.Calculation of ship propeller s thrust change inwaves;风浪中螺旋桨推力损失计算

2.This paper introduces a movement feature analysis method of buoy using statistics theory It was used to design a kind of buoy and optimized its movement feature in wav通过统计分析方法 ,提出了浮标在风浪中的运动频谱特性。

6)typhoon wind wave台风风浪

1.,this article puts forth a computation method for thetyphoon wind wave in shallow water regions which are affected by the coast and islands (including the bay region).在我国港口工程技术规范的波浪成长理论基础上,考虑到台风波浪的基本特点、等效水深的概念、浅水区波浪的折射、不规则波的能量分布特性、受陆岸和岛屿影响角度范围内的有效能量风区长度等因素,提出了受陆岸、岛屿影响浅水区(包括海湾区)台风风浪的计算方案。


