1200字范文 > 黄河下游 the lower Yellow River英语短句 例句大全

黄河下游 the lower Yellow River英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-19 14:05:17


黄河下游 the lower Yellow River英语短句 例句大全

黄河下游,the lower Yellow River

1)the lower Yellow River黄河下游

1.Minimum water demand for ecosystem protection in the Lower Yellow River;黄河下游河流最小生态环境需水量初步研究

2.Harm and prevention of wind-driven sediment on environment of irrigation areas in the Lower Yellow River;黄河下游引黄灌区风沙运动对环境的危害与防治

3.Variation of bank-full area at Gaocun station in the Lower Yellow River;黄河下游高村站平滩面积变化分析


1.Channel of the Lower Reaches of the Yellow River in the Qing Dynasty Prior to the Change of Course at Tongwaxiang清代铜瓦厢改道前的黄河下游河道

2.A Study on the Fluvial Process of the Lower Yellow River in the Last 30 Years;黄河下游近30年河道演变规律研究

3.Numerical Simulation Study on Improvement Project in the Lower Reaches of the Yellow River;黄河下游河道治理方案数学模拟研究

4.The Strategies of the Distributary, Sediment Ejection and Regulation of the river--Take the downstream of the yellow River as an example;分流放淤治河之策——以黄河下游为例

5.Study on Temporal and Spatial Distribution Law of Scour and Fill of the Lower Yellow River Channel黄河下游河道冲淤时空分布规律研究

6.Influence of Silt-Discharge Condition of the Lower Yellow River to the Scour and Fill of the Channel黄河下游水沙条件对河道冲淤的影响

7.Cultivation of Land in the Loess Plateau and Aggradation of the Lower Yellow River in the Northern Song Dynasty北宋时期黄土高原的土地开垦与黄河下游河患

8.Influence of Silt-Discharge Condition to Braided Channel of the Lower Yellow River水沙条件对黄河下游游荡型河道的影响

9.Application of Flow Path Equation of Winding Bend to the River Training Works on the Lower Yellow River河湾流路方程在黄河下游河道整治中的应用

10.Responses of Longitudinal Profile and Cross Sections to Variations of Incoming Runoff and Sediment Load in the Lower Yellow River;水沙变异条件下黄河下游河道纵横剖面的响应

11.Predictive diagnosis of groundwater environment health in Henan section of lower yellow river黄河下游河南段地下水环境健康预警诊断

12.Lower Yellow River was safe during ice run in 1989-1990黄河下游安度1989—1990年凌汛

13.Research on the No Flow in the Lower Yellow River Based on Matlab;基于MATLAB的黄河下游断流防治研究

14.The Applied Research of GIS Technology in Flood Hazard Mitigation in the Lower Reaches of the Yellow River;GIS在黄河下游防洪减灾的应用研究

15.Psychological requirements for safety of residents in floodplains in lower reaches of the Yellow River;黄河下游滩区居民对安全的心理需求

16.On Building a System of Water Rights in the Stem Lower Yellow River;黄河下游干流水权体系建设问题探讨

17.Analysis on Seepage of Saturated and Unsaturated Soil of Embankments on the Lower Yellow River黄河下游大堤饱和-非饱和土渗流分析

18.Analysis on Sensibility of Multi-Factor of Embankment Slope of the Lower Yellow River黄河下游堤防边坡多因素敏感性分析


lower Yellow River黄河下游

1.Historical sediment-related disasters in thelower Yellow River in relation with drainage basin factors (Ⅰ): influence of climate and vegetation;黄河下游历史泥沙灾害的宏观特征及其与流域因素及人类活动的关系(Ⅰ)──历史气候及植被因素的影响

2.Historical sediment-related disasters in thelower Yellow River in relation with drainage basin factors(Ⅱ): influence of human activities, earthquakes and landforms;黄河下游历史泥沙灾害的宏观特征及其与流域因素和人类活动的关系(Ⅱ)──人类活动、历史地震及地形因子的影响

3.Processes and characteristics of recent channel adjustment in the Lower Yellow River;近期黄河下游河床调整过程及特点

3)lower reaches of the Yellow River黄河下游

1.Environmental impact assessment of river course harness for wandering river sections inlower reaches of the Yellow River;黄河下游游荡性河段河道整治工程环境影响评价

2.Psychological studies of residents in floodplains oflower reaches of the Yellow River;开展黄河下游滩区居民心理研究的现实意义

3.Investigation of reasons of ice jam in thelower reaches of the Yellow River in - and countermeasures;—度黄河下游冰塞成因及对策分析

4)lower reaches of Yellow River黄河下游

1.Protective countermeasures of wetland natural reserve areas inlower reaches of Yellow River;黄河下游沿岸湿地自然保护区的保护对策

2.Engineering geological problems of foundation pits of floodgates in thelower reaches of Yellow River;黄河下游涵闸基坑的主要工程地质问题

3.Research on compensation policy for beach area inlower reaches of Yellow River;黄河下游滩区运用补偿政策研究

5)the lower reaches of the Yellow River黄河下游

1.Study on calculation method about exchanging between suspended load and bed load inthe lower reaches of the Yellow River;黄河下游河道悬移质泥沙与床沙交换计算研究

2.This paper utilizes the flood routing mathematic model inthe lower reaches of the Yellow River and develops a real-time tracking simulation.本文采用黄河下游河道洪水演进数学模型,开展了2002年汛期小浪底水库调水调沙下游河道洪水演进与河床冲淤演变时实跟踪计算,计算结果与调水调沙后整编的实测资料对比分析发现,该模型能够较准确复演天然河道的水沙演进与河床冲淤演变过程,可以在黄河下游河道洪水演进及河床冲淤演变预测中应用。

3.Based on analyzing potentialities of resources of the land, trees and wetlands and demands of timber, fruits and forest tourism, some developing countermeasures are put forward inthe lower reaches of the Yellow River in Henan.从河南黄河下游自然和社会经济情况入手,在深入分析林业综合开发的土地、树种、湿地资源潜力以及木材、经济林产品和森林旅游需求的基础上,提出了河南黄河下游林业发展对策;对林业综合开发的投资和效益进行了初步探讨。

6)the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River黄河中下游

1.The region ofthe middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River,being located in the transitional region of the ecological environment,was warm,humid, and its soil was soft and fertile, all that benefit the origin of the agriculture.处在南北交接“生态过渡带”的黄河中下游地区,气候温暖湿润,植物繁茂,动物众多,水源充足,黄土疏松肥沃,这些适宜的生态环境为农业的孕育起源提供了得天独厚的温床。

2.Minimum ecological flow,appropriate ecological flow and ecological flow during flood period and the ecological flow regime inthe middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River are calculated and studied respectively for maintaining river scale(avoid flow-breaking or drying-up),sustaining the basic integrality of aquatic species and preventing the river sediment accumulation.根据黄河流域生态需水的特点,将研究重点放在中下游河道,选择黄河中下游及部分支流的主要控制断面研究黄河流域河道内生态需水。


长江中下游平原自然资源长江中下游平原自然资源natural resources of Changjiang zhongxiayou plainehangiiang zhongxiayou Pingyuan ziran ziyuan长江中下游平原自然资源(natural resou职esofChan却ang而d山e一助wer plain)长江中下游平原位于黄淮海平原以东,江南与东南沿海山地丘陵以北,长江三峡以东地区。主要由长江及其两岸支流冲积而成,包括江汉平原、洞庭湖平原、都阳湖平原、皖中沿江平原、里下河平原及长江三角洲平原,大部分地区海拔低于50米,面积约20万平方千米。全区位于亚热带范围,年均温14~18℃,1月均温O~5.5℃,7月均温27~28℃;年降水量1(XX)~1500毫米,比华北平原多1~2倍,季节分配较均匀;无霜期Zro~270天,〕ro℃积温达45(X)、5以叉)℃。作物可一年两熟,长江以南可发展双季稻连作的三熟制。土层深厚,有机质含量丰富,水田占耕地面积的70%左右。江河沿岸稍高处,土质疏松,排水良好,适宜棉田早作,是中国最重要的粮棉油生产基地。长江天然水系及纵横交错的人工河渠,使这里成为中国河网密度最大的地区,平均1~2千米/平方千米,其中杭嘉湖平原高达12千米/平方千米。境内湖泊星罗棋布,是中国淡水湖泊分布最稠密地区。中国5大淡水湖泊中有4个分布在这里。它们是都阳湖、洞庭湖、太湖、巢湖。其中太湖地区共有大小湖泊(大于0.5平方千米)189个,水域面积占总面积的8.%%,高于全国湖泊率(0.83)的10倍。湖沼地区有丰富的水生生物资源,是中国水生动植物分布最广、产量最丰的地区。保存有中华鳃、扬子鳄、白暨豚等珍稀动物。平原境内长江干流及其众多的大小支流,河长水丰,汉江等河段落差大,适宜建水电坝址,进行多级开发。宜昌至河口段水能蕴藏量为4944.5万千瓦。尤以湖北省境内各河段水能资源格外丰富,长江和汉江过境流量800亿立方米,水能蕴藏量达40以〕万千瓦,仅次于川、滇、藏,居全国第四位,且各水系流域雨季时空分布不一,修建电站可借助长江、汉江丰枯期的先后,进行相互调剂补偿。矿产资源不多。鄂东大冶、宁(南京)芜(湖)及湘中涟源一带分别是中国著名铁矿和锰矿分布地区。(冯嘉苹)
