1200字范文 > 倍数 multiple英语短句 例句大全

倍数 multiple英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-16 06:22:56


倍数 multiple英语短句 例句大全



1.The exact translation method ofmultiple in English forscience and technology;科技英语中倍数的准确翻译法

paration and translation ofmultiple between English and Chinese英汉语言倍数的比较和翻译

3.Numerals consist of cardinal, ordinal, fraction andmultiple numerals.机械专业中数词的使用非常频繁,日语数词的用法与汉语大体相同,分为基数词和序数词,还有分数和倍数等,但是由于表达习惯的差异,在翻译时需要注意一些问题。


1.method of multiple stimuli倍数刺激法倍数刺激法

2.Having a chromosome number that is an exact multiple of the haploid number for the species.整倍体的恰好是单倍体数的倍数的染色体的

3.Code for design of high and medium expansion foam fire extinguishing systems高倍数、中倍数泡沫灭火系统设计规范

4.Times Interest Earned Ratio利息保障倍数、赚得利息倍数

5.a number used as a multiplier in scaling.在比例中作为倍数的数。

6.Five times as much, as many, or as large.五倍的五倍数量或大小的

7.A multiple of the basic number of chromosomes in a cell.倍数性一个细胞中染色体基本数目的倍数

8.A number or quantity three times as great as another.三倍数,三倍量一个数或量是另一个数或量的三倍

9.a common denominator/factor/multiple公分母/公因子/公倍数

10.lowest [ least ] common multiple最小公倍数(略L, C, M.)14

11.pore volume injected注入的孔隙体积倍数

12.14, 21 and 28 are multiples of 7.14、 21、 28都是7的倍数.

13.4, 6, and 12 are multiples of 24、6、12都是2的倍数

14.An exact multiple of the haploid number is called euploid.确切的单倍体数目倍增被称为整倍体。

15.A quantity eight times as great as another.八倍的数量一个是另一个八倍的数量

16.having a chromosome number that is not an exact multiple of the haploid number.染色体数不是单倍体的整数倍。

17.Having a chromosome number that is not a multiple of the haploid number for the species.非整倍的染色体数不是单倍体的整多倍的

18.Aneuploid describes chromosome numbers which are not multiples of the haploid number (n).非整倍体所描述是单倍体数目(n)并非成倍增加。


numeral multipling function倍数函数

1.This paper discusses some application cases of the error propagation law by the examples of trigonometrical survey, and presents that not only sum function andnumeral multipling function in which there is only one independent observed value but also more complex functions which are equal in mathematics are not opposite in the process of error propagation according to the error propagation law.本文结合三角测量的实例对误差传播定律一些应用问题进行了讨论,指出当只有一个独立的观测值时,和函数与倍数函数运用误差传播定律不会出现悖论;采用数学中更为复杂的恒等函数关系式中不同的算式求解相同观测值的函数值,运用误差传播定律也不会出现悖论。

3)rising times升高倍数

4)concentration multiple浓缩倍数

1.Preliminary approach to the circulating waterconcentration multiple increasing of Taxinan Petrochemical Plant;塔西南石化厂循环水提高浓缩倍数初探

2.Measures of raisingconcentration multiple of the circulating water;提高循环水浓缩倍数的措施

3.The measures for improving theconcentration multiple of the cooling water in cooling tower;提高冷却塔循环水浓缩倍数的技术措施

5)Draft Multiple牵伸倍数

1.Influences of Nesting ZoneDraft Multiple on Compact Yarn Quality;集聚区牵伸倍数对紧密纱质量的影响

2.Discussion of Relation of FilamentDraft Multiple and Rotor Complex Yarn Structure;长丝牵伸倍数与转杯复合纱结构关系的探讨

3.Influence ofDraft Multiple in Nesting Zone on Comprehensive Performance of Compact Yarn集聚区牵伸倍数对紧密纱综合性能的影响

6)draw ratio拉伸倍数

1.The results showed that match of the spin pump"s throughput and the take-up speed,condition of cooling and fiber forming,stretching and thermosetting temperature and afterdraw ratio would effect the quality of CDP staple fibre.结果表明:泵供量与卷绕速度的匹配、冷却成形条件、水浴与热定形温度和后拉伸倍数等因素直接影响阳离子可染涤纶短纤维的质量。

2.The article investigated the influence ofdraw ratio on the physical properties of nylon-66 industrial yarn.研究了拉伸倍数对尼龙66工业丝物理性能指标的影响。

3.8 m/s,draw ratio 5.8m/s ,拉伸倍数 5 。


倍数倍数multiple倍数【nlul‘冰;印。oe],自然数a的可被a整除的自然数(见除法(dl姑ion)).同时可被每个数a,b,…,。整除的数n,称为这些数的公倍数(con卫刀011功山tiPje).在两个或多个数的一切公倍数中,有一个(不为零)是最小的,称为最小公倍数(fo毗tco~n multiPle),其他公倍数都是最小公倍数的倍数.如果已知两个数a和b的最大公因数(g暇正比t~ndi此or)d,则最小公倍数m可由公式。=ab/d求得.
